The FBI knew in 2021 that the COVID virus was bioengineered and didn’t tell President Biden. Of course they knew- I posted back in 2022 that the Federal government knew the virus was engineered using a segment of genetic material that was patented by Moderna back in 2016. The artificial genetic sequence is what gives this virus the particular affinity for human lung tissue that it has. The evidence is obvious- the virus is a bioweapon that was either accidentally or intentionally released into the wild. There can be no other explanation.
Since we also know that Fauci and our own government was funding this research, we can also conclude that our own government killed millions of people. Whether this was caused intentionally, or through large scale incompetence remains unclear, but in either case, it is painfully obvious that our government handles power in much the same way as a couple of four year old children who are playing in their father’s gun cabinet.
Barefoot Peckerwood · December 30, 2024 at 9:06 am
While folks condem Luigi, I’m surprised more of this hasnt happened by people who have had family members killed by staff/.gov people who ” were following orders”
Divemedic · December 30, 2024 at 10:32 am
That’s total bullshit. No one is telling anyone that they can’t have medical care. Insurance is saying that there are things that aren’t covered, but that isn’t the same thing.
Show me evidence of anyone who arrives at any emergency room in the country and is denied emergency care.
For nonemergent cases, there is no such thing as a free lunch, and there are only two ways to make health care free for everyone:
1 Require medical providers to work for free
2 Have the government take the money from your paychecks to pay for everyone’s care.
JP_IN_MI · December 30, 2024 at 11:23 am
Maybe I’m wrong but it seems like Barefoot Peckerwood was referring to the medical malfeasance committed by government and medical personnel during the covid “pandemic” and not specifically to people being denied ER care today… For example, tens of thousands of folks in nursing homes died – unnecessarily – as a direct result of 6 or 7 mostly blue state governers forcing covid-infected patients to be housed in those nursing homes. Also the nursing home staff that went along with those orders who are just as responsible for those deaths.
How about all the covid patients who died in hospitals after being denied treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin?(But were put on remdesivir instead). My
horrible Michigan governor even signed an executive order which called for revoking the license of any pharmacist who dispensed hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of covid.
And it’s an undeniable fact that many people were denied life-saving organ transplants by hospital staff for not having been jabbed.
Divemedic · December 30, 2024 at 12:26 pm
While your cases are all true, he specifically referred to the murder of an insurance company CEO whose only “crime” was telling someone that they were going to deny coverage of certain procedures.
Barefoot Peckerwood · December 30, 2024 at 3:40 pm
Maybe you misunderstood. People who’s family members died because of care such as what we saw during COVID. Substandard care, conflicting prescriptions, etc.
My comment wasn’t directed at you.or your given care, merely a obervation.
Noway2 · December 30, 2024 at 10:24 am
There are a whole host of characters, including Fauci, Ralph Baric at UNC-CH, the guys behind echo health silence, and others who need to be put up against a wall and shot.
Except for the way it would escalate, we’d also be justified in nuking China for it.
Starting back in 2020, I followed Chris Martensen and got a lot of comfort in watching his near daily updates on the real science, not the BS democrats call science. It was obvious that it was a bioweapon as soon as it was discovered that it was the RAT-G13 bat virus with a PRRA insertion between the S1 and S2 region giving it the affinity you mentioned. Mutations don’t occur like that, especially when it means bats wouldn’t be susceptible to a bat virus anymore.
SoCoRuss · December 30, 2024 at 12:27 pm
Might as well move on so we can all just get along. All that old stuff is just water under the bridge. Onward to Democracy..
Does anyone actually think there will ever be “Justice” in this country ever again? When do you “think” you may have remembered the last time justice existed as a force in the FUSA?
I’m sorry DM but maybe the type of Justice Luigi doled out is the only way now. And yes I do have lots of issues with that shooting and the assumed public narrative. But maybe Che had it right and FOCO justice must be the new payback from the people? What a sad statement on this country.
Divemedic · December 30, 2024 at 12:43 pm
Killing that CEO is less about justice than it is about socialism. Communists have always been willing to kill people in order to get free shit.
Dirty Dingus McGee · December 30, 2024 at 5:02 pm
From the outset I was skeptical about all the “we’re all gonna die” proclamations. As the months passed I became even more convinced it was NOT a naturally mutated flu. And the medical community response was all over the map, often depending on where you lived. In the rural south where I live, it was mostly lax. Some places were mask required, most not. Getting the vax was also pretty spotty, most folks skipped it. As time has passed, many who did take a vax, realized they had been lied to from the onset, both about the virus AND the cure. Only because of whistleblowers and non legacy media did any of the actual facts come out and gradually more folks found out the truth. And a lot of those folks got PISSED . My dad was one. He got the vax, wouldn’t let anyone near him that wasn’t wearing a mask, mostly became a hermit for several months. By late 2020 he was coming to the realization that he had been lied to. I guess the biggest takeaway from the whole debacle is there are now many more who lost any trust in the government.
And out of the couple hundred folks I know both professionally and personally, exactly 2 died from the Kung Flu. More have died from other causes, wrecks, heart failure, cancer than the virus.
Phil B · December 31, 2024 at 4:02 am
Don’t forget, the social distancing rules depended on whether you got the Metric version or the Imperial version of Covid. Metric required a separation of 2 metres (6 feet, six and three quarters inches) but the Imperial version was 6 feet only (1 metre 83 centimetres).
Was the metric version far more dangerous than the Imperial one? It must have been as the science was absolutely correct …
Gryphon · December 31, 2024 at 4:45 pm
One thing being Overlooked by most people who talk about the Covid-19 Scam is the FACT that the Russian Army, right from the beginning of the ‘ukraine operation’ had a List of Locations where U.S. Funded and Operated (from the Biowar Lab at Ft. Detrick Md) Illegal Biowar Laboratories, also partly ‘funded’ by Gates and (((fauchi))), in The ukraine.
Russian Troops raided and took over about 30 Locations; Paratroopers and Helicopter-Borne Forces secured the Facilityies, and NBC Troops came in and assesed what was found there. GUR (Military Intelligence) Cataloged vast amounts of Data showing the Intentional Research and Production of Biological Weapons – including “COVID-19” ™. Documents showed Direct Links to Fort Detrick, and ‘Pharmaceutical-Industrial Complex’ entities such as (((phizer))) and another outfit that Hunter Biden was a ‘Board of Directors’ member of.
After Documenting these ‘War Crimes’, the NBC Troops methodically Destroyed, by Incineration, thousands of Gallons of Bioweapon Slime, and then the Facilities were Incinerated with some of the heaviest Thermobaric Bombs in the Russian Arsenals. The only thing they didn’t do was Kill Every Criminal at those places, from the ‘scientists’ to the Janitors.
So, is there any wonder why the CIA/MI-6/Mossad just Murdered the Rus General in charge of the NBC Troops? Billions of $hekel$ of Biowar Slime and Equipment Ruined, perhaps? You can look up all this Documentation on the Russian MOD Websites, it is all “Public Information” even though the (((media))) Ignores/Denys it.
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