When you were a kid and played games with other kids, there was always one who decided to cheat. Ever tried to play monopoly when the cheater was the banker? The only thing that can be done is either cheat better, or refuse to play.

There is no longer any such thing as fair government. Everything that the government does is weaponized lawfare. Gun stores being sued into bankruptcy. Or having their ability to accept credit cards taken from them. Fined and shut down because someone misspelled a word on a 4473. Unlike childhood games, you can’t refuse to play.

That’s why I love the fact that Florida just fined an abortion clinic enough money to put them out of business. It’s winner take all. Cry harder, bitches. You don’t like government, the courts, and business being weaponized?

Wait until you see what comes next- weapons being weaponized.

Categories: Gaming the Courts


Fido · August 15, 2023 at 4:11 pm

To the extent that we can, we *should* refuse to play.

With sufficient time and creativity, it is possible for some of us to quite nearly remove ourselves from their game. Galt.

They *are* trying to kill us though, and many freely say so. Those of us for whom enslavement is not possible, need to be prepared to fight on any and all fronts conceivable, and by all means available, as it’s the last thing we can do.

Big Ruckus D · August 15, 2023 at 4:46 pm

Indeed. Very nearly all means of avoidance have now been closed off to people who either already are, or will be, intended victims of the system. And the system never tires of hunting (or creating as needed) victims to abuse. All reasonable pressure relief valves are also being eliminated.

Once the squeeze gets too severe, a blow off will take place. And they know this, which is why they are trying to prepare the battle space for handling that eventuality (enactment of gun control measures, censoring speech, etc.) Those preps will be minimally effective, and then only at the margins. These arrogant pricks believe they have achieved a level of control that will prove largely illusory.

Present case aside, now that the judiciary is no longer a believable or reliable option for seeking relief (any remaining belief that is can be is a delusion rooted in denial of observable reality), and the left end of the political spectrum controls it for their own benefit and flagrant misuse against any who dare to dissent. Therefore, what else is left for those who refuse to capitulate? Either accepting death as the only way out of a torturous existence and likely death anyway, or choosing to impose a death tax on the ones committing the abuses and doing the persecuting. The latter may well result in one dying anyway, but at least one will gain the satisfaction of having imposed a steep cost on those imposing the abuse heaped on them.

There is no third way, as those who have self appointed themselves the arbiters of all human thought and endeavor will never cede the power they wish to exercise to nefarious ends, it will have to be forcibly taken from them. At some as yet undefined point, that process will get underway since there is simply no other outcome than direct confrontation being allowed for. This is, of course, entirely by design and intent.

Helter Skelter · August 15, 2023 at 6:26 pm

It’s too late to get demoralized. Just read that 30 million are in favor of violence to keep Trumpstein from preezy of the steezy, it was out of Chicago or CPUSA (D) Central HQ which gave us Ape Lincoln and Barry Soetoro (the ONE!), these people worship mommygov or live off of it and think that it will be there when the lead starts flying.
The Schadenfreude is going to be delicious.
Bolshevik enemedia slime were on about indicted electors in the glorious peoples republic of GA, how many CPUSA (D) electors were indicted back in 2016?
Another story was about a judge in CA who allegedly killed his wife while in possession of 47 weapons and 26,000 rounds, all legally possessed stated the slimy teleprompter reading RAT.

Joe Blow · August 16, 2023 at 6:28 am

Ditto whats been said above.
This is another sign post that shows what road we are on. There are milestones, we’ve all seen that graphic in the meme.
And I wholeheartedly agree with the premise – push, and push harder.
The way things are going, and history says its inevitable, is there will be a climax, a fight, and winner take all. Both sides are openly puahing towards a fight. Then a fight we shall have. Inevitable.
There seems to be a great onus being placed on who starts it. By both sides. We’re just waiting for the other guy to swing, so we can pounce with overwhelming force.
Problem is when both sides are shaping up for the same thing, newtons laws of physics and all get involved.

    EN2 SS · August 16, 2023 at 5:49 pm

    Joe, where have you been the past few years? The fascists have been in a shooting war for a while, they just haven’t riled enough people up to get the full fledged unCivil War II rolling. It’s just a matter of time, the peaceful times have ended, the war is coming to a locale near you, sooner rather than later. Be ready.

      Divemedic · August 16, 2023 at 6:05 pm

      A saying during the Vietnam war was “What if they threw a war and no one came?” The new question should be “When they throw a war and only one side shows up, what do you get?”

      The answer? Genocide. My belief is that the first skirmish in CW2 was the Antifa raid on the Trump inauguration on January 19, 2017. First shots fired was at the Congressional baseball game on June 14, 2017. So 2017 is the date that I consider to be the start of actual hostilities. Historians may put that date elsewhere, but only time will tell.

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