When I first got out of the military, there was this old WW2 vet who used to come into the place where I worked. Guy used to tell us stories about how he was a pilot during the war, and was shot down. I think he said he was shot down over Malta, but I’m not sure. This was more than 3 decades ago, so I may have the details wrong.
He told me that he was in a POW camp that was separated from one of the concentration camps by a fence. He came by nearly every morning, just to talk and tell us stories about his life. Nice guy.
Anyhow, he told great stories. The generation that fought the war is dying off at a rapid pace. The youngest of them is 93 years old. I’m a member of a Veteran’s organization, and we don’t charge dues to WW2 vets, and they don’t EVER pay for drinks in that club. Hear their stories now, before they are lost forever. We owe them. They built the nation that their boomer kids have plundered (and continue to plunder).
Paulb · February 6, 2023 at 11:13 am
When I was about 12 we used to go to my buddy’s uncle’s house in the woods, where he’d let us drive his heavy equipment and do things like run an excavator and dig holes and skid trees. He had a skull on his mantle that we weren’t allowed to ask about. Years later, I went to his house with a half dozen lobsters for him, and while I was putting them on the boil, I asked about the samurai sword in the corner of the kitchen. “It belonged to the asshole on the mantle, I took his head off in Okinawa. Prick surrendered to my sergeant, then stabbed me in the ass cheek.”
Tiger Stripe Dermis · February 6, 2023 at 4:34 pm
USMC Grampaw told me decades ago about the rubber and oil embargo causing Japan to go get them by any means necessary.
He also set me straight about RED rat commie FDR.
FUSA was infiltrated 100+ years ago and the Long March is wrapping up.
Plan and prep accordingly.
Georgiaboy61 · February 6, 2023 at 5:48 pm
Re: “He also set me straight about RED rat commie FDR.
FUSA was infiltrated 100+ years ago and the Long March is wrapping up.”
If you remember a decade or so ago the firestorm of criticism from certain quarters surrounding Diana West’s book “American Betrayal,” you know that her book blew the lid off the Soviet espionage penetration of FDR’s White House, and some folks didn’t like that info coming to light.
FDR himself was probably more of soft-core socialist than a hardcore communist; he was smart-enough and politically-astute-enough to avoid such hard-line views, if for no other reason than the potential for bad PR. However, when one considers that his chief of staff Harry Hopkins was for all-intents and purposes an agent in place for the Soviets, the distinction may not matter.
FDR naively believed that he could “handle” Uncle Joe Stalin, in much the same way a disagreeable Congressman could be bribed into cooperating by funding a new bridge or public building in his district. Stalin and his people played FDR and his administration like a fiddle.
To his credit, Harry S Truman, his successor – despite being a Democrat – put a stop to that pronto when he took over. By then, though, the damage had been done. The Soviets had by then successfully-infiltrated the Manhattan Project and much else besides, both in the U.S. and the U.K.
Anonymous · February 7, 2023 at 8:38 am
The problem with Truman is that he, too, put communists in positions of power. Nearly all the people he put in charge of Chinese affairs were conspiring on behalf of the reds, including Owen Lattimore, Phillip Jessup, and George C. Marshal. Truman also resisted the removal of other reds like Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White.
Anonymous Coward · February 7, 2023 at 8:17 pm
>They built the nation that their boomer kids have plundered (and continue to plunder).
But hey, they got theirs. Right?
hh475 · February 8, 2023 at 9:23 pm
I noticed the same thing when I was a kid in the late 60s, but it was with the WWi vets. My parents had me mow the lawn for an old man who went to our church in Oklahoma. He would “pay” me by bringing me in his house and feeding me a soda and a sandwitch. We’d sit and he’d tell me the occasional story about WWI and how it was in Indian Territory at the turn of the century. He couldn’t mow his own lawn because he swallowed mustard gas during the war and had progressive pulmonary fibrosis. He could barely walk, and had to have supplemental oxygen to do much of anything.
But his stories were amazing.
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