Take a look at this video. A man resists arrest and the cops use force to get him under control.

At first blush, I would say that it looks proper- you resist arrest, the cops can use force to affect the arrest. However, if you look closely, the officer is holding handcuffs in his fist, and is using them like brass knuckles to punch the man in the face. Some rando on Twitter made the point that police training allows the use of handcuffs as weapons. He even posted an excerpt of the policy to make his point.

Except he was lying. If you read the entire policy and not just one isolated sentence that was selected to try and make a point, you see that it only permits police to use the cuffs to push on pressure points like the hands or ribcage. It does not mention using them to deliver blows, especially not to the head or face.

The use of brass knuckles, especially to deliver blows to the head, is lethal force. While police CAN use force to affect an arrest, nothing this man did justified shooting him, nor did it justify repeated blows to the head with a weapon. This arrest did not rise to the level of lethal. The cop was out of line. I would have made that point there, but like a chickenshit, he made his comments and then blocked me before I could respond.

I would also point out that lying and misleading people in order to make a point usually indicates that your point didn’t need to me made.

Categories: Uncategorized

1 Comment

SoCoRuss · March 15, 2025 at 10:31 am

Yep, as usual resisted arrest but, Another good example of there is no one who is going to save you from abuse or abuse of power, not .GOV or LEO’s or any .Gov so called justice system functionary. Just submit quietly and patiently await your lawyer getting you a couple million bucks. Then you just wait a while and then use some of that money to get even when they don’t expect retribution anymore.
If the cop is such a pussy he need to use knucks then he shouldn’t be a cop at all. But that’s how things are now with our diverse LEO’s.

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