I am removing this entire post because it was based upon incorrect information. I should learn to vet my sources more carefully.

My only defense is that I worked until 2 am then got home to hear the news about the Trump assassination attempt, so I stayed up until 4 watching videos. I was awakened at 8 am by my wife because I had asked her to get me up early so I could get the house ready for my pending solar install.

Mea culpa.

Categories: Guns


Jack · July 14, 2024 at 11:10 am

When I was in the Marines in 67, the max points was 250, not 500. Maybe it changed, don’t know. I shot a 235 on pre Qual day but nerves got to me and only managed a 225 on Qual day.

    Divemedic · July 14, 2024 at 11:28 am

    Sorry. You are right, don’t know where I got that from.

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