Newly-elected President Obama was meeting with Republican leaders just after his 2009 inauguration. The Republicans were meeting with the President and attempting to find some common ground. The Democrats had majorities in both houses of Congress. Mr. Obama smugly told GOP leaders that “elections have consequences, and, in case there is any doubt, I won.” Then he proceeded to use his power to bend the entire nation over the Resolute desk. You know, the same desk that Clinton was sitting behind when he got a Lewinski from, well, Lewinski.
For the 15 years that followed, the left used their power like a large hammer, beating down everyone simply because they could. Cancel culture became a weapon. How many of us were silenced on social media? How many times did we smugly hear “learn to code?” I have been attacked on this blog, to the point where people have tried to get my website taken away, tried to locate my employer to get me fired, and even threatened me with physical violence. That’s why I moved this blog from the free space it had on Blogspot to the version that you see here.
The threats and attacks have been escalating for a decade and a half, mostly because the left was emboldened by the fact that they weren’t getting much pushback. Not remaining content with just taking away people’s livelihoods, in 2020 the soft attacks of cancel culture expanded to become physical violence. People died. Now someone has taken a shot at President Trump and the left is crowing online and in person about how the assassin should have been successful, and the right seems to finally be responding in kind.
They are calling the right “divisive” because they no longer want to deal with those who have been calling them “deplorable NAZI’s” while threatening to put them in camps and kill them for the past 15 years. The Twitter account called “Libs of TikTok” has been contacting the employers of people who have been saying ugly things and getting them fired, deplatformed, and putting them out of business. The left has been crying about it. I would love to respond, but Larry Correia beat me to it, and has said it much more effectively than I could.
The left crushed tens of thousands of people’s lives for things that they said for more than a decade and a half. They hounded CHILDREN for perceived transgressions. They gleefully ruined lives. They have been SWATTING people.
My sense of civility and kindness has been worn away. I don’t give a fuck about the left, and I will have no mercy. I am going to fight this fight, taking the battle as far as is strategically and tactically feasible.

You're Gonna Love It · July 17, 2024 at 9:28 am
Ready for MIGA and Bomb Bomb Iran?
Grand Old Politburo be all opposition and shit?
Divemedic · July 17, 2024 at 10:06 am
Note that it’s the people exacting revenge. The GOP itself is almost as bad as the Dems.
Joe Blow · July 17, 2024 at 10:18 am
Sideways with a rusty chainsaw. Twice.
IcyReaper · July 17, 2024 at 10:35 am
Did you see Michael Yon’s comment’s on the Bullet Trace picture from a top shelf camera used at the rally by NY Times photog set at highest possible shutter speed so they magically caught the bullets vapor trail going by Trumps head? Why would a photog set it to that speed without a reason.
Its clear the media was there and ready to record in 4K color Trumps head being blown off. Why were they perfectly setup and positioned for the shot? How did they know???
Insert story:
Matthew Bracken
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6
Bullet Trace, and interesting matters
It’s nearly 0400 here in Japan. So this is a mind-dump, sans edit:
Interesting on bullet trace — scratching my memories, I do not recall seeing any bullet trace photos from close to 90 degrees from bullet’s flight path. Am not saying it cannot be done. It probably can be done with modern cameras and high shutter speeds.
Now keep in mind I am pretty handy with weapons and with cameras. I was a Special Forces weapons specialist. As a photographer, I shot some of the most famous photos in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Substantial crossover knowledge.
My first thought was — I’d never seen a trace shot from that angle. Second thought was it should be possible. Third thought was that would be a fast shutter speed.
I was preparing to reach out to the photographer. Hunting and pecking online, I found New York Times quoting the shutter speed at 1/8000th of second.
It happens that I have sitting on table here the top three DSLRs Sony makes. The cameras most people salivate over, I have three here. Because I know how important serious gear is.
I use only the very best cameras and lenses. Top gear helped make some of the most interesting and often intense photos in two wars. Unfortunately I often broke lenses while jumping on the ground or hitting against a wall or doorway. No camera ever broke.
I use the cameras regularly though rarely publish photos from them these days. The maximum shutter speed on all three of these cameras in 1/8000.
The the New York Times photographer, Doug Mills, is quoted as shooting at 30fps 1/8000.
Those are settings I would choose if I were trying to catch extremely fast action. Such as a head exploding.
Am not suggesting anything at all. Just as a war correspondent…I never cranked shutter that high even for anything. I wanted to keep ISO lower. Other professionals choose other settings.
Photo Appears to Capture Path of Bullet Used in Assassination Attempt
Michael Harrigan, a retired F.B.I. special agent, said the image captured by Doug Mills, a New York Times photographer, seems to show a bullet streaking past former President Donald J. Trump.
The New York Times
Link Feed
Dirty Dingus McGee · July 17, 2024 at 12:37 pm
A friend of mine has been trolling liberals for a while now with bumper stickers; Trump 2024 No More Bullshit. He prints them on paper as it makes them so much harder to remove when he puts one on next to their Biden sticker. He sent me a picture of his latest one; Trump 2024 I’m Still Here Bitches.
I’ll probably get a couple dozen from him.
TCK · July 17, 2024 at 4:52 pm
Shitlibs, demonrats, and quislings are soulless inhuman monsters put on this world by the devil to spread death, tyranny, and misery everywhere they go. Anyone with half a functioning brain cell has known this for a while now.
oldvet50 · July 17, 2024 at 6:59 pm
The democrats do not have a monopoly on their satanic service – there are quite a few repugnicans too.
Dan D. · July 18, 2024 at 9:10 am
That really is the crux of the issue, not the renaming of the “demonrats” or “Commiefornia” or “Obummer” or whatever that makes commenters around the Internet feel like they’re oh so clever. Its the understanding that all those clowns are on the same side of evil, that of Satan. They’re just different tentacles of the same malevolant creature. So hey, keep chopping off the heads of the hydra to make yourselves feel better while ignoring the Boss at the end of this game level. Hope you have a pocket full of quarters.
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