A personal story of how things happen. This will tie in to a later post.

In 2016, I was attacked in my classroom by a student. In fact, it was a black student. He jumped me in my classroom, and in the ensuing struggle, I pinned him to the floor and called for help. The vice-principal suspended the student for ten days. The school resource officer (also black) came in to ask me what happened, and read me my Miranda rights. I told him that I didn’t want to answer questions, and demanded a lawyer. In an egregious display of a disregard for my Constitutional rights, he immediately went to the Principal and told him that I was obviously guilty, because innocent people don’t have anything to hide. The cop then went to the student’s home and told them he was cleared of all discipline and would be permitted to return to school. I was placed on suspension pending investigation.

During the “investigation” my students were given writing assignments like “write about the time that Mr. Medic was a bad teacher.” As a result, a couple of females said that I “looked at them funny” which made them think I was a sexual predator. Other students complained that my class was too hard, and my grades were too low, which wrecked their GPA. Those assignments would be used against me later.

As a result of the “investigation,” the school I was working for pushed me out the door. The school told me that I would have to attend anger management courses and see a psychiatrist about my “violent tendencies.” So I quit.

After I left, the school filed an official complaint with the state of Florida, using those student writing assignments as “evidence” that I was somehow breaking the law. The school insinuated that I was a sexual predator. If my teaching license would have been removed, so would my medical licenses. I hired a lawyer who specializes in this sort of thing, and $4,000 later, it was over and I had won. After it was done, my attorney wrote a letter to the state saying that he has been a lawyer for more than 20 years, and that this was the worst example of an attempt at railroading a teacher through the manufacturing of evidence that he had ever seen.

In the six years since he turned 18, that student has become a one man crime wave. He started a “business” that never really existed except on paper, then applied for a 6 figure PPP loan under that business name, a loan which he never paid back.

He has been arrested no fewer than 4 times, and this last time was for a felony. He attacked a cop after fleeing from him at speeds of over 170 miles per hour on the highway, before switching to surface streets where he was fleeing at over 140 miles per hour. His case is pending, but my bet is that he won’t do any jail time.

The girl who was the ringleader of the girls who said I “looked at them” in a creepy manner? She now works as a Democrat staffer as a “community organizer.”

That’s what our “justice” system is- the violent felons commit crime after crime, never facing any consequences, the left women toss around accusations of sexual violence and harassment, while the honest hardworking folks are told that they have anger management issues and are accused of being predators.

The gaslighting is over the top. This is why mere accusations can’t be permitted to affect someone’s life. People have learned that they can win by merely accusing someone of something, with no proof required.

Categories: Cancel Culture


Tractorguy · November 20, 2024 at 9:21 am

It’s the same reason there is such a shortage of foster parents. When the only power that the foster kids have is to point a finger at you without evidence and say “he hit me”, and you are investigated over it, you lose the desire to do that again really quick.

oldvet50 · November 20, 2024 at 9:28 am

I cannot understand why you would even consider putting yourself in that position to begin with. Teaching in public schools today is like going into the ring to fight with both hands tied – behind your back.

Stefan v. · November 20, 2024 at 9:28 am

Our chief instructor once had me substitute for him, teaching basic self defence for early teens at his local high school. I would have rather have shaved my groin with a cheese grater and vinegar to the rhythm of a Yoko Ono soundtrack, but I didn’t have those items with me and was anyhow not given any option other than “yes, sir”.

Despite crystal clear instructions, and hawklike supervision, the class clown/bully decided to ignore instructions and step outside the bounds of decency and prudence, and try to demonstrate his advanced kung fu skills on the instructor. He got himself a nicely barked shin, and gave his classmates a wonderfully inspirational example of “this basic self defence stuff really does work”, and also dropped all his credibility (and thereby his erstwhile abused power over his peers) down the latrine. His blubbing like a baby and dribbling threats of lawyers dripped out the door and out of my life. Nothing ever came of it, other than a couple more keen private students that excelled in following instructions and developing their own potential, which was considerable. No idea where the big-for-his age heatseeker ended up; perhaps as a government flunky with power and attitude, but I hope he straightened out and didn’t earn himself any advanced lessons, such as from those stellar private students.

Homeschool, and only teach volunteers.

Wilson · November 20, 2024 at 10:00 am

I often wonder why the po po don’t find more of these asshats dead in an alley, with no witness’ s .

    Out West · November 22, 2024 at 6:53 am

    Exactly my thoughts. As an adult, I’ve had a fair level of exposure to state (public) school system administrators. They are collectively low IQ, low talent, power hungry sociopaths. Do not allow your children into state schools, they are cesspits of depravity. Home school.

SoCoRuss · November 20, 2024 at 2:22 pm

Did you sue them for that crap? That’s the only way to get even a little justice since if you win they will make sure if you come back they will get you for something else. I assume the RO is the usual cop resource officer. Someone they are trying to hide and is a danger to others.

OutOfTime · November 20, 2024 at 3:47 pm

I found myself in the same position after confronting a very stoned drug addict who was trespassing on my property. I was charged with harassment and required to see a shrink about “anger management”. The shrink couldn’t answer my question when I asked, “exactly what is anger management”.
I will note that I was 68 at the time and the person I had confronted was in their early 20’s and yet I was told that I had traumatized the person.

lynn · November 20, 2024 at 4:46 pm

It is way past time to sue the school.

TCK · November 20, 2024 at 5:19 pm

It’s almost as if “I’m a democrat” and “I’m a soulless inhuman monster” are perfect synonyms.
No, that can’t be right, it’s the MAGAtards who are wrong.

neomunitor · November 20, 2024 at 7:56 pm

Throughout history humans have never been anything but troops of scheming, hairless apes, struggling for dominance in the hierarchy. Today we have more sophisticated mechanisms for deception, abuse, and deceit, but the underlying behaviors and motivations remain. Understanding how to move the levers of power, legal and political, in today’s sophisticated systems is essential for your survival, whereas in ancient times you just needed a few strong friends. We may dress better, and be able to build starships, but inside that skull is still the brain of an ape. Just visit any classroom or city and you’ll see it revealed.

Boneman · November 21, 2024 at 5:37 am

I was removed from my home and was almost required to register as a “Physical Abuser” in the Commonwealth of PA based simply on “Accusations” of Evil X during our divorce. They simply fabricate crap, state it in front of a Judge and the Judge will ALLWAYS err on the side of caution. You then have to beg them to “withdraw” the complaint otherwise you are found GUILTY of whatever it is you are “accused” of and will then have that “Physical Abuser” status follow you in perpetuity. No trial, no witnesses, NOTHING. YOU. ARE. DONE.

It’s disgusting. One thing I did tell Evil X was that should our paths ever cross again, everything she wrote down in her complaint would come true.

“Sadly” her returning to the Drink led to her demise two years ago….

JP_IN_MI · November 21, 2024 at 8:44 am

Come on man. I’ve seen it in the movies… a teacher always comes in and saves the young hoodlums from a lifetime of crime… they all then go on to become priests or nuns, sometimes even curing cancer.


Stupidocracy · November 21, 2024 at 9:49 am

Don’t waste time on fourth world turd FUSA Kwanstain.
The designated loser of WWIII.
It has no future.
Just walk away.

Don Curton · November 22, 2024 at 9:16 am

It says something really terrible about our culture that almost every white man has a story in which he is falsely accused and faces real-world penalties. Whether it is from women, kids, minorities, or cucks, that seems to be their weapon of choice. We have no choice – if we respond with fists we face even worse punishment. If we “trust the system” because we’re innocent, we’re throwing our lives into the hands of cucks who enjoy the torment they foster. Even if we go to court and win, it takes time and money to clear our name. Time and money that could have been better spent almost anywhere else. Time and money we never get back. The accusers are out nothing, the state takes that burden.

JB · November 22, 2024 at 1:41 pm

Curious as to the school district. I dont want my grandkids attending this school or any run by the same administrator. BTW I live in Florida

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