A disgruntled Eagles fan broke into a Florida fire station after the Superbowl and attacked firefighters, who held him for police by beating his ass. Note the black eye in the mugshot.
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A disgruntled Eagles fan broke into a Florida fire station after the Superbowl and attacked firefighters, who held him for police by beating his ass. Note the black eye in the mugshot.
MiguelGFZ · February 16, 2023 at 6:41 am
I truly cannot stand Eagles fans.
Aesop · February 16, 2023 at 1:29 pm
Genius, right there.
I see, daily, the guys who sling ladders and hose packs around on duty, for sport. While wearing 40 pounds of tools and crap in their turnout coats.
You’d rather get lumped up by the cops, if it comes to that.
Jonathan · February 16, 2023 at 11:33 pm
Pennsylvania man, and in particular Philly man, has been trying for a few years now to one up Florida man… He is definitely making progress on his goal!
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