The Democrats told us that Trump destroyed US foreign relations. This was the accusation:

his foreign policy mainly consists of a series of marginally coherent tweets with no discernible objective or strategy. 

You know what Trump didn’t do? He didn’t sit at a summit and call China’s leader a dictator.

Categories: Presidency


Jonesy · November 17, 2023 at 9:44 am

Was this just a moment of clarity in a typical dementia addled day of Joe?

It directly opposes the red carpet ass kissing we saw up to that point.

Who knows….we have a year of this shit yet to go, unless he guys the farm before then.

I am SHOCKED – Area Ocho · November 17, 2023 at 7:29 am

[…] part that I am shocked about is that Biden had the balls to call Xi a dictator with stuff like this going […]

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