I took the M&P10 to the range today and put 210 rounds through it: 50 rounds of 180 grain FMJ, and 160 rounds of full power Underwood 180 grain XTP.

The Holosun worked great- it took 5 rounds to get it zeroed. After that, it held that zero with no issues. Recoil was snappy, but manageable, even with the full power loads. To me, it felt like firing my M&P45 with +P loads. I will admit that the checkering was chafing my shooting hand a bit by the end of the session. Still, I am able to put a 15 round magazine into the 10 ring (OK, I admit there were a pair of 9 flyers low in the 9 ring, indicating that I was anticipating recoil a bit) at ten yards in ten seconds.

The only issue that keeps me from calling it a defense gun is towards the end of the session, I had two failures to go completely into battery and two soft primer strikes. Examining the primer of the rounds showed that the primers had shallow dents. I put them back into the magazine and both fired. Maybe it is dirty burning ammo, maybe the weapon needs a good cleaning and lubrication, I don’t know. I just know that 4 failures to go bang in 210 rounds is not acceptable in a self defense pistol.

I spoke with my neighbor and we are going to go to a local outdoor range with a chrono and some gelatin blocks to see how well this ammo passes the FBI test. That probably won’t be for a month or two though. When we do that, I will run a couple hundred more rounds through it and see how it does.

For the last part of this post, I have to admit that I may have a problem. While I was leaving the range, I was looking at the suppressors. I cannot confirm or deny that a Dead Air Nomad may or may not have accidentally been added to my shopping cart. We will see how long an eForm 4 takes nowadays.

Categories: Guns


It's just Boris · March 10, 2025 at 11:20 pm

Individual or trust? There was a time last fall when eform 4 trusts were clearing in a couple of business days.

Sorry to hear about the malfs. How many more rounds are you willing to run through to see if things improve?

It's just Boris · March 10, 2025 at 11:22 pm

To clarify my question, I know you said you’ll put a few hundred more rounds through. Having done that with no malfs, would you then be willing to trust it in a self defense role, or has that ship basically sailed? Just curious.

    Divemedic · March 11, 2025 at 12:55 am

    If I can identify the problem and see a couple of hundred rounds with no malfunctions, I would use it for defense.

LoL No · March 11, 2025 at 12:27 am

Brand new gun? Could just need broke in. Clean it and do another session, I bet she smooths out.

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