They want to play. The side that has a bunch of pink-haired sissies who don’t even know what bathroom they want to use, “men” who think they’re stunning and brave because they went to Starbucks without their emotional support animal, the side that has Harry Sisson and David Hogg as its leaders wants to take on the ones who have 600 million guns and several billion rounds of ammunition.

guy · February 23, 2025 at 8:05 am
I think there is a cause for concern with thousands of ex-feds out of work that can organize and may have access to weapons and systems that could be used to pull off a coup. The pink hairs would be a drain on them but might be useful as support/logistics. At the end of the day they’re all poor stock, but the Reds also had a lot of losers but had the advantage in organization.
The fired troublemakers need to be watched closely and jailed quickly as needed. The tools they used to spy on everyone else need to be turned on them hard.
Name Withheld By Request · February 23, 2025 at 10:19 am
We are living CW2 – Trump 47 was the rights return volley after 16 years of leftist rule
Steve · February 23, 2025 at 10:28 am
He’s half right, yet completely wrong. The bureaucracy is filled with frauds, pedos, other miscellaneous depravities, (unindicted) felons, etc.
Sad to think that we are counting on the USSC to protect the country from the judiciary…
McChuck · February 23, 2025 at 12:00 pm
The FedGov was being run by felons, frauds, and rapists. That’s why we elected Trump to clean out the Augean stables.
JimmyPx · February 23, 2025 at 12:04 pm
Besides all of the lunacy, look at CNN, MSNBC and NPR’s ratings where the Lefties are.
It is miniscule compared to Fox News and podcasts like Joe Rogan.
The point is that they THINK they are a majority but they are not and have never been.
If it wasn’t for vote fraud very few of these lunatics would be in office.
Now we find out that the Democrats were funding all of these Lefty “news” organizations with OUR MONEY !!
It’ll be fun now to see them without that extra money. First domino down…MSNBC fired crazy Joy Reid because her ratings are terrible,
Trump was brilliant in going after their funding first, cuts their nuts off.
I’m eating popcorn and watching the show as these Lefty lunatics lose their shit as Elon, Trump and reality hit them.
SoCoRuss · February 23, 2025 at 12:07 pm
No Matter how much I get my hopes up for them to finally fuck around and find out. These fuckers just talk and talk and Talk. I assume they must be making these comments due to their menstrual cycle and difficulties washing their manbuns or dreadlocks.
Mark · February 23, 2025 at 12:17 pm
This would have been accurate if it had been posted a year ago.
Dirty Dingus McGee · February 23, 2025 at 12:35 pm
Well I for one am certainly terrified. I’ll now have to spend several days in my safe space trying to collect myself.
Does their side have some “folkx” that are competent in the use of weapons? I’m sure they do. However I’m pretty certain our side outnumbers them at least 200 to 1. As for the rest of their “army”; What are they gonna do, pull out their butt plug and throw it at us?
Robert · February 23, 2025 at 6:55 pm
The “rest of their army” is only useful as concealment and distraction. Watch out for any guys in the back of a crowd though.
The Leftists are mostly cut off from their funding sources now and are in a “use it or lose it” position with every passing week. Their ability to organize rent-a-mobs is rapidly declining. However, they do have several tens of thousands of new candidates for “lone wolf assassins” in the dismissed Federal workforce members and their relative and friends. There will be a few volunteers with real skills in that set.
I would expect several very poorly planned assassination attempts of government officials before the middle of summer (July). If any of them succeed, I would expect that, ironically, those will be against known Leftist officials who have “betrayed the cause”. They will be soft targets because they cannot believe they may be targets.
But LEOs will not be looking the other way this time at any level, and just about all such projects will fail.
Successful assassins are not people who expect to survive their projects. They are ammunition, which is to be expended. Putting them in place requires a supporting crew and that costs money. The faster the money gets cut off, the less risk of any project going active.
Danny · February 23, 2025 at 5:15 pm
That’s just some social media excrement.
Michael · February 23, 2025 at 7:17 pm
Might want some insight to the “Thinking” of the Leftist-Commie Borg.
A Butt plug commando we make so much fun of can throw a bottle of mostly peaceful but flaming into your window some dark night.
Some history SNIP Bolshevik (Russian: большевики, bolsheviki) refers to the far-left faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. Led by Vladimir Lenin, the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia during the November 1917 Revolution. The term comes from the Russian word “bolshinstvo,” meaning majority. The Bolsheviks were radical communists who split from the more moderate Mensheviks.
“Means Majority” they CHOSE that name to make folks think they were the majority.
Don’t have to be true if enough Joe 6 pack believe it. Look at CNN’s power even but a few months ago to affect the public’s opinions of Trump the “Felon”.
Underestimating your enemy isn’t a good idea.
Aesop · February 25, 2025 at 4:06 pm
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