These school administrators marched these girls into the locker room and stood there to make sure that they undressed in front of a tranny with a penis. The school didn’t just say “you’ll lose PE credit if you don’t change,” they literally marched the girls into the locker room and stood there while the girls were forced to undress in front of him.
Administrators then supervised the locker room to ensure that all girls were changing into their physical education clothes without protest, [one of the girls’ parents] claimed.
The school board meeting was attended by a large group of faggots who shouted down the parents and silenced them.
Georgas’s school board testimony was booed on Thursday evening by a large audience of transgender activists who spoke in support of the district’s bathroom policy.
I identify as the person who will begin kicking the shit out of anyone who violates my daughter.
“The discomfort or privacy concerns of other students, teachers, or parents are not valid reasons to deny or limit the full and equal use of those facilities based on a student’s gender related identity,” Charlie added. “Instead any student, teacher or other individuals seeking more privacy should be accommodated by providing that individual with a more private option.”
The number one duty of a parent is to protect their children. Violate my daughter, and we have a problem. Let me correct that, violate my daughter and YOU have a problem. I couldn’t call my self a father or a man if I let some tranny ogle my daughter with his penis hanging out while school administrators stood by and forced her to do so. That is sexual assault in my book, and there would be consequences for that.
Xzebek · March 16, 2025 at 8:45 pm
Perhaps, in effort to facilitate the “transition” of theses persons, they were assisted in having their male genitals removed. I wonder if that would decrease episodes like this.
Richard · March 16, 2025 at 9:49 pm
Forced means forced. Coerced is when the girls go against their principles because of pressure. Getting undressed was still a free choice.
Divemedic · March 17, 2025 at 6:53 am
Just to clarify your position: are you saying that an adult in a position of authority, who the child is taught to obey, stands over them and tells them to undress for PE while a granny is there, and you say this isn’t coerced behavior?
If this doesn’t meet your definition of force, what would be the minimum criteria to be considered force?
@HomeInSC · March 16, 2025 at 9:58 pm
My kids went through public school before this crap got out of hand. As far as I am concerned the “in loco parentis” legal status for school staff means that they are responsible for actual learning and an orderly environment while the kids are at the school. Propagandizing and grooming are right out. I’d have terminated any groomers.
A simple rule would be outies in this bathroom, innies in the other. Period. That doesn’t fix the root problem of the crazies trying to create confused children. That fix requires oak and hemp.
Saw an amusing meme, a picture of a crazed Gene Wilder Willy Wonka with the caption: “If genitals don’t define gender, how does cutting them off affirm it?”
The Left has descended into madness
Divemedic · March 17, 2025 at 6:54 am
That meme was posted on this blog, among other places.
Vlad · March 16, 2025 at 10:58 pm
Someone absolutely needs the living shit kicked out them. The fags, the administrators, the supporters of this bullshit.
See someone connected with this garbage grocery shopping and “here comes the boom!”
Plague Monk · March 17, 2025 at 3:19 am
Just say the word, and I’d be glad to provide an alibi. Unfortunately, there are no good swamps in SW Ohio, where I now reside. Unlike upstate NY, where I lived for most of my life.
All kidding(?) aside, this is another reason why I support homeschooling. The local schools here in the NE Cincinnati suburbs are as woke as can be.
Old Maine Farmer · March 17, 2025 at 4:08 am
I am glad to hear that you are a man who would stand up for his daughter. Why aren’t these administrators being arrested?
Boneman · March 17, 2025 at 4:41 am
Yeah… I’m a bit long in the tooth for the daughter thing… but attempt this kind of crap with any of my Grand Daughters (thankfully, home-schooled) and yes, YOU will have a problem. FAFO in SPADES.
Remember, the older we get, the less we care about “consequences”… especially when defending the weans.
TJ · March 17, 2025 at 9:22 am
Boils my blood just to think of it.
SoCoRuss · March 17, 2025 at 12:15 pm
AS for my family, this would have caused the Pedophile and faggotry supporting Indoctrinators involved to have a sudden loss of body temp. Usually I would say take a legal lawsuit way first to see if money would break them THEN go medieval on them but you do this to a underage female relative of mine and you will get a very sudden and very violent response.
Down in Columbia they have a real good punishment for shit like this done to kids.
But we all know that NOTHING will happen, all these people have names and addresses. All the protestors at the school board have names and addresses! But people on the right due they are trained from birth to respect .GOV and follow the rule of law, have been indoctrinated to be tolerate of every vile depravity known to man and will not stand up for themselves or their kids anymore. If you wont defend yourself or your family fine then fuck you too. But if you wont defend your children or children in general, you are truly a piece of shit on the same scale as these evil sodomites and deserve the same retribution.
All it takes is a couple of public examples and this shit stops immediately.
Funny how the MAGA messiah is in office but the shit just keeps happening, and the faithful Repubtard voters still don’t get it. NO ONE is coming to save you, save and protect yourself and your family while you can.
Accept that NOTHING has really changed as of yet but the grand political theater for the weak minded. Funny how that is. That should tell you all you need to know…….
SoCoRuss · March 17, 2025 at 12:21 pm
As an aside, did anyone focus on the school reps that forced this were ALL women?? Your enemies are NOT just men or various levels of imaginary sex’s. So you better accept and plan for the fact that females fall for the mind virus VERY easy, emotion trumps intelligence for them.
After the collapse and violence ends and people have to try and rebuild, for the love of god NO MORE women in any position of power.
Aesop · March 17, 2025 at 1:56 pm
That is a crime of sexual violence perpetrated by those administrators.
If the police won’t arrest them all and the D.A. won’t charge them and prosecute them as sex offenders, their heads (both the guilty, and their protecters in the local administration of justice) minus the bodies they came from would and should start turning up on local fenceposts until they’ve all been appropriately so dealt with.
If it took several hours of time with a blowtorch and some pliers before that ending, so much the better.
And then run their families out of town, tarred and feathered.
Any interlopers or defenders get the same treatment.
There would not be a second such incident necessary in the next 300 years.