The American Ambulance Association warns Congress that the “nation’s EMS system is facing a crippling workforce shortage, a long-term problem that has been building for more than a decade. It threatens to undermine our emergency 9-1-1 infrastructure”

So what are we doing about it? Firing them because they won’t take the jab. Yeah, that will fix everything. While we are at it, let’s do the same to hospital workers. After all, it was just weeks ago that we were complaining the hospitals were overwhelmed, so we can fix that by crippling them.

Categories: COVIDtyranny


EN2 SS · November 1, 2021 at 7:54 am

Simply demonstrates the sheep like tendencies of a plethora of modern Americans.

Jonathan · November 1, 2021 at 1:14 pm

They demonstrate yet again that they don’t care about us, just their power and agenda.

D · November 1, 2021 at 4:55 pm

So…how much longer do I have to keep paying taxes for services the government completely fails to provide? A year? I mean…they managed to do major rennovations at all the schools in my area over the last ~18 months, and they keep paying the teachers to stay home, so my kids can’t actually go to public school (I mean…I home school them because the government is retarded), but they still keep collecting the tax money. In fact, it doubled during the pandemic thanks to everyone buying houses like crazy. I’m in a crappy 1990s-era manufactured home that needs some serious work…and the government thinks it’s worth around $160,000/year.

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