The Ninth Circuit made this ruling on so called “sensitive places” where states can prohibit firearms:

  • Parks, athletic facilities and similar areas. Gun bans there are likely constitutional.
  • Playgrounds and youth centers. Gun bans there are likely constitutional.
  • Bars and restaurants that serve alcohol. Gun bans there are likely constitutional.
  • Places of amusement, including casinos, stadiums, amusement parks, zoos, museums and libraries. Gun bans there are likely constitutional.
  • Parking areas connected to certain sensitive places. Gun bans there are likely constitutional.
  • The private-property default rule. Hawaii’s rule banning guns on private property unless the owner gives consent orally, in writing or on a sign is likely constitutional.
  • Places of worship. State-mandated gun bans there are likely unconstitutional, but nothing prevents the owner or operator from banning firearms.
  • Gatherings that require a permit. Gun bans there are likely unconstitutional.
  • Financial institutions. State-mandated gun bans there are likely unconstitutional, but nothing prevents the owner or operator from banning firearms.
  • Hospitals and other medical facilities. State-mandated gun bans there are likely unconstitutional, but nothing prevents the owner or operator from banning firearms.
  • Public transit. A broad ban on carrying guns on public transit is likely unconstitutional, but a narrower law allowing the carrying of unloaded and secured firearms would likely be constitutional.

It’s a Mish mash. It isn’t even consistent. Where in the Constitution is this even found? Where in the history and tradition of the country was there a ban on weapons in bard? Casinos? But not hospitals, churches, or banks?

If you argue that schools are sensitive places and rights can be suspended to protect children, then why not suspend the First Amendment there and disallow faggotry?

Our courts are just as partisan and divided as the citizens. It’s long past time to admit that this nation is too large and varied for one set of rules to work for everyone.


SiG · September 13, 2024 at 9:29 am

What a bunch of rectally extracted nonsense! I don’t see how to make sense out of it. If it isn’t specifically stated in the constitution, and I mean “the second amendment doesn’t apply in these places” with a list, it’s all unconstitutional. Government power expanding in perpetuity.

Michael · September 13, 2024 at 10:19 am

Always look at who is speaking and there history.

9th circuit Court is Seattle, Portland and California.

Lands that granted criminals the “rights ” to steal below a certain amount “Scott free ” and most crimes are not to be prosecuted.

Oh,and defund the police.

Citizens that dare to defend themselves are lawfared to poverty in the public arena as to discourage the other serfs from “acting “.

My table is over there with a coffee pot. Show me how wrong I am.

Anonymous · September 13, 2024 at 11:14 am

Here’s how it makes sense: they are predators and you are prey. The reason you are prey is because you have decided to be prey. When the cartridge handgun became practical and popular the ruling elites lost the military ability to predate you by force. You’re the political submissive in a bondage and discipline scene which you could exit at any time. Revealing this was the true benefit of the Ron Paul presidential candidacies. People had the choice to write him in, and didn’t.

IcyReaper · September 13, 2024 at 11:54 am

If you are looking for some sense of order based on that old piece of white supremacist paper or some type of human values??? You will never find it. Its dead and buried.
The whole clearly stated premise and written in books purpose of the commies is to destroy a country’s history, traditions, families, religions( in some cases that might not be a bad thing, just saying). You turn everything upside down. Right is wrong, wrong is now protected. Change the meaning of words and VIOLA. Free Speech that is codified as protected in the US is now banned in our case due to free speech that is not approved by the .GOV is now called disinformation, well played commies. When there is NOTHING that is a common thread, the country is much easier to take over and control.

But the dirty little secret that can change things is never done because the people are afraid to just say NO, Not Happening, NADA, NYET and BTW FUCK YOU. Solzhenitsyn said it best, when they came for us we submitted even when we outnumbered them by thousands and we did nothing when 5 KGB agents would round up dozens at a time. If just one person had fought back, it would have stopped, but no one did.
I’m not saying its time to pickup weapons and do violence. But imagine what would happen if we just said NO, Fuck You back. We make the country run and if we simply stop working for a beginning set time lets say 3 days to start, everyone knows why I picked that number that the supplies currently located for just in time systems,, everything STOPS. If the roads, food, fuel, water, power, sewer,transport systems that we run to the blue hives are blocked that’s a powerful message. BTW, alcohol, pot, drugs of all kinds are high on the list to shut down so appox 1/3 of the country that’s dependent on that will start going nuts real fucking quick. Commies are fucking big on messaging so give it back to them good and hard. After 3 days if shit isn’t fixed then its see you in 3 weeks (during the 3 week period its monkey wrench time),then 3 months and goodbye FUSA. Does anyone think Shanequa or Javonte or Ackmed the Somali: the DEI hires,could run or could be trusted to run these systems? BY that time the country will be in ruins with no violence and if the commies want violence instead then that time table changes and works for me but at least you can say you tried peaceful means first and the ball is moved back into their court.
I’m am a little resistant to take on military units straight away when things like super glue, spray foam, wire cutters,a cutting torch and a paint ball gun can bring down cities and be lots of fun.

Silverfox · September 13, 2024 at 12:22 pm

No guns in the Bars.

49%mfer · September 13, 2024 at 12:33 pm

Now more than ever, concealed means concealed.

TakeAHardLook · September 13, 2024 at 3:37 pm

“It’s long past time to admit that this nation is too large and varied for one set of rules to work for everyone.”

I agree. Yet, for over ten years on various blogs similar to “Area Ocho” I have been blasted by naysayers & skeptics for daring to suggest that Balkanization–some well-thought out American version of–is the only way out of the mess that is FUSA without wholesale bloodshed.

I always felt that Texas would lead the way, but Texas has changed so much demographically that I am no longer sure as to which catalyst might cause a secessionist/Balkanization movement to gain traction.

I do know, for a fact, were I to find myself in a Blue state, I would happily pull up and move to a Red one, if only to enjoy some tranquility before my ticket gets punched.

As an aside, the “flyover country” that is detested by the “swells” of both the Left & Right Coasts is where, by and large, the food & water (and the soul of America, IMO) is produced. It would take (as noted by IcyReaper, above) only three days’ deprivation of their lattes for our betters in D.C, Boston or NYC to be begging for relief.

Three WEEKS of deprivation, in the words of Billy Bob Thornton’s character in “Armageddon,”
would be “basically, the worst parts of the BIBLE.”

We’ve been under the demo-communist thumb for a very long time and its disastrous effects are coming rapidly to a head (11/05/2024?). What cannot continue will not continue.

Bring it.

    Divemedic · September 14, 2024 at 6:46 am

    You haven’t been criticized here. I’ve said it was needed for years. I also say it won’t happen any time soon.

      TakeAHardLook · September 14, 2024 at 8:42 am

      No, no criticism from here; just other, conservative-leaning ones. Sites where I was frankly surprised that they were not open-minded enough to at least consider Balkanization as an option (among some equally unpalatable choices).

      Our Nation saw what the fledgling FedGov under Lincoln came up with as a response to the South’s plans for secession.

      Today it would be implemented, likely state by state, after other even more unsettling remedies had been attempted, maybe even a full-on CWII (with Balkanization being the only way out from the latter).

      What I do believe, having studied World History, is that the communist movement is hardwired into a fair percentage of humans and is tried roughly every hundred years as a means for the few to rule the many; a critical mass of outright carefully disguised psychopaths are at the root of each epoch’s movement.

      Observing Hillary Clinton’s “body of work” I was of the belief that she or someone of her character (in 2016) was evil enough to try to create a successful communist/totalitarian machine, the operating principle being: “This time it will work if only we are willing to kill enough (as in all of our opposition) people.

      Look into HRC’s face and you may have seen enough psychopathy to have gotten the job done. “Basket of Deplorables,” etc.

      We dodged a bullet (more like a nuke) due to Trump’s unexpected victory.

      The psychopaths pledged, “Never again.”

      Leading to the ten years a’planning of the Pandemic and its evil twin, the Vaxx.
      Setting up The New World Order.

        Anonymous · September 14, 2024 at 2:25 pm

        Imagine! We could have 48 different administrative regions, each with their own sovereign government with no government over them, with a shared commitment to
        defend an enclosing border. Obviously this could never happen, it’s far too radical.

        TakeAHardLook> the communist movement is hardwired into a fair percentage of humans

        Humans are not blank slates with no genetically-programmed instincts.
        The human instinctual political organization is the great ape monkey troop, which is communism. Problem is increasing the group size from 150 individuals to 300 million. That increase by a factor of 2 million detunes the code and it breaks.

        TakeAHardLook> [communism] is tried roughly every hundred years as a means for the few to rule the many

        It’s tried continuously at the same strength, but the performance of
        that effort is a sawtooth profile of exponential growth until collapse.

Henry · September 13, 2024 at 5:08 pm

> It’s long past time to admit that this nation is too large and varied for one set of rules to work for everyone.

We clearly can’t have that because it’s exactly what the Founding Fathers intended. They anticipated a central government that had an enumerated, extremely limited scope and responsibilities and left the remainder for the states. States, in turn, were expected to push government responsibilities down to the lowest level (i.e. village or town). But this is not what the progressive ruling class wants because diffuse power is not enough to satisfy their cravings for control over all of us.

    TRX · September 14, 2024 at 8:48 am

    The Constitution of 1789 was a naked power grab, replacing the laissez-faire Articles of Confederation. The Anti-Federalists successfully blocked ratification of the Constitution for years, but they were a loosely-connected group of individuals without the resources of the government, which was funding the push for the Constitution.

    The Antis finally ran out of money and enthusiasm and swung a deal: give them a set of amendments to the proposed Constitution, and they’d stop opposing ratification. And so it was done.

    Those Anti-Federalist demands were the first ten amendments, collectively known as the “Bill of Rights.” You know, freedom of speech, keep and bear arms, that sort of thing.

    The Anti-Federalists’ amendments are what most people think of when they think of “The Constitution.”

    The Antis paid to publish articles in newspapers, detailing problems with the proposed constitution, and how it could be turned into an instrument of oppression. Most of those articles have been collected into various versions of “The Anti-Federalist Papers.” It’s intensely depressing reading; almost everything they warned against eventually came to pass.

      Divemedic · September 14, 2024 at 10:01 am

      I have a copy of both the Federalist and the Anti-Federalist papers. I would hope that everyone who is interested in how our nation is supposed to work does.

Robert · September 13, 2024 at 8:44 pm

It makes perfect sense when you acknowledge the true purpose of these “rules”. It is all a deception under pretense-of-law. “They” still need a pretense-of-law.

The goal is to establish a patchwork of “gotcha” laws which are impossible to obey if you carry a gun under any circumstances. While there might technically still be a “Second Amendment right to bear arms”, you will be in violation of some obscure “sensitive spaces” law if you try to exercise that “right”.

Our rulers do not want us to have access to arms under any circumstances. Their minions in the courts and the legislatures are tasked to come up with “rules” to fulfill that desire. The Constitution is merely an annoying obstacle for them.

And the rulers do not want the peasantry to have firearms because they know they are doing things to the peasants for which the peasants ought to be shooting them.

    Divemedic · September 14, 2024 at 8:17 am

    That’s the truth.

IcyReaper · September 14, 2024 at 12:31 pm

I fully agree with Hard look on Balkanization. It is a way to put off full CW but CW will come its inevitable unfortunately. Diversity doesn’t work as a cohesive force. I saw it in Serbia and Bosnia. It wasn’t pretty but it worked.
But if you want that and want it to work, you will need to not allow the Republican party or religious zealots to take it over and they will dam well try. Allow no one to do YOUR critical thinking for you. This Uni party claiming to be a 2 party system must be destroyed for a chance to succeed as a free people….

The Battle of the Courts – Area Ocho · September 15, 2024 at 5:02 am

[…] are in a situation where the courts are divided along ideological lines. In a continuation of yesterday’s post, we see that a judge in Nort Dakota has declared that, since the state constitution was established […]

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