The margin of cheat was not enough to overcome the massive gains that Trump made in the electorate. The odd part is that 20 million Democrat votes simply disappeared between 2020 and 2024. In fact, Kamala did worse than Biden from 2020 in every single county in the nation. If you want to figure out how many votes were fabricated in 2020, I would begin with that number. It’s obvious where those votes went- they were purely fabricated in 2020.
The meltdowns on the left are delicious. They are blaming everything from racism, misogyny, and stupidity to cheating, fascism, and people lying about who they were voting for. There are morons blaming the electoral college, even though Trump won the popular vote.

The Republicans picked up gains in every phase of the election. They won the Presidency and now also have majorities in the Senate and House. In Florida, the Amendments to legalize marijuana and abortion both failed. This was a complete repudiation of everything that the Democrat party stands for. Let’s hope that the Republicans actually use this to their advantage.
Enjoy the day today, but remember that this is only the beginning. I still think that we haven’t seen the end play. The left and the swamp can’t let Trump become president again. They will do something desperate.

Don Curton · November 6, 2024 at 7:00 am
I was thinking this morning, there’s probably plenty of small cheat that went on but they kept the big cheat in the holster this time. Mainly because they either thought it wouldn’t be enough or they thought it might be too much, even for them. But that doesn’t change the fact they used the big cheat in 2020 and still have it in reserve for 2028. If no one goes to jail for 2020, then every election afterwards has to account for the big cheat margin. People need to pay and that has to be a priority for Trump’s next 4 years.
JP_IN_MI · November 6, 2024 at 9:15 am
Many people need to pay BIGLY for J6 too. Lots of people sitting in the slammer, lives ruined for offenses deserving of nothing more than a fine. There probably isn’t enough prison space to hold all of the perpetrators of that farce… J6 committee members, capitol police & FBI agents who instigated the riots, FBI agents who participated in raiding people’s houses, corrupt DA’s, judges, Michael Byrd…
All depends upon who Trump is allowed to appoint for attorney general. Unfortunately AG needs to be approved by the senate which will still be dominated by RINOs.
anonymous coward · November 6, 2024 at 6:42 pm
I think a little credit is due here. After RMcD was ousted from the RNC, Trump installed a relative. If you followed on twitter a lot of lawsuits were filled as ‘scams’ came up. He learned the hard way (in no small part thanks to Bill Barr) after cheating occurs no one is interested in looking in to it. You *HAVE* to call it and stop the very minute you suspect something going down.
Steve · November 6, 2024 at 7:22 am
Now we have Congressional majorities & the Presidency, we should do just what the Democrats did under Obama, and as the first legislative act, repeal Obamacare. The Republican majority & Presidency removes the “but we don’t have the votes because the Democrats won’t vote for repeal” excuse.
Of course I understand the Uniparty Repubs won’t vote for repeal, but it’s nice to dream.
Divemedic · November 6, 2024 at 7:34 am
The Republicans never have the balls to do what the left does to them.
John in Indy · November 6, 2024 at 12:35 pm
It is because too many of the sitting (a good description of them ?) Republicans are actually RINOs / Democrats Lite, and don’t want to interrupt their graft money income streams.
Michael · November 6, 2024 at 8:11 am
As I posted a few times in the past months.
If they allow Trump to “win” its because the smart money know the economic game is about to collapse into the Greater Depression and America’s bankruptcy.
The Democrats ran a nobody named Smith against Hoover, this time they ran a cackling whore against Trump.
After eating the Newpapers constantly referring to Hoover blanket Newspaper over a sleepybum), Hoover steak (hotdog) and homeless shantytowns called Hoovervilles the Democrats ran a known Socialist FDR.
The rest of the story is worth looking up.
Buckle up friends the “Fun ” hasn’t started yet.
oldvet50 · November 6, 2024 at 10:44 am
I so hope you are wrong, but it makes the most sense of anything I have read so far. The inevitable financial collapse will be blamed on DJT and the Republicans to usher in a new FDR-type to rule for the remainder of our Grand Republic’s time on this earth.
EN2 SS · November 6, 2024 at 10:09 pm
It seems to me that Argentinians disagree, since electing their version of a Trump.
Birdog357 · November 6, 2024 at 8:24 am
I asked in one of my group chats this morning “how many more attempts on Trump’s life are we going to see?” The reply: “yes…”
Tom from East Tennessee · November 6, 2024 at 8:55 am
Enjoy the feeling of relief while it’s here, I didn’t expect it and seriously we all need to remember to be grateful at appropriate times.
However, I am hoping that Trump learned the right lessons from what’s happened in the last 8 years and will be ready to make hay while the sun shines. I want a pony too and would like to see tribunals for the outgoing administration people and their minions who used the power of their offices to prosecute and persecute their political enemy- I don’t care that it’s Trump they went after, I care that they broke a cardinal principle which until 2020 kept us from becoming a banana republic. I don’t expect it but I can hope
WCR · November 6, 2024 at 9:08 am
“The left and the swamp can’t let Trump become president again. They will do something desperate.”
This, I fear. ^^^
John in Indy · November 6, 2024 at 12:40 pm
Another source of DemonRat tears will be whe someone asks them whether their States will follow the Popular Vote Compact that they planned to scream to enforce against a Constitutional (Electoral College ) victory by Trump.
Beans · November 6, 2024 at 12:52 pm
Oh, I think there was about as much cheating as in 2020, but that shows how loathsome Kackles the Klown really is.
She has yet to concede the election and her spokesmonkeys are saying that they are awaiting all the votes to be counted. So expect mass findings of ballots all over the place in the next few days and weeks right up to the deadline for certifying the election.
SoCoRuss · November 6, 2024 at 1:09 pm
So Trump won and the Repubtard’s have congress also again.Or actually the Israeli zionist and deep state now fully control the US. What will they do? Probably what they did the last time, lots of talk and hearings and then nothing. But they will carry on the Pelosi budget increases of 10.5 % per year. What the hell, we are already broke and cant pay the debt off so fuck it.
So will the deep state start WW3 now or activate the economic collapse early. Which Trump and the Repubtard’s will take the blame for and bring on the great socialist utopia.
I agree with DM, I don’t believe they will let him in. And I don’t believe the Repubtards will deport or fix anything. They sure as hell wont get payback for the american people. I too would love to have access to understand the vote number differences since last time. I’m seeing a 63% turnout here, why?
Trump and Vance made lots of promises, if they don’t keep them the folks that came out wont again.
Day one requirements if they are really serious, all J6 folks get pardoned, the military goes to the border and the wall is built. All Military Officers are given notice: That ANY Military general who refuses to comply with Trumps orders is immediately removed and court martialed and security clearance revoked. All cross border payments from illegals to Mexico stops until they stop the flow thru. Mayorka’s and a few others are charged with treason. The elections are fixed by making election day a holiday for all and in person voting with ID and citizenship required. You will know the truth within the first 30-60 days…
oldvet50 · November 7, 2024 at 8:17 am
I agree with all except fixing the elections. That cannot be done by EO or act of Congress. The Constitution leaves the voting rules to the states which is why they needed an amendment for the female, black and teenaged voters. Although it is common sense, I cannot find anywhere within the Constitution that restricts voting to only citizens. The 26th, allowing the 18 year old vote states that you cannot restrict citizens the right to vote. It does not say you MUST restrict non-citizens. It implies you MAY restrict the non-citizen, but again, it would be left to the states to do it.
Skyler the Weird · November 6, 2024 at 7:03 pm
20 million blue state voters gone. Suddenly. If it wasn’t for the fact that dead Democrats continue to vote I’d say it was the VAXX.
Aesop · November 7, 2024 at 4:45 am
There’s a perfectly logical explanation as to what happened to all those missing voters:
Republican presidential candidates thus have to win an election three times to serve twice.
Challenge accepted.
Trump goes down in history as the only president to block two different communist harpies from infecting the Oval Office.
If you’re keeping score at home, that’s known as a double-stuff.
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