A search for the original claim or story about pets being killed and eaten in Ohio reveals nothing but ‘fact checkers’ calling Trump a liar from the past 48 hours. If anyone knows where the story originated, please place it in comments.

Thank you.

Categories: Blog News


Dirty Dingus McGee · September 11, 2024 at 7:43 am

Here is the only thing I was able to find


wojtek · September 11, 2024 at 7:47 am

Original was a video in August, recorded during a city council session, when a guy named Harris, who described himself as an “influencer” said that immigrants are beheading ducks in a local park. The video looked like recorded by the city. The cat story was later posted by some girl and was already seriously question before the debate. The duck story came to life, because someone shared a picture of a black guy walking with a dead goose or something in Columbus OH. It’s a minor difference, but one should know better and one should be precise about facts. Or one should have never gone to ABC for a debate.

Steve S6 · September 11, 2024 at 8:22 am

It’s just a distraction from the real issue. There shouldn’t have been 20k Haitians moved to the US in the first place and certainly not dumped on a small city of 60k. And that’s a further distraction from, or part of, the border failure.

    Birdog357 · September 11, 2024 at 6:49 pm

    If they dumped 20k Haitians in my backyard, that would DOUBLE my county population. Or triple the county south of mine….

Billybob · September 11, 2024 at 8:36 am

“Can’t take it anymore”
The story of Springfield Ohio.

Jason · September 11, 2024 at 8:38 am


JD · September 11, 2024 at 9:39 am

Here is 911 audio about illegal’s stealing geese:

Seamrog · September 11, 2024 at 10:04 am

You need to hear from missionaries who spent time in Haiti to understand that eating cats, dogs and other various meats are both part of their voodoo culture and part of their basic survival daily life.

Most people with two brain cells to rub together have some understanding of how terrible Haiti and many / most of the Haitians are. If the stories of the missionaries who experienced first hand are made known, then it would be much easier for many to understand the validity of Trumps rant during the debate last night, and how very likely it is that the third world shitholians have brought their debased and demonic culture with them, as they were planted in middle America, formerly white suburbia. Intentionally.

There should be executions for this, but since it would help Trump and hurt Harris, it will remain an urban myth used to paint Trump as deranged.

    Dan D. · September 11, 2024 at 11:06 am

    I paid to join a medical/Christian mission to Haiti. Its worse than you would believe. As my friend said “A country so poor they can’t even afford cigarettes.” The transformers are chained to the telephone poles to deter theft. The spiritual darkness is palpable. So you bet they’ll collect geese from the park and eat them.

    I chose to never return or help that ministry any longer.

    Jonesy · September 11, 2024 at 11:37 am

    To add to your comment about them being dropped there intentionally. They were given protected legal status. Even if the state and local government has the stones to do something about it (they don’t), they’re forced to use local resources to take care of these people.

    Since Ohio is leaning red lately, as are many pockets in the Midwest, this is an effort to destabilize these areas and turn them into shit holes the Dems can control like Chicago, Detroit, etc.

JP_IN_MI · September 11, 2024 at 10:08 am

Conspiratorial side of me suspects this is disinformation put out by the left, just like the Aurora Venezuelan gangs story. Unsubstantiated sensationalized stuff, put out there to not only damage the credibility on those on our side, but also conveniently teed up and ready to go in time for the debate. Trump takes the bait and voila, he’s being portrayed as some kind of a nut job.

Seems like it’s all part of a setup. Say what you want about the left – they are truly evil but they are also very smart. Everything they do is planned and well orchestrated. They are the ones playing 4D chess.

Stealth Spaniel · September 11, 2024 at 11:35 am

The info I saw was from CNN-Completely Nuts Network. Haitians will eat anything, including you and me. Savages.

Andrew · September 11, 2024 at 1:37 pm

I’ll leave this here.
“BREAKING: Ohio resident says that residents of Springfield have been calling the police about pets getting eaten and the police just shrug and say they can’t prove a crime so they don’t pursue it or write reports”

Figure most localities are telling people, “file a report online” when it comes to property crime, and even stolen vehicles.
A pet, in Ohio (I’m a resident), is considered “property”.
So someone stealing the family cat for supper is “petty theft”.
Imagine how many folk are shocked to learn that Fluffy isn’t considered as valuable as Junior or Sally the humans are, and “fill out a report online the police can ignore” is far as it goes.
Figure there’s more followup with stolen goods like tools or TV sets, they actually peruse pawn shops for those.

j · September 11, 2024 at 3:00 pm

Gorka, posted the police report on his site IIRC

JK/AR · September 11, 2024 at 4:42 pm

Regarding the pet-eating, city park goose/guess rustling here’s a link from the site a friend alerted me to when I checked an earlier received link to a letter Springfield Ohio’s City Manager addressed to his/her Washington DC representatives. First the sidebar update (note at the top a photograph of a purported immigrant carrying a runged fowl:


Lastly the July letter:


Curious ain’t it ABC’s David Muir’s “contacting” the City Manager whose alleged reply was something like, “Problems with immigrants? Pah! Balderdash!”

Score : Trump’s getting factchecked 5 – Harris 0 [*Impartial Journalist Muir 0]

CE · September 12, 2024 at 1:04 am

Could the stories have been “ported” from other areas of the world?


McChuck · September 12, 2024 at 3:56 am

“‘fact checkers’ calling Trump a liar”
That generally shows a story is true, all by itself. The flak is thickest over the target.

My in-laws live in Springfield. There are bill boards instructing the invaders, in their own language, to call the FBI “hate crimes” hotline if any white people harass them.

Papa · September 12, 2024 at 4:35 am

Vote red, they say.
The Govrnor of Ohio is a “republican”.
Not a public peep from him during the Haitian dumping operation.
The Columbus area had Somali and Ethiopian arrivals some years ago.
Business and universities took advantage of the new labor pool.
Can’t remember who was Governor during that era.
The current Governor was very pro-jab and pro-lockdown during covid mania.

Anonymous · September 12, 2024 at 6:24 am

I saw it here, though it looked like one of the X links in the article has since been scrubbed.


Tree Mike · September 12, 2024 at 10:30 pm

Graham Kill House Rules, Nobodies coming to save us. etc, etc, etc…

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