You can read it all here.


Orange ones boost natural night vision and prevent scurvy.

The red ones make you faster.

Purple ones make you invisible

I don’t make the rules

Categories: Humor


Bad Dancer · November 8, 2024 at 9:46 pm

Haha! Someone is my kind of nerd with the go faster and invisible ones. Well played.

Aesop · November 13, 2024 at 2:34 am

The purple ones taste like purple. Ask me how I know.

When I was in, the platoon sergeant found a company that made bubble gum that looked like crayons.
He bought a ton, and we were in the field for the Birthday, when he passed them out.
Bn CO came out on a visit, saw guys eating crayons, was told what was going on, cracked up, got back in his jeep laughing and drove away.

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