As you all know, I have been off on vacation for the past few weeks. We went to the Bahamas, then were back for a couple of days before leaving for 5 days to Myrtle Beach. While we were there, I went on a pilgrimage to Palmetto State Armory. I made a few small purchases and wound up $500 poorer as I left. (no firearms, of course) I did see some things there that have me ideas for my next build.
We stayed at a Hilton, and they were posted as not allowing any firearms, which has been Hilton’s policy forever. They don’t allow anyone, even off duty police, to carry. They are hypocritical assholes, because they make exceptions to their “no firearms” policy thusly:
- Sworn federal, state or local law enforcement officers while on official business and, when off duty, are required to carry weapons in the jurisdiction by statute, ordinance or rule,
- an exception otherwise made by a Regional Senior Vice President.
- Insured and/or bonded armored car service employees under contract either to the hotel or to certain hotel guests
- Airline flight crew members authorized by federal law who have current and valid credentials issued by the Department of Homeland Security/TSA as Federal Flight Deck Officers (“FFDOs”).
The Hilton family owns firearms and has 24/7 armed bodyguard protection. Well, I can’t afford armed bodyguards, so fuck them. I don’t give a shit. Concealed means concealed.
There were numerous businesses around Myrtle Beach that were posted, and signs have the force of law in SC, but again, I don’t care. If I get shot or robbed, those businesses aren’t going to pay for my medical bills, so fuck them.
I am done being nice.
While we are on the subject of being nice, the left is now demanding that the right play nice and play bipartisan games while trying to unite the country. No sale. For the past 8 years, I have been called racist, NAZI, misogynist, deplorable, uneducated, and ignorant. The left censored me and others with my views from social media, threatened to put me in a camp, locked me in my home for months, threatened to put me in jail, and said they wanted me dead. They tried to deplatform me, as well as trying to contact my employer to get me fired. At the same time, the left is saying that they don’t want to associate with members of their own families who didn’t vote like they did. For crying out loud, they have been KILLING people. Let’s not forget all that we have been through since 2015. Remember this shit?

I am not playing nice. As far as I am concerned, I am at war with the left. Sure, I haven’t yet gotten to the point of lethal means of combat, but I am fighting this war with everything that I have short of lethal force. I am not going to be nice, nor am I interested in being united with them. You said that you are my enemy and that you want me dead or in a camp. There is no reconciliation from that.
It's just Boris · November 29, 2024 at 7:02 am
There’s a phrase that goes something to the effect of, “when someone says they’re going to kill you, believe them.” Good advice. (I’ve heard variations of it often, anybody know where it originated?)
Georgiaboy61 · November 30, 2024 at 2:24 am
Re: “There’s a phrase that goes something to the effect of, ‘when someone says they’re going to kill you, believe them.”
That is the late Elie Wiesel, his response when asked what surviving a Nazi concentration camp had taught him. He’d been asked to summarize in only a sentence or two, and that statement is what he said. Don’t know the year or the context, sorry.
Jonathan · November 29, 2024 at 8:18 am
Unless you have metal detectors, signs are only for those inclined to obey.
I haven’t researched it, what are the legal impacts of No Carry signs in SC?
I used to live in Ohio where the max fine was a $120 misdemeanor. (And in practice most jurisdictions won’t prosecute).
In contrast, in Texas it’s a felony and $10,000 fine (don’t know how many jurisdictions will prosecute).
When I’m in Texas I won’t go anywhere properly posted (many places are improperly posted, where the fine and felony don’t apply). I figure if I can’t protect myself there, I’m not going there.
SmileyFtW · November 29, 2024 at 9:01 am
Jonathan, don’t know where you got that information. It is a class c misdemeanor; max fine $200. It rises to a class a misdemeanor if you are asked to leave the premises and do not. It is also a defense that you are asked to leave and promptly do so. I didn’t go further to find the penalties for violating 30.07 (open carry), but I would expect it to be similar…
DM, in Texas hotels are not allowed to prohibit you from carrying en route to/from vehicle and room. But I am with you, concealed means concealed.
Grumpy51 · November 30, 2024 at 8:14 am
Careful reading is your friend. The punishment in TX as listed by Jonathan is for the “unlicensed possession of a weapon”. TX does have some odd signs. Here is a run-down of them —
neomunitor · November 29, 2024 at 8:30 am
It is time to wake up and smell the coffee. This has become a religious war where one side is the side of normal Americans who want families, freedom, personal security, limited government, opportunity to succeed, and to protect their children from perverts, and the other side is the one that wants the opposite, even if they appear to be normal in most respects! This is the part that shows this is a religious war. Otherwise rational people will vote to destroy functioning society and harm children if it punishes those that they see as evil. Those that they see as evil are us, the normies. You can expect a small percentage of the truly committed commies to vote far left, but a huge number of people who voted Democrat were mostly nice people who just hated the things they were told to hate and to love the things that will hurt them, like mass illegal migration. Blind faith that Republicans are evil. It is a cult.
But the normie side hasn’t figured out that the committed left see their mission to eliminate normies as a holy mission. They would happily kill us normies and see it as making the world a better, more perfect place. The elites have employed the left as useful idiots to tear society down so they can rule over the ashes. And they are using every tool of government and big tech to make that a reality. We normies, on the other hand, are just trying to play nice. To live and let live.
You don’t survive a war with such an attitude, particularly a holy war. We need to crush every aspect of the opposition’s capabilities. Mass deportations. Getting rid of the RINOs. Voting integrity. DOGE. MAHA. Title IX fixes. Term limits. Make gender dysphoria a mental disease again. Whatever it takes.
Divemedic · November 29, 2024 at 8:42 am
I still think that there are moves coming. I don’t think that the left is done trying to keep Trump from office. January 20 is still a long way off.
neomunitor · November 29, 2024 at 5:37 pm
I agree. The leftist jihadis will not rest. They can’t. This is a holy war for them. The 5th column embedded in the Federal, state, and local governments are not going to go quietly into oblivion. While they still have their hands on the levers of power they are going to monkey-wrench as much as they can, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they do something big, and maybe on multiple fronts.
Nones · November 29, 2024 at 8:29 pm
This! I expected a SHTF situation right after the election. It is WAY too quiet.
Skyler the Weird · November 29, 2024 at 12:46 pm
No quarter with Communists.
TakeAHardLook · November 29, 2024 at 9:39 am
I “carry unobtrusively” nearly 100% of the time; banks, bars & restaurant (no, no EtOH if carrying).
There’s the old phrase, “I’d rather be tried by twelve than carried by six.” That sums it up well for me.
Not (quite) paranoid but, even in a posted big box store I will carry. I also ID the location of the exits as well because………’Murica.
If I feel uncomfortable by violating a particular establishment’s properly posted “No Firearms” signage I will simply not give them my business.
Sadly, I believe that a loosely coordinated attack will occur in FUSA in the near future. A certain amount of prep, practice and being armed is a big part of my personal OPSEC.
WDS · November 29, 2024 at 9:56 am
Nobody I know with a CCP here in SC pays much attention to those stupid little stickers.
TJ · November 29, 2024 at 10:10 am
It only takes one to make a fight. And yes, it is a religious fight. Jesus Christ wins in the end, the question for you is: are you on His side or the enemy’s? No neutral ground. No pretending. No half-hearted responses allowed. Decide today. The spicier things get, the more urgent your reply.
Rick T · November 29, 2024 at 10:20 am
The mass SWATTING earlier this week of enemies of the Left shouldn’t have been a surprise.
Grumpy51 · November 29, 2024 at 12:04 pm
I’ll leave it as I carry anywhere there is no metal detector I have to go through…… regardless of signage. Do you really think criminals worry about signage?? And yes, I’m willing to suffer the consequences.
Freedom (liberty) begins in the mind……
“Be polite to everyone you meet, but have a plan how to kill them.” A motto I have lived with since last century.
Compromise only works with honorable people. I do NOT negotiate with terrorists nor dishonorable people. YMMV
Aesop · November 29, 2024 at 12:48 pm
Henry · November 29, 2024 at 1:42 pm
I think you’ll find a very substantial percentage of folks in SC are concealed carriers. I suspect a lot of those signs in retail establishments are all but invisible to the CC crowd.
BTW, if you ever find yourself shopping at PSA the retail stores will honor the Daily Deal mail order prices if you can show them the deal on your smartphone. If you get the daily email blast with the sales items they will honor those prices in-store if you show them on your phone. PSA is a really good outfit and I’ve never been disappointed in buying from them.
SoCoRuss · November 29, 2024 at 6:18 pm
Sodom on the beach here, born and raised. Not the same place I lived anymore. Yankees came down after shitting in the NE and turned the beach into their version of NYC. Most everyone I know moved away from the beach now. Haven’t been back since my dad passed. MB is in the top 5 for crime per capita normally now. As to their signs fuck them. Don’t stay at Hilton for same reason.
Steady Steve · November 29, 2024 at 8:40 pm
What’s needed is for a gun rights organization to bankroll a lawsuit against one of the larger corporate establishments. When an incident happens at one of these places the victims should sue on the basis that, if the business will not allow you to protect yourself, they are fully responsible for your safety. The first suit would trigger the disappearance of most of these signs in small establishments.
Divemedic · November 29, 2024 at 10:24 pm
That’s been tried. They claim that they did what they could to prevent shootings by putting up no guns signs.
Aesop · December 4, 2024 at 3:42 am
Put up “We’re concealed-carrying any-damned-ways, and if you don’t like it, you can self-fornicate. BFYTW.”
Just like those Brandon “I did that!” stickers.
Wear those businesses out scraping them off, by immediately slapping up a new one.
Become ungovernable.
oldvet50 · November 30, 2024 at 9:23 am
I cannot understand how these laws are even constitutional. Hasn’t anyone challenged them? Why not put up a sign that says ‘No religious ceremonies permitted – praying not allowed’. Or ‘All persons and belongings are subject to search while on premises’. It’s much easier to find a business that is not so anti-American though. I will never stay somewhere that advertises this.
JT · November 30, 2024 at 1:18 pm
The liberals crying that their bretherin shouldn’t associate with MAGA people is old news to me.
I have been saying for years that WE must stay away from THEM ! No different than staying away from all other forms of stupid. Hang out with toxic people and you will end up “hung with them”.
For my own sanity and safety I stay away from toxic, drama addicted, bitter people. Happiness is a choice !
As for no firearms signs ? I ignore them. ” I will tolerate laws/rules I find tolerable, all others I will ignore”.
Bob Bob · November 30, 2024 at 4:47 pm
From the Bahamas to Myrtle Beach? I lived in Charleston for 50yrs & never went there except to get someone out of jail or to work on a boat. It’s always been full of carpetbaggers & scallywags.
Anonymous · December 1, 2024 at 1:32 pm
“No Liderals allowed” or “Weapons required to enter” would be good signs for a small business to show.
Clown School Valedictorian · December 1, 2024 at 10:08 pm
The phrase “shall not be infringed” wasn’t entirely clear to these illiterates, was it?
So I’ll start with the obvious: in total agreement, done playing with the Vichy Left, now all I want with them is to see them bleed.
But let’s not stop there, shall we?
What the Vichy Left likes to do is to shift its responsibilities to someone else, such as self-defense to the police whose job it is not.
So two can play that game: I maintain that I have the right to possess small yield nuclear weapons in any conveyance and in any place as part of my Constitutionally protected 2A rights.
Nothing too big, 75 kT does just fine, but 40 kT may also be fine, even though it’s a “pimp gun nuke” for my particular tastes.
Now the Vichy Left and its invaded spaces full of criminals work for me, because they will have to provide protection in order to ensure that automatic defense mechanisms don’t set off the nuke.
And of course while we’re home, the nuke can stay in the back of the truck’s camper bed as it’s within monitoring range parked out on the street.
Oh, but obviously I’m joking?
Obviously not.
If you are of clear mind and of a reasonable constitution, I don’t have any problems with any of you also having small yield nuclear weapons in your possession, and by all means park one with automatic defense triggering out on a street in Pine Hills.
Keeps the HOA Karens off your lawns, if you get my meaning, and as for “wrongful imprisonment” and getting “SWAT-ted”, that’s only going to play out once somewhere, to be followed by the standard issue fear that Vichy Leftists embrace once they understand how they’re outmatched.
So the thing for the Vichy Left to consider is this: this isn’t a joke and that there are people already out there with the equivalents of 75 kT nukes they’re carrying around.
And if you fuck around with any of them, you will find out whether they work.
Wasn’t it Miyamoto Musashi who said that in order to win the fight, you must behave as if you are already dead (from the fight)?
“Accidental detonation” isn’t really a bother from that perspective.
Answer for yourself this question: are you OK with dying knowing that you have eliminated hundreds if not thousands of your mortal enemies as well as those of your extended family?
Vichy Leftists are afraid of nukes “accidentally detonating” for the same reason they are afraid of firearms (“accidentally going off” while being aimed at them): they are drawn to committing every offense right up to the point of oblivion and will repeatedly test that boundary.
As for actual nukes versus notional nukes, it doesn’t really matter.
Whether you’re from a long lineage of executioners or have the protection of a cartel with its sicarios, the results are what counts.
This is all part of the grand cycle of life.
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