Here is an interesting map of the world’s highest marginal tax rates.

I think that there is an important thing you need to realize has been overlooked about the US tax rate- it only is looking at IRS income tax. It isn’t taking the US Social Security tax rate into account. Adding that into the mix, and the highest US marginal rate is about 49 percent.
Furthermore, property, sales, or other indirect taxes are not included. It also omits state, provincial, and municipal taxes. In total, the US total tax burden averages out to about 31 percent of total income. Still, more than half of the people who live in the US are net receivers of US tax money. It’s a critical number. When more than half of the people who vote receive more money than they pay in taxes, there is no way that you can get the public support and votes to change anything.
Most of the people in the country care more about what people have left over after taxes than they are about the taxes that they themselves are paying. When I point out that a flat ten percent income tax with no deductions or adjustments permitted would get the nation $2.3 trillion a year in income tax revenue, people still complain. Why?
This would mean that a person who makes $10,000 a year would pay $1,000 in taxes, while a person making $10 million would pay $1 million in taxes, ten times as much. This isn’t as fair as a flat rate, but it’s more realistic and practical.
Still that isn’t good enough, because when I do point that out, the counter argument that they make is “Yeah, but that leaves the poor guy with only $9 thousand, while the rich guy still has 9 million.” To these people, taxes are a way of taking money from the rich so that everyone is equally poor. In other words, communism. It’s caused by pure envy and jealousy.

I maintain that if you took all of the wealth of the nation and redistributed it to each person, giving every one a million dollars, within 10 years the people who are now poor would all be broke, and the ones who are rich would mostly be rich again. Why?
The poor would spend it because they see money as something they use to buy things. Give people with this attitude a million bucks, they will have a house full of big screen TVs, gold chains, and fancy cars.
The rich would be rich again because they see money as a vehicle to make more money. While there are people who are rich due to graft and corruption, largely those people are government officials who earn their money by peddling influence. Most of the nation’s rich, the people in the top quintile, are there because of skill, hard work, and attitude. Give them a million bucks, and they will start a business selling those baubles to the people that are soon to be poor.
All taxes are supposed to be so that a society can have the things that it needs for us to exist- fire, police, courts, and common defense. Instead, it has become a way for one group of people to steal wealth from those who have earned it.
I don’t think that we should have ANY Federal level taxes on individuals. Instead, the Federal government should charge a per capita tax to each state. Let the states figure out how they want to come up with the money. Each state can charge it to their citizens, or perhaps they can add it as a tariff to exports. You want Alaskan oil? Salmon? Crab? Alaska is charging a tariff on that good in the amount of $$ to cover Alaska’s per capital tax obligations. Perhaps Florida could charge a tourist tax for beach or theme park access, or a tax on oranges. New York would be free to have an income tax. Each state decides. You get the idea.
LargeMarge · March 19, 2025 at 5:39 am
Approximately 99.999% of taxes are wasted on the bureaucrat skim-scam… aka BureauOfJustifyingOurExistence.
The rest is over-head.
An aside:
I define ‘bureaucrat’ as every judge, all the military, LawEnforcementOfficials, Presidents, and congress-critters.
Steve · March 19, 2025 at 6:45 am
Proof of your thesis is the number of people who win the lottery, and are broke a few years later. Instead, if they took their lottery winnings and invested them in an annuity, they could live comfortably. The there is the example of the people who use the lottery winnings as capital to start a business. At least they are trying, but without the skill to run a business, they end up broke as well.
Divemedic · March 19, 2025 at 7:18 am
Like our government, most people don’t have an income problem- they have a spending problem.
WallPhone · March 19, 2025 at 7:37 am
“How U.S. wealth is distributed” Marxist propaganda presented by “visual capitalist”.
How about instead produce a infographic that’s truly capitalist, i.e. useful, instead of promoting grievance culture?
How about a chart of “how wealth is produced” or an examination of sociopolitical environments that improve upward class mobility? Identify wealth building behaviors common to those who have demonstrated success?
(Hint: it’s not those who have taken loans for liberal arts degrees)
Equitable distribution of wealth is a false god. There is no distributor responsible for the current state of wealth disparity, beware the propagandists bullying themselves into that powerful position of wealth distributor.
Gerry · March 19, 2025 at 10:18 am
I would suggest many if not most “rich people” get richer by loaning money to businesses or governments that need it. Buying stocks or bonds loans the money and the dividends or increased value of the shares is the interest.
“I made my money the old fashion way. I inherited it.” Anon
Divemedic · March 19, 2025 at 11:03 am
Once you have the money, that’s true. That’s why you invest money instead of spending it.
Even rental property is a way of lending money to people who need it.
It still entails both work and risk.
Anonymous · March 19, 2025 at 6:17 pm
But, but, but poor people have the RIGHT to have nice things too. (This is sarcasm).
A flat tax of 10% total (feds, state, local) with no deductions. Plus a high gift/inheritance tax so wealth is earned not given.
Divemedic · March 19, 2025 at 8:28 pm
I don’t see why an inheritance tax is a good thing. It’s my money, why can’t I give it to whomever I choose?