The Democrats are the party who claim to be for the little guy. That’s why they are proposing a law that would tax guns by 1,000% and make them accessible only to criminal drug gangs and rich people.

Categories: Antigun


Moons Over My Hammy · June 5, 2022 at 1:29 pm

That plan has been around since Crüella Pantsuit and Slick Willie.
Making a box of ammo cost as much as a gun was the stain brain storm.
Just like McHealthecarez was waiting in a drawer somewhere for Chairman Mau Mau Sobama, there is nothing new under the sun.
They better get busy with the Brazil favela plan as the natives are getting restless with long faces and stompy feet at the gas station and grocery.

Big Ruckus D · June 5, 2022 at 1:46 pm

And this, of course, will drive the proliferation of many more black market (“illegal” in govt speak) guns. Anyone who wants a means of defense beyond sticks and stones will be driven into being a criminal – as defined by arbitrary govt decree – through obtaining their gun off the books, to escape the ruiniously confiscatory taxation on doing so “legally”. And further to avoid the forseeable hassles of red flag laws and other stupid impediments placed on gun ownership defined as proper by govt overlords.

Ultimately, the outcome of all this will hinge on men of good character finding the willingness to lay waste to agents of tyranny in sufficient quantity that tyrants will shut the fuck up and go crawl back under a rock for another few generations, until entropy and carelessness forces the battle to fought again. And that will require guns, a whole damn lot of them. We know it. They also know it. That is exactly why they want as many men of good character as possible disarmed, or otherwise neutralized by criminalizing them in order to steal their freedom and crush their spirit.

Jonathan · June 5, 2022 at 5:48 pm

This sounds like the NFA on steroids, where the objective was to ensure that only the rich could afford machine guns.
Their math on passage is pretty simplistic.
This sounds like a talking point, not even a proposal yet, but it could condition people to something else…
And of course they don’t think about the damage that bolt, pump, or lever action guns can do.

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