For those that have had problems registering on this site: It was my error in the way that I set up the SMTP server. I sent emails to everyone that has tried to register so far. If you didn’t get one, please comment here and let me know.

That should fix the registration issue, but I am continuing to work on it. Sorry if there are still speedbumps. When I had to fire my old IT guy, I have had to learn all of this on my own. Everything from running the blog to the email system and the server is new to me.

On top of that, I started my new job and have been spending my days in training to learn everything from new medical charting software to new equipment and all of the typical HR stuff. So, I’m busy.

The email will come from wordpress (at) That is an automated and unmonitored email account, so don’t try replying to it.

Categories: Blog News


Miguel GFZ · June 20, 2023 at 5:54 pm

Well, it seems to have worked.

EN2 SS · June 20, 2023 at 7:24 pm

Well, after 6 tries, two email addresses, two names, with and without VPN, I’ll just stay Anonymous, easy peasy.

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