Here is what we know about the Trump assassination attempt so far:

  1. a random 20 year old acting completely alone walked to within 150 yards of a presidential campaign rally with a rifle
  2. climbed onto a rooftop, fully within the view of two Secret Service sniper teams
  3. even though multiple people told the authorities that there was a man on the roof top with a rifle, only one of the even investigated, and he ran away without telling anyone else once the 20 year old pointed a gun at him
  4. set up his shot and fired without anyone intervening
  5. with no help from anyone.
  6. He once tried to join his school’s rifle club, but his aim was so bad he hit the side wall instead of the end wall where the target was, so didn’t make the team
  7. He was also so politically radical as to attempt an assassination, but not radical enough to have ever posted any political writings or commentary on any social media site, ever
  8. He also wrote no manifesto and left behind no indication about why he did it
  9. The password and encryption on his cell phone is so airtight that the entire Federal government can’t crack it
  10. He committed only two political acts before attempting to kill the Republican candidate, and that was to register as a Republican and donate $15 to Act Blue.

You must believe this and ask no questions about it, or else you are a conspiracy theorist. One thing we know about assassination attempts is that there’s never any conspiring involved.

Things are going to deteriorate at a faster rate. It’s going to seem blindingly fast in retrospect.


wojtek · July 15, 2024 at 12:48 pm

You know one more thing: he appeared in a video shot for Black Rock 2 years ago.
I would be interested in finding out more about that teacher featured in the video. Was he a retired employee of one of the alphabet agencies? If so, was he in touch with the alleged shooter (I think this is one place where one could defend the use of the word “alleged”) after he graduated?

IcyReaper · July 15, 2024 at 1:16 pm

The truly sad thing about all this is, the FBI will be the investigating office due to the MOU agreement between the USSS and FBI after shootings so no agency interference could result.
But since the FBI has been at the heart of doing their best for over 4 years as part of the Demo-Commie party to destroy him, we know nothing will be found to really discover what happened. Except that they may discover that Trump of course staged all this with his Russian friends for his benefit in the November election that will either be stolen again or not happen due to the next lab grown virus they release on us………

To be honest, I’m am not a Trump fan, I believe he is not what people on the right think he is. And he is just another in a long line of lesser evils put before us.

But, as a American. This is total BULLSHIT. But of course no one will be held accountable and the masses dont seem to care. That says more about this country than I ever could..

MiniMe · July 15, 2024 at 1:26 pm

“You must believe this and ask no questions about it, or else you are a conspiracy theorist.”

Thing is, conspiracy theories have proven more right than wrong in the past 10+ years, and truer (sp?) than anything coming out of the filthy pie-holes of 90% of politicians, regardless of party affiliation.

So, I think I’ll stick with what has been working so far and put another layer of tinfoil on my hat.

Pat H. Bowman · July 15, 2024 at 2:03 pm

Yeah, that all checks out. Totally plausible. There’s no way the FBI would like about any of that. They’re way too trustworthy.

What I’d like to know is this; how did “his” rifle end up 8′ away from him after he was canoed? I’ve seen more than a couple people take hits to the CNS and it’s pretty rare (as in never) that they chuck whatever they are holding 8 feet away.

So, here’s my conspiracy theory; kid was a total patsy. He may have carried the gun up there, but someone else took the shots. The delay in engaging the subject is that the sniper teams were unclear on which dude to shoot. Probably didn’t define “my left” and ‘shooter’s left.”

Nah, forget it. That’s just crazy talk.

    Divemedic · July 15, 2024 at 2:26 pm

    I figured the cops tossed it aside when they went up to make sure he was dead.

    Robert · July 16, 2024 at 8:02 pm

    TMX purchased a cell phone video from one of the witnesses who was near the shooter. An edited version has been shown repeatedly in a number of venues. For a short time, the unedited video was even posted on Twitter. It shows the entire sequence of the assassin crawling up to a firing position with his rifle. And then it goes on until he is dead.


    It does not show him pointing his rifle at a cop who said he was trying to get on the roof to investigate. That might have happened before the start of the video.

    It is very clear that there was only one person on that roof, and he fired several shots before the counter-snipers killed him.

    The counter-snipers had scopes on the assassin before he started shooting. Why did they wait to fire?

Gryphon · July 15, 2024 at 2:32 pm

It may take a while for it to be revealed, but I’m leaning towards the shooter being a CIA MK-Ultra Assassin, brainwashed/convinced he was taking part in a “Legitimate” Operation. That would Explain his access to the Site without interference, and the Delay in the rest of the ‘law enforcement/security apparatus IGNORING the Citizens who reported a Man with a Gun on that Building.
And the Fact that a Rooftop overlooking the Venue didn’t have even a couple of local Donut Suckers posted on it, is all one needs to know that this was a ‘3-letter agency’ operation.

John in Indy · July 15, 2024 at 3:08 pm

This assassination attempt stinks like week old fish.
Secret Service is in overall charge of site security. They delegate to local police, but they tell them what to do, where, and when.
Secret Service noted that building as a danger days before, but did not put coverage on it.
Assassin used a tall ladder to get on the roof, where did he get it from? He was seen and reported well before the shooting started. Why was he allowed to fire at Trump?
Another site reported that the snipers were ordered to only fire in response to shots fired at Trump. Not the normal policy.
The snipers shown were not proper teams, as they had no spotters with them.
They did not fire until after the assassin shot Trump, but hit him easily when they did finally fire.
There may have been too few Secret Service people, and some of them could be second team, as Jill Biden had an event in Pittsburgh at the same time. When was that event scheduled?
Assassin was out of school, not in college, and not reported to be working. Was he being treated for psych conditions? SSRI?
Assassins parents are both social workers in the Pittsburgh area. Likely D.
Assains dad bought the evil black gun in January, the time that it became obvious that Trump would be the R candidate.
FBI investigating? They have proven themselves untrustworthy in all respects.
Thr RNC in Milwaukee will be a sh*tshow. All requests for protests have been granted, with apparently no restrictions on numbers.
Apparently, there are no restrictions on firearms near the convention center.
The delegates will have to walk between the hotels and the convention center, past or through the permitted protest sites. No risk here, and if any are killed, well, they deserved it for being Republicans.
I think that we were an inch away from the country going kinetic, with all the chaos that would result. Glad that didn’t happen.

Dirty Dingus McGee · July 15, 2024 at 4:56 pm

As more info comes out, I realize I did something I know better than to do; I believed a lot of the initial reports. And as more info trickles out I suspect some of what we have already heard will change again.But we will never know everything given that the federal bureau of incompetents is handling the investigation.

Right now the ONLY thing I believe is that the next 4 months and 4 years are going to be “interesting”. And not a good interesting, a life changing interesting for many.

Exile1981 · July 15, 2024 at 5:25 pm

It was reported the dead shooter has two prior arrests. Both for being involved in antifa ‘peaceful’ fire bomb throwing.

He was employed at a seniors center placing food on the old peoples trays.

There is video from recently of him attacking a young republicans booth at a college.

D · July 15, 2024 at 8:47 pm

Something to add to #3 is that the police department or sheriff’s office or whatever apparently issued a statement that (among other things) said the reason the officer backed away was that he was hanging from the edge of the roof and didn’t have his pistol. I don’t remember the exact verbiage they used (I think it was on Fox News), but it appeared to indicate the cop didn’t have his pistol *with* him….like it was left down below.

Maybe it was just poorly thought-out words, maybe not.

    D · July 15, 2024 at 8:49 pm

    Oh, and to add to that, in the statement they also made it seem like the officer dropped to the ground and that’s when shots rang out. Like there wasn’t enough time to respond.

    Plenty of video of the shooter in the seconds before the shot, no officer visible anywhere.

      Divemedic · July 16, 2024 at 5:50 am

      They knew he was there for almost half an hour.

    Divemedic · July 16, 2024 at 5:50 am

    But why did they still allow Trump to take the stage?

      D · July 16, 2024 at 12:37 pm

      > They knew he was there for almost half an hour.

      I just saw that in some news report.
      Basically reduces the debate to: Was the USSS incompetent at protecting Trump or were they incompetent at assassinating him?

      > But why did they still allow Trump to take the stage?

      I’ve never been a police officer, security guard, body guard, diplomatic protection, or secret service agent. Absolutely zero training in any of that. But even I can identify areas of risk, threat, and failure. And it’s not like this is some new surprise thing to the USSS. I’m sure it’s buried in their SOPs / training manuals that they need to cover rooftops. We’ve seen it plenty of times before. It seems like they willfully ignored their training / SOPs.

      I heard the news talking about the USSS blaming the Sheriff’s office because they were supposed to be covering the building, and the SO was blaming the USSS. How negligent do you have to be to see a threat and think “Meh. Not *my* area, not *my* problem.”

        Divemedic · July 16, 2024 at 1:08 pm

        Even worse. The roof he was on was the command post for the sheriff’s SWAT team.

      wojtek · July 16, 2024 at 2:19 pm

      The obvious answer would be that they did that for the same reason the .gov sniper team waited to shoot the suspect (which it is obvious they already had in their crosshairs) until after the suspect fired his weapon. Now, what that reason is – I do not know. But there is clearly a pattern here.

WallPhone · July 15, 2024 at 9:41 pm


Standard protocol for a rifleman crawling across a rooftop and aligning on your principal–fire after the rifleman fires. Standard protocol for an unarmed woman crawling though a capital door’s broken window with no principals in sight? Shoot her in the throat.

    Divemedic · July 16, 2024 at 5:51 am

    That’s a great point.

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