The purpose of society, and in particular of government, is to protect the rights of others. Even more specifically, to protect those who cannot protect themselves. The person commenting from Live Oak, Florida, a commenter that I am calling Odd Poster, has been advocating sex with minors.

Yet 100 years later with better nutrition human brains are maturing more slowly now? How did that number of 10-12 get picked by the legislatures, were the majority of American voters in 1880 all pedophiles? Today some 16 and 17 year olds are more physically developed than 25 year old women, but their brain development doesn’t keep pace with their body development? Does that make medical sense?

wikipedia: Restricted by age difference: younger partner is deemed able to consent to having sex with an older one as long as their age difference does not exceed a specified amount.

Today that age is 14 in Indiana, and 13 in some other states. Because the “child” does not have a child’s immature brain if she picks another high school age person as a partner? Or you’re less pregnant if the father is under 18? Gee that makes sense.

Rule 1 of posting on this blog:

The owner of this blog (me) has the final say on what you can and cannot post. It’s my house, I make the rules. Content here is moderated, and I will not be approving any comments that I find, in my sole judgement, to be unworthy. 

Then there is also Rule 10:

These rules can change with no notice, and rules may or may not apply retroactively. That’s up to me. See rule #1.

I try to support the free exchange of ideas on this website, but I cannot support people advocating sex with children as young as 12 years old. Accordingly, I am banning the entire IP address because I will not allow comments that defend preying on children.

I do so as the owner of this blog. You want to diddle children? You aren’t going to do it on this blog, or on this server, nor will you advocate for that. The last thing I need is more of a spotlight on this blog by the Feds, especially not for pedophiles. Anyone who has a problem with that, there is the door- Go do that shit somewhere else.

My son testified in court against his best friend, a kid we had both known since he was 8 years old, because that friend was screwing children, filming it, and posting the film on the Internet. That friend is currently serving 30 years in Federal Prison, and I fully support that. I would do the same thing my son did in a heartbeat.

Categories: Blog News


Jonesy · October 15, 2024 at 11:42 am

They’re always trying to justify their actions. And they have to change the language they use to camouflage what they are (minor attracted person vs pedophile) to try to normalize their behavior to the rest of us.

There’s nothing normal about preying on kids.

pchappel · October 15, 2024 at 12:13 pm

Huh… Not really a thing for me. the only even close thing I would point to would be that I’d go for a single age of majority for everything. Driving, firearm ownership, sex, alcohol, signing contracts, etc… But I’m looking at 18 or 21 years old here… Or older since I know at 18 or 21 I was absolutely not mature enough to understand what I was doing…

    Divemedic · October 15, 2024 at 12:17 pm

    Odd Poster is advocating for sex with 10 to 12 year old children. Not on my blog. Not on my server.

Skyler the Weird · October 15, 2024 at 1:08 pm

They seem to be coming out of the woodwork since the accusations against Tampon Timmy have come to light.

JoshO · October 15, 2024 at 1:11 pm

The way those first comment that you flagged started I suspected simething like that was coming from that ‘person’ sooner or later.

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