A few questions for this dipshit:
- Who is going to invite in this ‘global coalition’ of armies?
- What will the force composition be?
- How exactly will you get the US police, military, and the courts to sit idly by and watch as all of this unfolds?
Now a couple of points to consider:
Lets look at a couple of relatively recent events as guidance on how this will go:
Iraq is slightly less than 170,000 square miles in area, or about the size of California. During the height of the conflict there, the insurgents numbered about 3,000. Afghanistan is about 252,000 square miles, or slightly smaller than the state of Texas. During the height of the insurgency there, the opposition numbered around 75,000, mixed in with a population of about 35 million.
So both conflicts combined saw the coalition forces facing less than 80,000 insurgents in an area the one seventh size of the contiguous states of the US. Those two conflicts lasted for decades and cost more than 25,000 dead and wounded coalition soldiers.
Now expand that area to make it seven times larger, and instead of facing 80,000 insurgents, you now have 100 million of them all looking for a piece of your ass. The little masturbatory fantasy you are describing is total war between a third of the citizens of the US and an invading army. There are 100 million gun owners in the US, and those gun owners have roughly 600 million firearms. Just one percent of them would outnumber any realistic coalition force that would be here.
To the lefties who are dreaming of this situation, I ask you this: What makes you think that you will be immune to the violence? When they drop a 500 lb JDAM on your gun owning neighbor, are you counting on not being collateral damage? What about when your gun owning neighbor decides that you are the one who dropped a dime on his brother and got him shot by a coalition soldier? Do you think that no one will come after you? From either side?
These brain dead dumbasses have no idea what they are talking about. I know a guy who was a combat engineer in the Army. I also know that he has more than a couple of bricks of composition four stored in his house. I am betting that he isn’t alone in that. Now imagine a gun owner strapping 100g or so of that to a relatively cheap DJI drone and going hunting for some red force armored vehicles.
Use your own imagination to come up with resistance scenarios, and you quickly see what an unrealistic fantasy this is, which brings me to my point.
All of the armies of the world would find it impossible to subjugate the largest armed population that the world has ever known, which is the exact point of the right to keep and bear arms. Everyone who isn’t a fucking idiot knows this to be true, which is why no one has tried to take them.
LG · January 10, 2025 at 9:11 am
What you say is true, which is why if I were the enemy I would simply turn off the grid at the beginning of winter or so, and come in in the spring. Fighting with guns only works if you have food, sad to say, and without the grid most people in our country would starve; no grocery stores, no trucks, no gasoline, no heat, etc. A bleak scenario indeed.
Divemedic · January 10, 2025 at 9:36 am
Which would make the other 250 million people hate you, thus complicating your problem.
LG · January 10, 2025 at 11:27 am
Not if you were crafty and blamed it on someone else. Most of the 3.5 million survivors spread out over the country would be glad to have help.
Michael · January 10, 2025 at 12:00 pm
If an evil leader is willing to burn down the grid, safe water, sewage systems and food we are going to lose a HUGE percentage of our population.
3 days without water stuff.
Do they CARE about their Useful Idiots?
We will be shooting each other for food soon enough.
It’s a real hazard so I’m hoping you have proven ability to secure safe water, a deep food supply and trusted friends and trusted family for the “Troubles “.
Sailor Paul · January 10, 2025 at 4:53 pm
The old Dutchman who runs the tugboat crew launch (a water taxi) in New York harbor told me about the time he was drinking at a bar in Buenos Ares in the 60’s, and his buddy the 2nd mate (the ship’s navigator) recognized the bartender, who had been a rat for the nazis in their neighborhood in Amsterdam a teen. The 2nd mate, a normally jolly fat guy, a joker, confronted the guy before stabbing him repeatedly then cutting his throat.
Sailors aren’t psychotic. That was a fairly predictable response… Somehow I doubt the gun-grabbers realize how short their lives will be should they try to make their violent fantasies true.
Beans · January 10, 2025 at 12:46 pm
And then the invading army has to fight both a very pissed off enemy, but one that just survived the winter. And fight at the end of a long supply line that is highly open for being attacked. And fighting into a dystopian landscape full of traps, walls, barriers, broken stuff everywhere. And then with no ability to scrounge or find food and fuel at the far end of a disrupted supply line.
Just look at the Russian supply situation in the Ukraine. Same goes for anywhere in the US. Only a few rail-lines go east to west and vice versa. Only a few highways go east-west. State roads are far more frequent in the eastern USA. But state roads are often narrower and easier to seal off.
The original “Red Dawn” is an excellent example of what happens when some leftist jackwagon tries to push into the flyover states.
mike · January 10, 2025 at 2:02 pm
Here is Pineland, we thought that through years ago. 3 years worth of firewood for stove and hearth are stacked under cover. Crops, root cellar, and 200 year old dug well etc. We are kinda counting on a winter grid down to kill off the Somalies and other immigrants in the rent free apartments who only have modern heat sources. The liberal Greenies will be in trouble too with their heat pumps. There is over a foot of ice on the lakes around here today, it looks like we are going to have an old time winter this year. Even if nothing happens, the illegals must be thinking that the state bennies are not worth the hardship of living this far north. If the grid goes down for a while they will vanish one way or another.
Tree Mike · January 10, 2025 at 9:38 pm
If “someone” manages to turn off the grid, anytime, they’re coming to kill and/or subjugate everyone. It would be TEOTWAWKI.
Miles · January 10, 2025 at 10:37 pm
‘simply turn off “the grid™”
There is really no such single thing to ‘simply’ turn off like a light switch.
With such an astoundingly incorrect take, right off the bat, there’s really no need to consider anything else you might opine on.
Downwind of Seattle · January 11, 2025 at 9:52 am
If a location has a “smart” meter, all it takes is one command and the power is off. So a lot of the red areas would have no power…
Bill · January 11, 2025 at 10:03 pm
Meters come off, jumpers go on. Just have 5 feet of 10/4 wire laying around
B · January 10, 2025 at 10:42 pm
What makes you think that most gun owners don’t have three months of food (or could hunt enough to stay alive) and couldn’t survive the winter without power?
We would be the MOST LIKELY to survive, rather than the other 2/3 of the population.
And then we’d be (more) pissed at the force attempting to occupy our land come springtime.
All you would do is make it easier to identify the enemy.
Michael · January 11, 2025 at 9:57 am
3 Months, Sir? Try a year plus needed to give yourself a fighting chance to grow crops after the crazies are mostly dead.
Ask Rhodesia about trying to farm WITH Crazies around. Nuff said.
Hunt and such LOL, LOL, LOL.
I’m quite a successful hunter Sir. I KNOW my family would suffer if EVERYBODY with a Gun is HUNTING everything that moves.
Theres a REASON Mountain Men CARRIED Basic dry foods into the mountains. Nuff said.
AND aside from the occasional (and sometimes seriously BAD) situation of a dead critter Upstream from their water supply they didn’t have millions of rotting people and sewage making the vast majority of surface water in America NON-Potable without treatment.
Got a years + water filteration Sir?
Trumpeter · January 13, 2025 at 9:57 pm
Sounds like there will be lots of long pork just when everything else runs out.
JimmyPx · January 10, 2025 at 10:08 am
It is interesting to scratch the surface of these types like the guy who wrote that.
First, WHY do you want to disarm law abiding citizens ?
WHY would you be OK with having a large army with troops from other nations in your country ?
Of course scratch the surface and this idiot is a hard core marxist and to whittle it down further a Trotskyite. They think that THEY will be a Party member and calling the shots and after those pesky right wingers are disarmed they will be forced to do what THEY say.
The hilarious thing is look at every marxist revolution. After they eliminate their opposition, they ALWAYS turn on themselves and THEY get the bullet or sent to the gulag.
Gerry · January 10, 2025 at 10:25 am
What countries would that be?
Logistics is a real burden when it has to cross the Pacific Ocean for either China or Russia?
I notice he/she/it never volunteers to go door to door looking for firearms. I guess the proves they are not a complete moron
Mikey · January 10, 2025 at 11:18 am
I get a stiffy just thinking about them trying this shit.
pchappel · January 10, 2025 at 1:46 pm
Hmmm, and add in places like say, Texas where a sizable percentage of the population already “strongly dislikes” the federal government… Not sure the foreign armies coming in and trying to confiscate firearms would go the way they think it would. 🙂 And former combat engineer myself, so yeah… Guessing there are more than a few toys leftover from deployments here given the % of combat veterans here as well…
SoCoRuss · January 10, 2025 at 1:53 pm
DM has a valid point not spoken a lot. For myself, I have no interest in fighting a military force due to my disagreement with the commies. For me my targets would be the people that sent them and their supporters who sent thugs after me or my family. No matter who and where they are.They aren’t real hard to find.
Me, I’m just a old retired military guy that wants to be left alone and in peace for the rest of my days above room temperature. Maybe that’s what the left doesn’t understand. Leave the people that want to be left alone, alone. Why? Because that is the way to destruction and violence on a scale not seen by many because these people just wont give a fuck and will have NO limits.
As a PSA and to be clear, all this is just conjecture and discussion not a threat to anyone of course…
Stealth Spaniel · January 10, 2025 at 3:37 pm
Cowboys and Fucktards, is it? Last time I looked, an entire nation hesitated to attack the main continent of the US after having no qualms ramming ships with planes and threatening the Pussies in DC. It’s 85 years thus, and still nations worry about the EveryDayCitizen who has guns behind every blade of grass. We lost in Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan because major bleating imbeciles like JC57FN refused to let war be war. We have terrorist attacks such as New Orleans because assholes like Mr.JC57FN run certain areas and refuse to let citizen actually do their jobs; hanging and shooting. So-keep having your fantastical wet dreams and thinking we are all gonna turn into Europussies. The LA fires have turned even Hollywoodland off.
Dirty Dingus McGee · January 10, 2025 at 6:22 pm
That poster has smelled too many of their own farts. No matter how deep into fantasy land he(?) tumbles, that’s all it is; a fantasy.
But if you’re feeling froggy, start lining up your fire team. It could prove to be fun for the whole family.
Aesop · January 10, 2025 at 6:58 pm
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Jester · January 10, 2025 at 7:02 pm
1: What’s wild is there was always the old line of “No one is going to confiscicate anything”
2: The entire reason no one wants to give anything up is because idiots like this keep flat out saying they want to kill enslave. Which is why everyone wants guns to protect that.
3: If anyone thinks this whole thing would just be about rounding up the guns they are on some serious drugs. I can see just how this plays out. Get in line, hand in your guns to the guys who say they are going to enslave or kill you. And then they do that, march right in to this cattle truck please for furture disposal.
JimmyPx · January 11, 2025 at 11:08 am
Ding Ding ding. Remember the Clint Eastwood movie “The Outlaw Josie Wales” ?
The Confederate troops turn in their guns, start saying a loyalty vow and then they open up a maxim gun on them and kill them all.
Lunatics like the guy that wrote that don’t just want you disarmed, they want you dead.
Unknownsailor · January 10, 2025 at 10:12 pm
I don’t bother debating people like this. I get personal, intensely personal.
I ask if the are willing to stake their life on their beliefs. When they ask why, I tell them that by making this kind of statement, they just announced to the world that they are a legitimate target for the inevitable insurgency that will arise if what they ask for comes to pass.
I ask how many people he wants to kill to enforce his edict, because many WILL die, on both sides. I ask if he is willing to stake his life on his principles, because if what he wants happens, those opposed to him won’t be taking their vengeance out on the police he sends in his stead, they will be taking their vengeance out on people just. Like. Him.
Like Mike Vanderboegh used to say, Clinton rules are in effect. Regime supporters are not off limits, and this guy is a regime supporter if I ever saw one. There aren’t enough body guards to guard them all.
Paul · January 10, 2025 at 11:32 pm
Loss of grid will kill hundreds if millions from lack of WATER, even if they had tons of food. Throw in water borne diseases, because thirsty people will drink ANYTHING.
Which also kills the Leftist scum who are far less prepared. Bring it.
Jonathan · January 11, 2025 at 12:07 am
Yet again, someone sees the world as they want it to be, not as it is.
Anonymous · January 11, 2025 at 8:20 am
Here’s an example of why citizens are foolish to give up their firearms.
25 years or so ago the Ausies and NZers, along with the UK were forced by their governments to give up their firearms by passing a law, at the behest of the Queen, because some nut with a gun killed a bunch of school kids in Scotland.
The citizens complied with the law instead of taking the politicians that passed the laws out of their homes, businesses and legislature and shooting them.. All those countries are now being subjected to FORCED COVID AND BIRD FLU JABS and are being put in jail for mean tweets on X and Facefook.
The governments in those countries no longer fear their citizens because they are disarmed. Hostile governments wouldn’t fear invading those countries either, especially in light of the fact they rely on the U.S. for their protection.
Our forefathers didn’t die for our freedoms, they killed for them using then state of the art military weapons.
Michael · January 11, 2025 at 2:00 pm
Nemo is correct : Our forefathers didn’t die for our freedoms, they killed for them using then state of the art military weapons.
However they also could feed themselves. They knew how to secure safe water. Their homes were firewood heated and so forth.
They DIDN’T Have millions of military aged males IMPORTED over the past few years. As in more that the armed services in total millions.
They didn’t have millions of Gimme Dats that are so useful Idiots for the Deep State.
Our Forefathers enemies WORE UNIFORMS, had mostly a sort of military Honor about not randomly attacking non-combatants and not just burning down everything to starve out the Rebels like Sherman did to the South in the not so civil war.
Valley Forge was the last gasp of the Rebellion until they succeeded in taking the Hessians in that across the river Christmas assault. CAPTURED SUPPLIES and that Victory saved the Rebellion.
Going to get ugly. Hope you have more than a years food supplies, excellent safe water supplies, trusted friends and trusted family (Family betrayal is an ugly COMMIE trick) and faith in God for the troubles ahead.
Almost anything can be the spark that kicks off the festivities. An Internet Hacker that cripples the internet SCANA controls for the Grid (Say Good Bye power and internet, banking, cell phones and so on) ALSO Turns OFF the EBT cards and all banking-credit.
Say HELLO to a LOT of rapidly more hostile folks getting hungry.
Patriots will be shooting at everybody including other Patriots over feeding their kids.
The Evil Ruler WILL Burn down his nation to rule over the ashes. Sun Tzu
And useful idiots will also die off. A twofer in the evil folks eyes.
SiG · January 11, 2025 at 8:33 am
I think Japan’s Admiral Yamamoto summed it up perfectly back years ago with the famous, “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a man with a rifle behind every blade of grass.”
Reltney McFee · January 11, 2025 at 10:05 am
I think it was Matt Bracken who observed that one commonality among fighter jets, tanks and other armored vehicles, and artillery/missile batteries, is that Pvt. Snuffy (or Capt Snuffy) has to exit the vehicle at some point: gas, latrine, eat, sleep, whatever. When that happens, Pvt/Capt Snuffy is what might be considered a soft, and high value, target.
And, in Mr. Personality’s thesis, some fraction of that force will have family adjacent to the area of operations.
THAT might be a problem. One I pray never develops.
Jonathan · January 12, 2025 at 8:27 am
A great example of that: 5 years ago when Afghanistan started building an effective Air Force , the Taliban responded by assassinating their pilots or pilots families on the ground.
Or look at the fighting in Africa in the 1980’s, where guerrillas attacked Soviet bases and took out aircraft, mechanics, etc on the ground – this was enabled by poor perimeter security and US training of the guerrillas (rumors say possible US leadership on the raids themselves).
Pete · January 11, 2025 at 1:15 pm
They will never come try to confiscate the guns. They will just keep bringing in more and more millions and millions AND MILLIONS of nogs, spics and jeets until you’re the last white family in a hundred-mile radius.
At that point, the grid will certainly go down and your children will be swamped under human-wave attacks of thousands of brown bodies trying to get their food stash.
Alex Lund · January 12, 2025 at 8:49 am
Just imagine that some countries send soldiers to the US to disarm you.
How do they make sure that those send are anti-gun?
If I were drafted and sent to the US I wouldnt want to disarm any of you. I like your 2nd AD. I wish my own country Germany had a 2nd AD of its own.
So, how could I tell you, I support you without getting shot by you?
Aesop · January 12, 2025 at 1:05 pm
Shoot your officers.
Seeing their lifeless bodies hanging from telephone poles would be treated as a flag of truce.
Then bring your guns, all you could carry, with you when you defect.
Bonus points for crew-served weapons and explosives.
We’ll get along fine after that.
Since you asked.
lpdbw · January 12, 2025 at 1:11 pm
You show your support by having conviction. Resist the draft. Resist being deployed to the US. Stand up against the illegal orders. Get a court martial and jail time. Get deployed, and desert. Use malicious complance.
The reason other countries are not free is that patriots in those countries didn’t fight for freedom.
JAFA · January 13, 2025 at 5:33 pm
Just Another Effing Aussie here. Its rhetoric vs dialectic. Leftie/Glowie knows this can’t be done. But stirs the shit out of normal gun owners, and makes some people say stupid things that >m i g h t< be used against them later by the govt.
Our firearms owners are constantly targeted with these type of tactics. We are further along than you good people, so we have had things like a high range speeding ticket being used to show the firearms licensee is not a "fit & proper" person to hold a firearms licence.
Our various state police are currently trying to get medical info about license holders – like diabetes and whether or not you have ever seen a psychologist for any reason – to get you declared unfit to own firearms.
They just will not stop. Do not give one millimetre more on legal matters or you'll end up like us Aussies.
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