I posted last week about a man who ran over another after following the victim’s wife home due to road rage. The police received a call into a tip line, which led to the arrest of a suspect, a man by the name of Dontae Styles.

It turns out that Mr. Styles is pretty well known to Central Florida police. In just Seminole and Orange counties, he has 1 felony arrest, 4 misdemeanor arrests, and 19 traffic tickets in the past 2 and a half years since his 18th birthday.
Most interesting is a felony arrest from April of last year, where he was caught on a woman’s dash camera pointing a gun at her in traffic on Interstate 4. Why? Because she wouldn’t get out of the left lane when he wanted to pass. Even though the incident was caught on video, prosecutors dropped the charges because the case wasn’t “suitable for prosecution.”
In one of the misdemeanor cases from January 2019, police were investigating a motorcycle with defaced tags when Mr. Styles jumped on the bike and attempted to drive away. During that investigation, Mr. Styles admitted that he purposely covers his plates to avoid being caught by police. Charges were dropped because the case wasn’t suitable for prosecution.
Ticket after ticket with a common theme. Speeding, running red lights, no insurance, expired tags, wrong tag on the vehicle, driving while license suspended. In every single case, there would be a fine and perhaps a suspension of his license, which he plainly ignores and continues driving.
Then when he is finally arrested, prosecutors drop the charges because they aren’t suitable for prosecution. Even when he is caught on camera.
All in all, since he turned 18, Dontae has been a one man crime spree. He has shown that he carries a firearm, and now he has advanced to the point where he will kill you if you get in his way. So far, not one prosecutor or judge has seen fit to toss his criminal black ass in jail, but we constantly hear about how black men don’t get a fair shake in court.
It's just Boris · April 25, 2022 at 6:37 am
He isn’t, to all appearances based on what you write of his history, getting a fair shake in court.
It’s just not skewed in the direction such phrases are usually taken to mean.
Don Curton · April 25, 2022 at 7:31 am
The textbook image of “feral youth”.
21stCenturyCassandra · April 25, 2022 at 1:45 pm
It doesn’t matter that his ass is black. It matters that he is a criminal.
Divemedic · April 25, 2022 at 3:43 pm
True. Except to prove those who would claim that the system automatically treats black men harshly are wrong.
greggBC · April 25, 2022 at 2:29 pm
He needs to disappear and the body never be found. Maybe the Judge and the prosecutor also.
anonymous coward · April 25, 2022 at 3:38 pm
I think police where hosed when they went from two men (person) teams to one lone officer. I came up with a solution, I call it the sentinel program. Sentinels would ride with policemen, they would not engage, they would not make decisions. Their only role would be to step out of a car when the officer does. They would be armed with a shotgun. They would only use the shotgun if their officer was endangered. I think you could get enough civic minded folks to be sentinels. Officers would be less fearful of their safety when making traffic stops.
Craig · April 25, 2022 at 4:07 pm
Great idea
Roy · April 25, 2022 at 4:58 pm
“Because she wouldn’t get out of the left lane when he wanted to pass.”
Not to excuse Mr. Styles’ one-man crime wave, but haven’t we all wanted to do this ourselves at one time or another?
Anonymous · April 25, 2022 at 7:41 pm
Diversity is someone’s strength. I’m pretty sure it’s not ours.
Anonymous · April 26, 2022 at 12:14 pm
But if the legal system kept the violent criminals in prison where they couldn’t hurt the public, then lots of jobs in the legal system would end for lack of work. Can’t have that. Likewise for paying welfare so people who don’t want to “work” for a living have the time and space to learn a criminal trade.
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