I want you to look at this story. The left entered the House gallery and “protested” in an attempt to derail Congress. Not one of them was charged with interfering with the government before being locked up for years while awaiting trial.

The “protesters” grabbed a cop and dragged him across the ground. None of them were arrested.

The left is going to overthrow the government, and the right will do nothing but sit around arguing about shit that is completely irrelevant. It’s the biggest problem that I have with libertarians, and it keeps rearing its head. The left is using violence to alter an election, again. Meanwhile, the right is busy arguing about semantics.

This is why the left will win.


Trotsky's Pickaxe · July 25, 2024 at 6:24 am

Burning it all down better, no Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 Fundamental Transformation without it.
As for useful idiot comrades, the Mensheviks will be rounded up as well with big stupid looks on their faces as delusions of apparatchik positions go up in smoke.

“That will never happen, you will be lined up against the wall and shot.”
Yuri Bezmenov
External enemies will strike when the dollar is Weimar/Zimbabwe and CW II is going?
A feature to internal quisling traitors.

TakeAHardLook · July 25, 2024 at 8:24 am

FedGov has actively facilitated the mass importation of muslims from their hell holes to our Nation. What you see in the above video is part of their endless “appreciation” of the freedoms that we espouse. Much like muslim imports to Germany who beshat public swimming pools, fondle and rape girls with impunity (“sexual emergencies,”) and carry on exactly as they do in their shythole native countries.

We, the Whites in America, have been disenfranchised by an equal amount. But, as long as we have access to the NFL and the latest trending Netflix episodes we will do nothing in our defense.

Look at the longer view for a moment: can you name ONE nation under POC/demographic invasion other than ALL OF THE WHITE NATIONS OF EARTH (US, EU, AUS, NZ, CANADA)?

Didn’t think so! Nobody from the M.E. is illegally invading Chad, Eritrea, Mozambique or Haiti, for example. Why IS that? Could it be that it is not THE PLAN, that those latter countries have not a single freebie to be sucked up by the illegals?

They come to White Nations because of the traitorous policies of our FedGov, our limitless, economy-defying generosity and our moronic tolerance of That Which Is Intolerable.

We Are Toast!

D · July 25, 2024 at 10:23 am

The right will do something about it. Eventually.

Someone once told me the left treats violence like a volume knob. They crank it up, then they turn it down. Constantly adjusting and tweaking it for their purposes.

Republicans are more reserved. They treat violence like a light switch. The switch is currently “off”. When it gets flipped, all hell will break loose.

    TakeAHardLook · July 25, 2024 at 12:33 pm

    A corollary to the above may be:
    “When blacks [muslims] riot, cities burn. When Whites riot, continents burn.”

    J J · July 25, 2024 at 2:45 pm

    Republican’ts have evolved into Republiwon’ts. I wouldn’t equate Republicans as being the same as patriots any more.

      D · July 25, 2024 at 2:59 pm

      @TakeAHardLook: That’s a good one.

      @J J: Yeah, I think I’d have to agree with you.

Mike Hendrix · July 25, 2024 at 11:52 am

“Is going to,” DM? Try, HAS.

Jonesy · July 25, 2024 at 11:54 am

Well, the best thing that WE can do is prepare. Make sure you and your families are ready for significant disruptions, especially around the election. If Trump wins, the left will lose its collective mind. Have food, water and preps to last a few weeks at least, and the means to protect everyone and everything.

The above is what you’re seeing with the people that have already been here for years. We have yet to realize the consequences of letting in all the Afghanis during the pullout, or the millions that have come across the border since 2020. We’re ripe for a 10/7 scale terror attack or worse. The left overthrows the government? Maybe.

Who knows where/ when the tipping point is, but preparedness is key.

Dan D. · July 25, 2024 at 2:18 pm

Spaceballs said it best: “Evil will win because good is dumb.”

IcyReaper · July 26, 2024 at 10:24 am

Bingo DM. The Republicans and the so called conservatives of the right will be politely asking to send a stern letter to their congressmen to protest their treatment and ask for a debate of ideas to settle this as they are led to the gas chambers….
AS to burning continents, I will believe that when I see it. Maybe 50-100 years ago but now, not gonna happen. Might miss a episode of the Hollywood cowboys in Yellowstone plus they have to go vote for the repubs that are part of the uni party.

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