Remember the Seattle plan to have mental health workers respond to 911 calls instead of police? Well, on the same day that the Seattle city council voted to put this plan in place, a case worker was fatally stabbed by one of her ‘clients’. 

According to reports, she was stabbed 12 times with a “military grade” assault knife. The case worker and her killer had known each other for the past 8 years, as he was a resident in the apartment building, which provides long-term housing for people who were formerly homeless. She had also been a case worker there for the past 8 years. 

So now do we see how well having unarmed social workers respond to 911 calls is going to work?

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1 Comment

Beans · November 28, 2020 at 2:54 am

What the fork is a 'military grade' assault knife?

Does it have a laser sight? Flashlight? Ability to stab people 30 times rapidly without the wielder having to move?


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