Kyle Rittenhouse is an unperson now. No college will accept him, despite the fact that he didn’t commit a single crime.
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Kyle Rittenhouse is an unperson now. No college will accept him, despite the fact that he didn’t commit a single crime.
Steve S · June 6, 2022 at 8:21 am
Wouldn’t want to belong to a club that would have Hogg as a member.
He’s likely to be rich though, so there’s that.
EN2 SS · June 6, 2022 at 8:30 am
The idiot Gates has done just fine without a college indoctrination. Kyle should do great, with the uncountable millions he’ll get from fake media.
TRX · June 6, 2022 at 2:40 pm
Gates entered Harvard at age 17, originally studying law. He dropped out two years later, starting his own company doing computer software.
Gates was awarded an “honorary degree” by Harvard in 2007. He is now a Juris Doctor; that is, a lawyer. (it took quite a bit of searching to find that; umpteen stories about the degree, but nobody was reporting *what*)
Shortly afterward a bunch of other colleges showered him with honorary degrees in this and that.
I don’t know what the difference between a real and honorary degree is; given how degraded the collegiate system is nowadays, I’m not sure it’s meaningful anyway.
MiniMe · June 6, 2022 at 8:48 am
Once he’s finished taking the lying MSM to the cleaners, he could then turn his attention to these “leftard indotrication camps” and do the same. Suing them for discrimination would be a nice start.
Just saying… 😉
MiniMe · June 6, 2022 at 8:50 am
Come Out of the Abomination · June 6, 2022 at 9:38 am
Love those memes of KR wouldn’t stand around for an hour outside Uvalde.
The Kenosha hat trick is immortalized now in the online dictionary.
A tip of the hat to Kyle.
v · June 6, 2022 at 10:30 am
Read the comments on that Yahoo news story and weep. Thousands of gleeful progressive evil morons delighting in his misfortune, interspersed with comments referring to him as a mass murderer. Notice the language in the yahoo news story too, “Rittenhouse killed two people” without any other context. (deleted rewrote and deleted again rant comment about how awful all this is and what should be done)
TRX · June 6, 2022 at 2:44 pm
I’m not sure what Rittenhouse wants a degree *for*. HR departments used to use them to sort applicants, but even if he had a degree in his hand, his chances of getting and keeping a job are close to zero. Anyone who hires him will have to deal with the cancel crazies who will come along with him.
nunya · June 6, 2022 at 11:00 am
the left is a cancer and should be “treated” the same as any other malignancy
Big Ruckus D · June 6, 2022 at 12:53 pm
And what does Rittenhouse want with attending a leftist shithole known as a “university” anyway? Even if he was admitted, his existence there would be made miserable by staff, harpies and soy boys for the entite duration. I postulate that no american university has anything worthwhile to offer HIM, and it is the height of their typical arrogance and self-declared import to portray denyig him admission as some sort of punishment or negative consequence.
If he and his attorneys play things right, he should be financially set for the long term, thereby negating the primary reason usually given for getting a college education. He won’t benefit socially from attending a university either, as he will be ostracized and hounded by the overwhelming number of leftist fuckups masquerading as students in attendance, wherever he might enroll.
Yeah, he might pull some ass by virtue of his notoriety (assuming he could get enrolled and allowed on campus) but that is little incentive to waste the money on going to a fancy leftist training camp. He could also get setup for a sexual assault rap by some crazy sloot who decides to entrap him in the name of social justice.
Kyle would be wise to avoid the college experience. He is going to have to accpt that he now occupies the joint role of a hero and a pariah – depeding on whose perception is being considered – and those who hate him will never yield. Unless he wants to start shooting deserving leftists again, he needs to lay low, collect his settlements from those who smeared him, and let the wheels fall off this shitbox country. He is still a young man, and after the collapse, he might have opportunies that simply aren’t viable under the current system.
Michael · June 6, 2022 at 1:01 pm
Honestly, I suggest to young folks to look at becoming a plumber or electrician. Here in New England, they will pay you to apprentice (just pass a drug test and show willingness to work) while you learn, help you with the journeyman’s exams as to add you as a partner in their business.
How long do you dither when the toilet is ruined? How fast do you pay for the services? My plumber lives next door to my fav Ortho Surgeon and both of them have the same house and toys. But the Plumbers is paid for and he works as few days per week as he chooses.
TRX · June 6, 2022 at 2:48 pm
Note neither the surgeon nor the plumber have jobs that can be done “remote.”
b · June 6, 2022 at 1:33 pm
Just a reminder, the point here isn’t whether Kyle R *should* go to college, it’s that he’s being prevented from exercising his choice because of who he is. Unpersoning someone like this is a really big leap towards the old Soviet Union. We ought to be looking at that aspect and trying to reach the very small proportion of evil leftists who might still have some qualms about this.
Alas, I don’t know any. The leftists I know either deny whatever you tell them, or they’ll claim so what it isn’t that bad and some of them will even parrot the points above about how a plumber makes more whatdoyoucare.
Stuff like this makes me want to see the lefties get their full and fair share of extrajudicial punishment, night letters etc and see how they like it.
Big Ruckus D · June 6, 2022 at 2:28 pm
That’s true, and I glossed over that aspect. However,those of us not enamored of the system such that we chose to participate in the game in direct contravention of our beliefs, principles and values have to play the hand we’ve been dealt.
This country is well beyond the point where the problems dragging us down can or will corrected by any orderly and peaceful means. The only solutions now available to clean the slate are nasty and painful, whether dealt by nature of by the direct actions of men.
Until a reckoning occurs that rebalances the scales, the good guys have to bide their time and operate within certain constraints, or they get BTFO by govt goons or their minions (as has happened to Kyle). That is the reality of the situation, and we don’t get to exist in the reality we wish for.
So yes, America has been sovietized in reality, and those are the conditions and circumstances we are now operating under. Openly challenging the prevailing orthodoxy is the path to pain and ruination, as the bad guys control the govt and all it’s tentacles (education, corporations, media and organized religion) and can therefore use all of those against us to great effect. We see it happen repeatedly.
Unless one wants to be a martyr (and that is certainly an option) withdrawl from and avoidance of the system controlled by the enemy is the only real option to carving out an existence at present.
Eventually either some particular event catalyzes a large scale public response that tears this garbage system down, or it collapses under it’s own weight and dysfunction. Given the general – and growing – lack of competence and disconnect from reality exhibited by those running the show now, I figure collapse is inevitable before too long.
Jonathan · June 6, 2022 at 6:16 pm
I think it’s a big jump from 2 colleges rejecting him to saying no college would have him.
I can think of conservative colleges who would accept him – IF his grades were good enough to get in.
Chris · June 6, 2022 at 8:39 pm
He needs “Reality” Counseling. Seriously.
He will NEVER have a Normal Life, it isn’t FAIR, but thats not The/His Reality now.
(Look at the dude in fla from yrs ago, he had all sorts of…Problems as I recall.
Anywhere he goes, he is going to have problems.
And most likely at some point, LIFE Threat(ning) problems.
This time, sadly I doubt he’ll survive.
He’ll either Hesitate, Freeze or be Ambushed.
He WILL BE PUSHED TO THE LIMIT. …it aint fair, but it’s His Reality Now, Like It or Not.
If he’s to Survive and Live even a remnent of a Notmal Life he needs to become VERY VERY VERY small.
He really does need to focus on Lawsuits, Collecting and Becoming Invisable on 50 or (MORE for Security) Acres in the Boondocks of a weapon friendly state.
Land And House Bought thru Lawyers/LLC’s etc (hidden buyer like the riches do) so he can’t be Tracked.
As off grid as he possibly can. (No Utility Bills or bills paid via the same method as house/land purchase)
Food, he’s gonna need Very Trusted Help.
What was done to him by the Media was for THIS exact Purpose.
To Effectively KILL HIM AND his, ONEWAY or The Other.
It ain’t right and it aint fair.
But thats Life.
Especially Now and it will get worse.
TCK · June 7, 2022 at 2:30 am
Hopefully his lawyers are taking notes.
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