For years, anyone involved in the gun culture knew that the government was lying when they claimed not to be maintaining a database of gun owners. Now they are finally admitting to violating the law.

This is why homemade firearms are so important. Make as many as you can.

Categories: Arts and Crafts


T Town · February 2, 2022 at 11:33 am

Homemade firearms can be kept off of government lists only if all of the components are purchased in person with cash.

Brian_E · February 2, 2022 at 9:42 pm

…and only if you build from 80% kits. Completed receivers/pistol frames go on a 4473 just like a completed firearm.

    Beans · February 3, 2022 at 1:39 am

    If there is a record of a sale of even less than a 80% component, like just the parts for it, or any purchase of instructions, well, guess what, there’s a list of that stuff in some government stooge’s hands.

joe · February 2, 2022 at 10:36 pm

boating accidents, floods, shitty relatives…shit happens, stuff comes up missing…

millerized · February 3, 2022 at 7:25 am

Retired FFL’s records (the Bound Book you’re required to keep) are turned into the ATF once you shutter your business. If done correctly, they maintain every firearm transaction from your business from the day you’re open, to the day you’re closed. There are bound books, there are software solutions. I used both a book during the active years, and an Excel spreadsheet to print out and send in with the transactions when the business closed down. I can’t say for certain that all the records were exact, and there might not have been transcription errors going from paper to computer, to paper. Also the printer might have been set on very low resolution with a low toner light flashing…and OCR software isn’t always perfect. 6yrs now, no visitors asking ‘do you recall’.
(My dad, after closing up his shop better than a decade after closing his doors, sent his records in. They were store for the better part of that 10yrs in the room with the litter boxes, and some of those cats had really bad aim or a perchance for going outside the box if you get their drift.)

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