In reference so my 2023 wish list:
- Smith and Wesson Revolver in .44 caliber
- Kimber Ultra Carry
- Dead Air Sandman Suppressor
- Ed Brown Kobra Carry
I called the authorized Kimber dealers within 50 miles of my house (all four of them) and not one of them has Ultra Carry handguns in stock. I actually visited the one closest to my house, and the only 1911s they have are SDS Imports, Rock Island Armory, etc. They said that they can’t order any, they get what they get when they get them. The only two options they offered were buying something on Gunbroker, and having them do the transfer, or they would put my name on a waiting list. That option would be approximately a 14 month list.
The Kimber dealer about 25 miles away said the only Kimbers they had in stock were .380 ACP and 9mm.
It was a similar story with the .44 Revolver. The Smith and Wesson dealer said that the only thing they are reliably getting are M&P tactical Tupperware in 9mm. It seems that dealers are having trouble with parts supply keep up with demand, so they are concentrating on the most popular models.
Who knew that the most realistic and fastest items on the wish list would be the Ed Brown or the NFA weapons? That brings to mind a question: Is everyone or anyone else seeing the same sort of thing where you are? If so, is it a demand thing, a supply problem, or something else?
Ol’guy · January 4, 2023 at 4:42 pm
Ultra Carry…be carefull, i have sent 2 of them back for customers.
Guns dropped the mag when fired.
Also having Kimber 10mm 1911 problems. Sending one of those back also, Wont Feed for the customer. And its so obvious the barrel wasnt fit 100%.
QC has gone out the window…across the board …sad to say.
Savage being one of the worst.
Ditchcritter · January 4, 2023 at 7:59 pm
I have a Kimber Custom II in 10mm, and it feeds flat point fmj with absolute reliability. Approximately 900 rounds, no issues at all. Anything other flavor….not so much. Polished feed ramp, no change. I just feed it what it likes now. The G40 glock eats everything else without a hiccup.
Divemedic · January 5, 2023 at 8:05 am
Feed problems were my experience when I had 1911’s. That’s why I have been assuming it was because I didn’t get one that was customized enough.
Don Curton · January 5, 2023 at 9:37 am
Think differently. Custom is too tight – go basic. I have a 50 year old Colt that’s so loose it rattles when you shoot, but will swallow every type of bullet I feed it.
Daniel K Day · January 6, 2023 at 11:50 am
What kind of recoil spring do you have in it? My 1911 would not feed LRN well at all unless freshly oiled. A 23 lb spring from Midway ended that problem.
nonlinr · January 4, 2023 at 5:33 pm
I have had a back order in place with Impact guns for one of the Springfield Armory HP clones for over a year.
Joe Blow · January 4, 2023 at 6:29 pm
Having good luck with private party sales here in TN.
it' just Boris · January 4, 2023 at 7:42 pm
I’m behind the lines on the Left Coast for the time being, so I’m not seeing much of anything gun-wise at the moment. But when I was living further east, yes, I was seeing what you describe. Most of the midrange stuff is out of stock and can’t really be ordered with confidence.
From what I’ve heard the Tisas 1911s are pretty good, especially for the price; when I get back home I’m tempted to get one as a range toy, if nothing else.
Steady Steve · January 4, 2023 at 9:38 pm
Went to my NFA dealer to order another silencer. He isn’t taking any new orders because his safes are chock full with items waiting for their tax stamp. Says he can hardly keep sub compact 9mm pistols in stock.
Jonathan · January 4, 2023 at 10:26 pm
I’m a dealer and have worked recently to get a Kimber rifle for a customer; it was surprisingly difficult.
Kimber requires $35k up front to become a dealer, yet many dealers aren’t interested in ordering Kimbers for customers.
I signed up with a distributor specifically because they carry Kimber; they have LOTS of pistols available but almost no rifles. They currently have over a dozen Kimber 45 models in stock. Email me if you want to discuss me getting one to your dealer.
In general guns are pretty available, revolvers and fancy rifles are the hardest to get, probably due to the more extensive machining needed.
neomunitor · January 5, 2023 at 8:23 am
I just go on gunbroker and hunt for what I want. It may take a while, but eventually it turns up. Then transfer it to my local ffl. Haven’t gone the NFA route yet, but probably will have to once the pistol brace rule goes into effect, and I think it might. Though I might just go the padded tube route. Have to spend some range time and see if I can adapt the Rhett Neumayer cheek pistol technique. I hate the idea of having an NFA weapon, but once I have one, I’ll probably get a can. I need to test the Witt Machine SME device. I have a couple of them to check in .22 and .30 to see how well they work.
Divemedic · January 5, 2023 at 8:46 am
I have a can. It’s cool at first, but the novelty wears off quickly.
Don Curton · January 5, 2023 at 9:44 am
Yeah, local gun shops have one million flavors of the compact and sub-compact plastic 9 mm carry guns, but if you want anything different, tough luck. Revolvers are almost impossible to find outside of a few .38 snub noses. Seems like gun manufacturers are churning out proven money makers for new buyers and aren’t much interested in the more interesting stuff those of us with full gun safes might want as the next range toy or special purpose piece.
AC47Spooky · January 5, 2023 at 12:04 pm
They have some Kimbers as well – not sure about Ultra Carry, however.
AC47Spooky · January 5, 2023 at 12:08 pm
Oh – almost forgot … regarding wish lists, a Robinson XCR would be nice. 🙂
Steve · January 5, 2023 at 1:19 pm
I’ve been having a bear of a time finding spare parts. My FFL neighbor blames it on massive gov’t orders they don’t need, but makes it so you can’t do anything with 80%s.
But so long as I’m not too picky, there’s plenty of guns available. However, I don’t buy too many new.
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