The New York Times published a piece by a prostitute who complains that she has been consenting to sexual and nonsexual contact against her will. She gave a handjob to a boy when she was 12- because he asked her to. Then she made money for three years while in her early 20’s, working as a dominatrix prostitute, saying that she did it because it paid more than food service. She even admits that she chose that line of work of her own free will.

She complains that human touch now repulses her. I just don’t feel sorry for you- you CHOSE to be a whore.

Categories: Insanity


Therefore · April 5, 2021 at 6:22 am

In 1990 my wife took my kids and went as far away from where jobs for my skill set were as possible. I made a choice to stay near my kids and took lower paying jobs (25% of what I could earn by moving 50 miles further away). It was my choice.

Years later, when my children were old enough I moved 600 miles to get a better job. I commuted 160 miles per week day and 600 miles on Friday and Sunday. My choice.

There are jobs out there is you are willing to relocate and willing to take less desirable jobs. But if your choice is low skill, high risk, higher pay jobs and you are not willing to gain skills to do better, you end up like this whore.

No skills, no signs of getting skills, and upset that men paid her for the services she was selling.

Porkypine · April 5, 2021 at 12:38 pm

Since the main topic in the linked opinion piece is the idea of consent for physical and sexual intimacy, I’ll open with my wife’s thoughts on the subject, and I quote: “I gave consent when I said ‘I do’.”

My takeaways from the piece:
Chose to whore because it was easier than learning the skills to hold down a real job more complicated than “food service.”
Refers to herself as a feminist more than once in the piece.
Currently lesbian.
I find it telling that her commentary regarding her time as a dominatrix revolves around her feelings of emptiness and aversion to touch and blames the men for this, and yet she admits that many of the men didn’t actually want anything more than “tenderness and sensuality.” She freely admits that “the physical and sexual aspects of the work…were primary, for both my clients and me.” And so once again we see that typical “progressive” habit of talking out of both sides of the mouth on full display. No mea culpa over her taking sexual and financial advantage of lonely men displayed anywhere in the piece. No mention of who groomed or recruited her for prostitution, just a lazy “I took the job as a dominatrix” to gloss over her own complicity in what was and is still legally a crime in most of the FUSA, whether it is prosecuted or not.
The overall vibe is that she made some incredibly poor choices as a kid & young adult, has a lifetime of self esteem, trust, and guilt issues because of it, and is blaming everyone else but herself for this, because Woke victim status.

I don’t recognize the name so 5 minutes of dogpile-fu reveals that she’s a “lambda award winning author” (also an unknown to me but it’s an alphabet club writing award, see “lesbian” above). Says she “left home at 16 & earned her GED” which I’ll assume means the usual “ran away for home & then made even worse life choices” bit, but if I’m wrong I’m wrong & sorry for the assumption. Made it through college & earned a Master of Fine Arts, but considering what the leftist diploma mills consider to be “fine art” these days, & in light of the steaming pile of mental illness I just read, I’ll take a hard pass on reading anything beyond the linked opinion piece. In spite of herself she made something out of herself, other than another unclaimed, track-marked, pimp-beaten corpse on a coroners slab, so I genuinely congratulate her on her success in the face of (self inflicted) adversity & kudos to her. And hooray for America too, land of opportunity, where even untreated mental illness and publicizing your hankering to put same sex genitalia in your mouth doesn’t impede professional success!
At the end of the day it doesn’t matter to me what you do in the privacy of your own home with another consenting adult, whether I find your activity and/or choice of adult partner to be acceptable to me or not. What matters to me is that this woman is a university professor and has been entrusted with the responsibility of teaching and molding the minds of generations of my fellow countrymen. If this is what she publishes for mass consumption I can only imagine the nightmare of woke convergence of being stuck in her classroom. God help us all.

Paulb · April 7, 2021 at 4:26 am

The whole article, that whole, overly long, overly stuffed blivet, there was exactly 0 mention of her own agency as a living, thinking person. Zero discussion of taking ownership of her decisions, except for some self-directed congratulations at some binary decisions that people make on a daily basis.
She spent so long self-analyzing, it left me uncomfortable. Like catching a peek of somebody masturbating in front of a full-length mirror.
Also, the ‘cuddle party’ thing, if such an event even existed, is a self-selected sump of sad and pathetic human beings. Just creepy AF. I can’t support the idea that there’s some sort of social commentary that can be drawn from that particularly gross sampling pool.

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