Yoel Roth was the head of Twitter’s safety department and policy. He chose to ban the right while leaving all sorts of pedophile related content in place. Why did he do that? Because he is likely a pedophile himself. Behold my evidence:
Here is a 2017 article where he discussed how social media can be used to influence elections and change behavior.
In his doctoral dissertation, entitled “Gay Data,” Roth argued that minors should have access to Grindr, an app that enables gay men to instantly pinpoint each other using GPS technology. “Make no mistake,” as Vice News put it, “Grindr is more about hooking up than dating. It’s basically a 24/7 theme park of sex in your immediate locale and uses geolocation to provide a location of the closest users. Roth, who is gay, noted in his paper that he was “documenting and analyzing my own use of these services.”
In one section, Roth wrote:
Grindr may well be too lewd or too hook-up-oriented to be a safe and age-appropriate resource for teenagers; but the fact that people under 18 are on these services already indicates that we can’t readily dismiss these platforms out of hand as loci for queer youth culture. Rather than merely trying to absolve themselves of legal responsibility or, worse, trying to drive out teenagers entirely, service providers should instead focus on crafting safety strategies that can accommodate a wide variety of use cases for platforms like Grindr—including, possibly, their role in safely connecting queer young adults.
Roth named Twitter as a platform that had become—and presumably, should remain—a “general-purpose” site for “connecting queer young adults.” Roth’s says that platforms should “focus on crafting safety strategies that can accommodate a wide variety of use cases,” including “their role in safely connecting queer young adults,” in an “overall queer social landscape” that “increasingly includes individuals under the age of 18,” rather than trying to “drive out” these users attempting to engage with “peers about their sexuality.”
In 2010, he wrote on Twitter: “Can high school students ever meaningfully consent to sex with their teachers?” Roth’s tweet contained a link to an article, “Student-teacher sex: When is it OK?” in Slate, a left-wing publication, about the perils and pitfalls of age of consent laws.
“Musk falsely implied in tweets that Twitter’s former head of trust and safety, Yoel Roth—who is gay—has advocated for child sexualization,” wrote Chas Danner at Intelligencer.
I don’t think it was false at all. I think that there has been a concerted effort to groom and sexualize students. When I was a teacher, we were specifically instructed to talk to high school students about the benefits of gay sex (I refused to do so) even back in 2016. There has been a nationwide push to turn children into little sex slaves.
I used to think that the entire “Q” thing was conspiracy theory bullshit. I am no longer quite so sure that it was.
1 Comment
exile1981 · December 28, 2022 at 12:52 pm
When our rural k to 9 school was given a new principal the district brought in a lesbian who immediatly hired her GF as her assisstant. This is a very rural school with 50% of the kids living in colonies. The “gay sex is better because no chance of pregnancy ” talk they gave obviously upset lots of parents. I lodged a formal complaint with the school district about her actions. She called the rcmp and claimed i had come by the school and made threats with a weapon. Luckily for me I had been away for work 600km away for days and had been on a remote site. When the RCMP called me i told them were i was and they sent an officer from the nearest town to me to come see me. Since it was obvious there was no way i had been at the school at the time she claimed and no way to i could have travelled the distance without a jet that fast they didnt press charges. This is why we pulled the kids. She then weeks later tried to pedal the same story to child protective services. School board could not fire her because of ‘contract’.
It took 2 years of her destroying the school but she was finally gotten rid of. One of the teachers sent me video the day the rcmp took her out of the school in handcuffs.
She got a little too ‘hands on’ with a student and the parents found the video and text messages on the kids phone.
See to be a very high % of pedo’s in the lgtb crowd.
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