So here it is, to get you caught up:

  1. They tried to smear him in 2016 by claiming Russian collusion. The evidence, as it turns out, was fake.
  2. they tried impeaching him
  3. they tried impeaching him again
  4. they tried suing him into the poorhouse
  5. they filed tons of criminal charges against him, finally getting a conviction on some rather dubious legal grounds. When SCOTUS issued the ruling on Presidential immunity, the court delayed sentencing.
  6. All of the other cases were dead in the water. The left went apoplectic.

Then there was an assassination attempt on Trump’s life. In order for this event to have happened, at least one of two things must be true:

  • The Secret Service is entirely incompetent.
  • The Secret Service was complicit in the attempt.

There are no other possibilities. Where I am leaning is complicity.

In either event, the attempt failed. Then the poll numbers came out, and Trump’s numbers looked even better. It was at this point that Biden reversed course and decided to drop out of the race, citing health concerns. So now there are only two possibilities:

  1. Biden is too addled and mentally incompetent to run for office, which makes him too addled to hold the office of President, and he needs to go under the 25th Amendment. Now.
  2. Or, he resigned because his numbers looked so bad that it was unlikely that he would beat Trump in the election. In this case, the left is guilty of election tampering. The Democrat party can no longer claim to “support democracy(tm)”

No matter which of the above is true, welcome to banana republic status.


Skyler the Weird · July 23, 2024 at 3:23 pm

I think they’ll incarcerate Trump and Epstein him as soon as they can.

IcyReaper · July 23, 2024 at 4:51 pm

You missed the newest one. 7. NY DA Bragg will be charging him with impeading an official approved government agency assassination by turning his head when he wasn’t suppose to.

JK/AR · July 23, 2024 at 7:15 pm

Aye Skyler. As soon as they can

With the Clintons endorsing so so after the fact – Well, Arknanciding isn’t as smooth run as it once was …

Where's Brandon · July 23, 2024 at 8:20 pm

Now the CPUSA (D) wing of the UNI will go full Scorched Earth?
Remember the meme, Trump is just in the way.

Beans · July 23, 2024 at 9:07 pm

They started the impeachment process in the House, amongst a group of representatives, right after he was elected. That one failed in committee after Trump was sworn in. They tried another one, that one also failed, but on the House floor. They did manage to impeach him twice in the House, but the Senate did not confirm to remove Trump.

4 times. And one started the day after, possibly even before the election. But THEY follow the rules, so THEY and their followers tell me.

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