A long time ago, so long ago that the posts have been lost to time, I warned that we should not grant the powers of the Patriot Act or of the GWOT to the Republicans, lest we see those same powers granted to the left and abused by them. I was shouted down. I know some of those comments were made on the now defunct Packing.org as well as on a couple of progun sites whose names I can no longer remember.
I didn’t take long. Even the Republicans abused them. For example, Sheriff Grady Judd abused the laws in order to shut down the website that made GW look bad. That was the case of Christopher Michael Wilson, who ran a website that allowed people to post nude pictures of women on the site, and it required a credit card to access, so that the Wilson would know that people accessing the site were adults. Military men complained that they could not do so while in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, because the web servers in those countries blocked credit cards from being processed by companies who promoted pornography. Because of this, Wilson allowed members who posted pictures from the war zone to have access to the site. The site became a photo journal that chronicled the Iraq war. It was one of the first sites to publish the Abu Grhaib pictures that so embarrassed former President Bush.
It eventually came to pass that Obama began abusing those same laws, declaring those who dared disagree with his policies.
It is those very laws, the same government policies and personnel, that were unleashed upon the enemies of the left, once Biden took office. I am talking about the way that the J6 rioters were treated. They were tortured, mistreated, and illegally held- despite all of the sturm und drang that was unleashed over the treatment of terrorists at Gitmo. Watch this video:
The comments to it are enlightening. The leftists on there who say “Well, next time he won’t trespass in the Capitol.” The issue is that Enrique Tarrio wasn’t convicted of being in the Capitol. He never, in fact, entered the building. Somehow, they took a man who was of mixed black/Cuban heritage and made people believe that he was a white supremacist.
I want you to replay every event in your life, especially the ones that can be used to paint you in an unflattering light. Now picture the left’s enforcement arm in the FBI spinning that in the worst way possible, then amplified and embellished by the MSM. Then they use it to toss you in the Gulag. That’s what happened here.
No matter how evil you think our government is, it is much worse than you can possibly imagine. Corrections officers are some of the most sadistic of the entire bunch. I watched a CO torture a man with my own eyes, then saw him lie about it, then watched as his own superiors told me and three other staff members that we didn’t see what we all just saw.
If you think that, just because Trump one an election, that the left has given up, you are sorely mistaken.
Joe Blow · January 30, 2025 at 8:11 am
You are correct Sir! There’s a very logical and sound argument that Cheeto Jesus was ALLOWED to win the election, as a means of releasing some of the pressure and steam that has built up. Wait and watch and see what he actually DOES, before giving judgement.
Trump was all for taking the guns first, and due process second, when it comes to red-flag laws.
Trump was and still promotes “Warp Speed” as if it were a good thing.
Trump is not to be trusted, nor should any other politician (RFK, I’m looking at you!) Elon is not to be trusted. We know damned well Vivek can’t be trusted… If they’re involved in politics, they can’t be trusted. Simple as that.
Bear Claw · January 30, 2025 at 4:38 pm
So is pam bondi
Don Curton · January 30, 2025 at 8:25 am
W. Bush and the R’s made the country immeasurably worse with the so-called Homeland Security act. I mean, DAMN, could you make it sound more Nazi? Maybe call it the Fatherland Security act instead? I was against it from the start, largely because security could have been really, really simple. Stop strip-searching the grandma from Topeka at the airport and start investigating all military age males of middle-eastern descent. Start investigating mosques in the US where imams are preaching radical dogma. But no, we needed a whole new level of police state to keep us in line. Oh, and stop the motherfucking FBI from conducting all those wind-up toy operations.
And yeah, both parties suffer from severe dementia where they forget that any power they seize today for themselves can be used by the other party after the very next election. We need a hard reset and a complete cancellation of the whole police state apparatus.
Tom235 · January 30, 2025 at 8:50 am
They haven’t even gotten warmed up … yet. They let their confidence in the whore winning get in the way of being prepared. Ugly hasn’t even started.
Jester · January 30, 2025 at 8:58 am
I remember thinking at the time that the Patriot Act was too big and too over encompassing at the time. Also knew that with all the emerging tech (Cell phones, to stay the least) that was going to grow would be doing so under the same act and be open for abuse. Hell they say the constitutional amendements don’t mean what they say, they would twist the Patriot Act for their own use. I thought that there could be some temporary powers given with a specific shut off point not up for renewal or extentions if it was laid out properly in courts to track down those that masterminded 911. Maybe but the entire thing just standing the way it was would be abused. Not when, just would be. I too was shouted down and at even while I was in the Army during those early post 911 years. What powers you give to your side now those that hate you would get ahold of next. Always happens.
TRX · January 31, 2025 at 12:45 pm
I had a passing interest in that sort of thing since the 1980s, and had warned people about various government laws and programs that could be used against them. They generally acted like I had just informed them I had beamed down from the Mothership.
When the Patriot Act passed and the media revealed the public parts, many of those same people called me in a panic. Oh noes! Whatever shall we do?! And why, if I was a ‘conspiracy theorist’, wasn’t I shocked and outraged too?
They didn’t like it much when I told them there was very little that was *new* in the Patriot Act; mostly, it just gathered up a whole bunch of disparate bits – many that I’d already tried to tell them about – and brought it all under one banner.
They had their heads stuck firmly in the sand until it was too late. No sense in getting their freak on now. Maybe they would listen next time. (no, but I did give them the benefit of the doubt)
JimmyPx · January 30, 2025 at 10:11 am
I agree whole heartedly. I really believe that the biggest problem in this country is the normal citizens, what they believe and their willful ignorance of the truth.
The Wachowskis who made the movie The Matrix were through film trying to tell us something.
People being offered the Blue Pill to keep believing the lies or the Red Pill and know the truth.
I have come to realize that most people will pick the BLUE pill every time. Indeed like character Cypher in the movie who took the Red pill and then wants to go back and live the lie.
There are many people who will argue with what you said but it was all 100% the truth. Most people don’t want to believe that the federal government and mainstream media lie constantly to them. I know people who mock me for questioning the whole government/media Covid narrative even though it has been proven that what they said were all lies.
Most people refuse to believe that the official 911 story stinks to the high heavens and is BS.
They refuse to look at any evidence or proof and want to blindly go through life ignorant, voting every few years, drink their beer and watch their sportsball.
Meanwhile the Federal government is slowly taking away the few rights you have left where soon we will all be living in an open air prison. It will be like the Soviet Union which had a wonderful constitution that was absolutely meaningless and they lived under a jack booted authoritarian state with no rights.
SoCoRuss · January 30, 2025 at 1:02 pm
I agree neither party and their real masters gives a shit about us.
Funny how no one talks about MAGA messiahs new friends Thiel and Ellison, both are vile creatures who want trans humanism and mandatory MRNA control vaccines to be the rule.
No one seems to be discussing Trump talking about Planitir systems becoming the .gov central system and being used for a “Pre Crime Agency”. Is that where the 500 billion is going to? This time there wont be Tom Cruise to save the day. And since it will be in Texas all the MAGA types wont say a word since its “OUR” system until the left takes over again and they will and it becomes “THEIR” system, that our political cycles work without fail. That above all should scare the shit out of people but since Messiah said it, it fine. No way this WILL go horribly bad for anyone who even hopes this country could be a little free.
For all the Repubtard supporters out there, remember this little secret the Repubs created the Patrriot Act and HSA and had the legislation paperwork prepped BEFORE 9/11, now they are going to create a Pre Crime Agency. Does anyone with a modicum of brain matter think they will use it to help us????
Bear Claw · January 30, 2025 at 4:36 pm
Most people don’t know that our illustrious Justice, one Brett M. Kavanaugh while working in GW’s administration helped write the patriot act. Later becoming illustrious.
Jonathan · January 31, 2025 at 9:23 am
Power WILL be abused, and sooner than most expect.
That’s why I vote for the person less power hungry (there are no politicians who aren’t).
While federal politics are important, local ones usually have more direct impact, so I look at where I’m living as well.
For example, this county doesn’t have any town police, only the county sheriff (which is 3 officers per shift for 5,000 square miles). Both the sheriff and the DA are supporters of freedom and reluctant to press charges in minor matters.
This is the only county I’ve ever been in where the courthouse with no security; I’ve even seen people open carrying in it.
Divemedic · January 31, 2025 at 9:29 am
Power is most easily controlled when it is close to those under it. That’s why you should be active in politics in this order:
1 Your household
2 Your HOA
3 Your town
4 your county
5 Your state
6 Nationally
The founders knew this, which is why it was intended that Congressmen only represent 30,000 people
SoCoRuss · January 31, 2025 at 12:17 pm
That’s correct DM. But in our time now its just more and more scumbags being elected with very few decent follks among them. the good folks see how they and their families are treated during elections and after being seated and want no part of that crap. So we get power and money hungry tyrants instead.
This is why there should be NO Washington DC and no national capital anymore. All Senators and congressmen should stay in their state and meet by zoom or such. So they can be kept a better eye on. That wont fix the issues but may help.
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