Way back in 2008, I wrote on my blog about the threat that the Patriot act posed to this country. Less than a year later, I warned people that President Obama was expanding the definition of ‘terrorist’ so he could use his powers under the Patriot Act against the right.
As far back as 2009, then President Obama went so far as to say that veterans of the US military were a potential terrorist threat. Some Veterans’ groups even defended the President’s statements.
Glen M. Gardner Jr., national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, disputed claims that Homeland Security analysts were describing veterans as terror threats.
“The report should have been worded differently, but it made no blanket accusation that every soldier was capable of being a traitor like Benedict Arnold, or every veteran could be a lone wolf, homegrown terrorist like Timothy McVeigh,” said Gardner, a Marine veteran from Round Rock, Texas. “It was just an assessment about possibilities that could take place.”
It wasn’t long after that when President Obama declared that American citizens could be targeted for assassination without trial, as long as he declared them to be terrorists. Here is what was said at the time:
The director of national intelligence affirmed rather bluntly today that the U.S. intelligence community has authority to target American citizens for assassination if they present a direct terrorist threat to the United States. According to U.S. officials, only a handful of Americans would be eligible for targeting by U.S. intelligence or military operations. The legal guidance is determined by the National Security Council and the Justice Department.
It wasn’t just veterans- Christians were also targeted with the terrorist label. Those warnings went unheeded.
We didn’t have to wait long to see things escalate. Here we are, under the very next Democratic President, and veterans are again the enemy. The press is touting the danger. The President is claiming that police and veterans are white supremacists who pose a terror threat to the country.
So what is he going to do about it? A hint lies across the Pacific, in China. The Chinese government has been training its computer hackers to develop exploits that it can use against its citizens and other nations. It has done so by prohibiting its hackers from international competition. This tactic was used to great effect in tracking down Uyghur Muslims, sending them to camps, and generally being the asshoe that it is.
Back in January, Biden hired a former GWOT spook to head up his use of government power in the planned war on the right. The idea is Orwellian. Picture this: The government is prohibited from searching your home without a warrant. It says so, right there in the Bill of Rights. The brilliant idea they come up with is to hire a burglar to break into your house, steal your papers, and then give them to the police. That is part of the brilliant plan.
The government’s position is that they are free to hire people under contract to circumvent the protections of the Constitution, and as long as those people are not actually on the government payroll, this is completely constitutional. No sane court would uphold that idea. So of course, they need to pack the court.

They are using private companies as well as government agencies- the post office and Internet providers, for example, to spy on Americans. Just like the Chinese are doing.
Once that is done, well ANYTHING is permissible. After all, those evil veterans are all white supremacists, they are demented, and they deserve whatever happens to them, according to the President’s own comments in February. Read it for yourself, here is a link to the transcript:
And you see what’s happening, the studies that are beginning to be done, maybe at your university as well, about the impact of former military, former police officers, on — on the growth of white supremacy in some of these groups.
You may remember, in one of my debates with the former president, I asked him to condemn the Proud Boys and he wouldn’t do it. He said “Stand by,” stand ready, or whatever the phrase exactly was.
It is a bane on our existence. It has always been. As Lincoln said, we have to appeal to our better angels, and these guys are not — and women — are, in fact, demented. They are dangerous people.
When I said 12 years ago that the powers from the war on terror would be used against American citizens, I was told it couldn’t happen. Now I am warning you that drone strikes, summary executions, and concentration camps are coming. Please listen this time, before it is too late.
1 Comment
joe · May 10, 2021 at 6:28 pm
i said it before…when they come for our guns they will get them…most of them…they will make examples out of few of the loud mouths…50 man swat team, armored vehicles, helicopters…maybe a drone strike if they warrant the person be an extreme risk…they don’t give 2 fucks about the real Americans…after watching this a few times on the 5 o’clock news, people will be turning their guns in left and right…
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