Last August, NASA reported that the Tonga volcano eruption blasted an amount of water vapor into the stratosphere that has not been seen before. In fact, the volcano ejected approximately 146 million tons of water vapor into the stratosphere- that is the equivalent of 13% of the water vapor that was already there, a 5-fold increase of stratospheric aerosol load. Since water vapor is 4 times more effective at being a greenhouse gas than is carbon dioxide, it’s responsible for about half of Earth’s greenhouse effect.

The January eruption of the underwater volcano saw the catapulting of millions of tons of water vapor dozens of miles into the upper reaches of the atmosphere, where it is usually not as prevalent. This greatly increased the greenhouse effects of water vapor and raised global temperatures. (pdf warning)

That’s why everything was fairly normal until mid-March 2023, and then a dramatic 1°C warming spike in a matter of 2-weeks raised global temperatures to the record levels we are at today. We are going to be stuck with higher than normal temperatures for the next few months. So don’t let those with a political agenda tell you that this is man’s fault. This is nature at work. Science, it’s a thing.

Categories: climate change


TRX · August 14, 2023 at 7:54 am

Well, obviously global warming *caused* the eruption! Now comes the hockey stick curve!

Tom from East Tennessee · August 14, 2023 at 9:08 am

Quick- emergency raise carbon tax rates! It’s the only thing that can cool the planet! Maybe the chinese will give us a loan.

Jonesy · August 14, 2023 at 9:42 am

The media won’t come anywhere close to this. If the public at large was allowed to know that the planet did stuff on its own to contribute to climate change, that would completely blow the humans =bad narrative. They can’t force us to by EVs and eat bugs to save the planet if a volcano burp can raise global temps.

Nemo · August 14, 2023 at 3:54 pm

Is anyone surprised the narrative around “boiling earth” doesn’t include the info referenced above? If the weather pattern we’ve been experiencing in New England; excess rain, hold during the coming winter and temps are around normal, i.e. cold, we’re going to be butt hole deep to a tall giraffe in snow by mid January. Then there’s the traditional snowiest month, February, to follow. Could be a record year for snow around these parts.

Then it’ll be blamed on climate change, of course.

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