One of the questions we hear all of the time is “Why don’t you just carry a Taser? You don’t need a gun unless you want to kill someone.”

Today’s video is from Blount County, Tennessee. This happened in February of this year, and it is a video of a guy who was pulled over for DUI. You can see from the video that he was swerving all over the road, so a deputy initiated a traffic stop. He refused to get out of the car, claiming that the stop was only because he is black.

Once backup arrived, he continued to refuse to the point that a Taser was deployed several times. In the course of this, the primary deputy was shocked with the Taser. She stepped back, and with her out of the way, the suspect shot and killed the Deputy holding the Taser before getting away.

You can watch the video here, where it is cued up to the last Taser deployment. Because it contains a shooting with a fatality, Youtube will not allow it to be embedded.

Note that the Taser was being actively used and the critter managed to reach a firearm, shoot one deputy in the head and the other in the leg. This is the prime reason why Tasers are useless as self defense weapons. Carry a gun. Don’t bet your life on less lethal tools.

The fine young aspiring rapper who killed the cop was eventually caught after a massive manhunt and is now facing the death penalty. When he was arrested, he told the cop who was taking him to jail, “You black. You allowin’ this?” He is a convicted felon with a long history of committing violent crimes. As a result, he can’t legally possess a firearm or ammunition, but he does anyhow. Why? It’s his culture.

For too many blacks, it isn’t about right and wrong. It’s about race. If you are black, you can do no wrong. If you are white, you are evil. For them, it is a race war.

Look at the petition for him.

The charge is 1st Degree Murder, premeditated. There is an entire community of citizens that believe this charge is fueled by racism and hate…

It is unclear why Officers Eggers refuses this request of K9 and acts upon the excessive force of multiple taser deployments. Leading up to a firearm being discharged. He acted in self-defense, maybe even a state of shock and cannot be tried for first-degree murder/premeditated murder.

He is on video shooting two cops and killing one of them. It isn’t self defense. He was illegally carrying a firearm because he is a violent criminal.

He isn’t, as the petition claims, an upstanding member of the community. At 42 years old, he had already been in prison multiple times for aggravated assault, domestic violence, and a multitude of other violent crimes.

Categories: FirearmsSelf Defense


oldvet50 · December 4, 2024 at 6:49 am

Although most whites will not admit it or cannot grasp the concept, we are already in a race war. Sort of reminds me of Viet Nam. Not all the North VN wanted us dead and a lot of liberals in the US wanted to defend their actions (a la Jane Fonda, et al)

Randolph Scott · December 4, 2024 at 7:52 am

and people wonder ‘why can’t we just get along’

Grumpy51 · December 4, 2024 at 8:07 am

Paraphrasing Mike Tyson – “everyone has a plan until they’re punched in the mouth.”

In a civilized society (yeah, I know, the “thin veneer”), individuals exercise higher responsibility to benefit society. I might prefer to blare my music at 0200, but to be a good neighbor, I don’t. However, if I’m in the middle of nowhere (land or sea or air), I might crank up the tunes.

IF one decides to live in a society, then those rules/laws come into play. Go to Mecca/Medina wearing a bikini and tell me what the results are. And no, I have ZERO compassion for idjits – I save that for those who are the victims of idjits (I’ll still do my job with idjits, but won’t shed a tear).

As a society, we have designated the State as the sole enforcer of justice. Except for CA, where the State has abrogated (term used on purpose) its responsibility, being replaced by the Mexican Mafia (listen to Tucker Carlson interview with Chris Moritz). Whenever the State DOES fail to protect society by enforcing laws / providing justice, why are people surprised when extra-judicial actions happen??

I tire of individuals who put themselves first at every turn, flaunting their callousness, their disregard for society/neighbors. The above incident should result in a trial to establish identity and action. IF found guilty (on the face, it appears he is guilty), then execution should take place within 30 days. I have family members in the judicial branch – they prefer incarceration ….. until I challenged them with the morality of stealing money from my pocket to keep said criminals alive for life.

Grumpy51 · December 4, 2024 at 8:31 am

I’ve never really seen “less-than-lethal” equipment work as advertised. And no, working as advertised on fellow officers (in training) does NOT count. Basic elementary grade-school biology says those things (pepper spray, tasers, pressure-points, etc) will work on “normal” people.

HOWEVER, when dealing with drunks, addicts, and crims, you’re NOT dealing with “normal” people – high-level mental processes, electrical (neurological) responses, even cardiovascular-respiratory responses are at HIGH risk for not working “normally.” This is what allows someone to “fight through” the pepper spray, even the taser. Pressure points don’t work either (BTDT). This is also why “less-than-lethal” means can turn lethal (look up how many people tased end up dying).

At the end of the day, adults who make poor decisions, tend to make….. poor decisions. This is why it’s important to teach your kids how to critically think, how to think things through. If you don’t do this when they are a child, society will when they are adults.

Rob · December 4, 2024 at 8:42 am

This is the result of the “hope and change” and the “fundamental transformation” of America promised by Obama.
As I’ve seen personally, even those black people who seem OK and chill will always side with race when it comes down to that. Always.
We’re being divided by the powers that be. Many are too stupid to realize that and are manipulated easy as pie . . .

Alex Lund · December 4, 2024 at 9:35 am

I once read an article in a mens magazine in 1997. The article was “If he holler, let him go” saying that blacks always stick together and use jury nullification to keep their “brothas” out of prison. Maybe get acquainted with Professor Paul Butler of “Georgetown University Law Center. He is a leading criminal law scholar, particularly in the area of race and jury nullification” (from wikipedia). He is also mentioned in the article I refer to.

Silverfox · December 4, 2024 at 1:22 pm

Bonus pak is- You may have seen and heard much about Tourniquet applications. This video captured real life experience. I suspected when the civi put it on it wasn’t applied tight enough. That seemed to have been borne out when the back up arrived and tightened it up after she was put in the car. Let out a scream. The other point I noticed was, the inexperience, or perhaps disoriented state of mind in first unwrapping and applying the CAT. I haven’t done more than un-package mine. Guess I’ll practice today.

Stefan v. · December 4, 2024 at 5:39 pm

Tazer, capsicain spray, expanding baton, service pistol, intermediate calibre semi-auto carbine, shotgun w/beanbag/buck/slug.

Foot mobility, understanding fields of fire, rules of engagement, situational awareness, teamwork, coolness under pressure, emotional detachment.

I’ll now go see the vid, guessing it is good for training purposes. However, some caveats. A policeman is permanently at war with criminals, yet is not a judge, and still must consider all innocent until demonstrated guilty. Be prepared. Trust but verify. In today’s society he will be ordered to persecute the innocent, absolve the guilty, collect revenue, obey, enforce, and be expendable, or untouchable, with grift and collusion. What kind of people go into such a “profession”? And stay in it, let alone thrive? Research “Einsatzkommando”.

So, on the one hand, if I were the popo in such a situation then I’d be diligent to keep my wits about me, be nice to the folks that pay me by their forcefully extorted contributions, and hard on the scum that make such a job necessary….but then I’d get to thinking about causes rather than mere symptoms. I might get the idea that it is a Sysiphus job, unless I go for the influencers and indoctrinators, and the lawyers and judges. Then I’d get out of the system, because it purges such heretics as I, often fatally, always permanently, as an example to the others.

Ok, nuff rambling, I’ll peek at the movie now.

Stefan v. · December 4, 2024 at 6:15 pm

Ok, saw the vid. Clusterfork central. Kudos to the helpful people. Why is a southern girl doing such a stop alone? Too polite for too long. I’d have gassed Mr BlatherWeed in his precious car and waited a few steps back behind blinding light and a ready firearm, instead of trying to drag him out past his seatbelt while not knowing what else besides a phone he had ready to hand. Also, that tazer would have been in his cheek, not his jacket. And if you’re getting grabby, get a firm grip on the oesophagous at the larynx…unless he lets you heave it out by the roots, he will follow your gentle lead…and with your pistol to his head and sweet croonings in his ear, you have ample time to notice if he is escalating. And then you get paid admin leave and possibly a political media circus. It would have been a good shoot, though….and perhaps avoidable. Not a job I would want…may God have mercy on us all…

billo · December 5, 2024 at 5:55 pm

I live a few miles away from where this happened. There may be an “entire community” supporting this guy, but that “community” isn’t in Blount or Sevier counties, Tennessee. Most of those counties showed up to show respect at the officer’s memorial (see:

Hariman · December 6, 2024 at 12:15 am

We need to remove Qualified Immunity for prosecutors, DAs, and judges who let people like this back out onto the streets without punishment. The jails are filled with hardened criminals because the small crimes aren’t being enforced, so criminals learn they can keep committing crimes for a long time… until someone gets dead and they get in front of a judge that’s NOT letting that bull manure happen again.

Also… Tasers are the Sex Panther of defense tools: 30% of the time they work 100% of the time.

Aesop · December 8, 2024 at 1:58 pm

Okay, I watched the body- and dash-cam, and I’ll say it:
Um…HowTF do you have one officer deploy a taser, and the other officer not pull out Lethal Backup for when those nifty toys fail???
Like about 99% of departments do every single time?
Ofcr. Boopsie was standing there empty-handed when they were both shot.
She didn’t even have a dick in her hands to wave at him as he opened fire.
{cf. Why most women officers should only be handing out parking tickets.}

Her hesitation and poor judgement got her co-worker killed.

It didn’t help when Ofcr. Redshirt wandered forward of the guy and into the Cone-Of-Death Kill Zone with his Less-Than-Effective electro-toy, nor that he slammed the driver’s door closed, shielding what the subject was doing from view, until muzzle blasts made that activity rather obvious. (“Rule One: Watch their hands. Hands kill.“)
And by the by, how about slicing through that seat belt as, or better yet, before deploying the taser, just for S&G?
And then maybe giving Dindu’s collar a good yank as he gets tased, to “assist him to the ground” outside the vehicle, and into plain view, at a position of disadvantage, and quite possibly either revealing, or better yet separating him, from any concealed weapon?
I know that much, but neither of those officers did???
They were apparently tunnel-visioned on a “simple traffic stop” following their rules, and forgot the enemy gets a vote. And paid a heavy price.

As for Dindu, with the video evidence, they should empanel a jury tomorrow, obtain a conviction for first degree murder of a police officer and attempted murder of the second one without excuse in about half an hour, and hang him tomorrow morning behind the courthouse. No finagling, no appeals, guilty as hell beyond any argument, and carry out the sentence expeditiously. Pour encourager les autres..
Justice delayed is justice denied.” – Martin Luther King
The next 2000 felony stops in that state would GTF out of the car the first time they were told, and untold numbers of officers wouldn’t be riding as the guest of honor in a hearse procession.
Then bill the perp’s estate for the burlap sack to bury him. Case closed.

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