I know that many of us talk about how the government seems to be protecting criminals. In New York, that has become quite literally what is happening. The city has established the country’s first “overdose prevention center” where medical professionals oversee and assist people in administering illegal drugs to themselves.

The people behind it say- and I’m not kidding- that this is based upon science. They are saving lives, don’t you know.

I wonder what science will discover next. Perhaps they will declare that the police need to escort thieves into your home, so that thieves don’t have to risk working and stealing in an unsafe environment. Think of the lives they will save.


joe · February 9, 2022 at 7:37 pm

all part of their plan…and when freedom loving, 2A believers shoot the fucks, it gives them ammo to ban guns…pun intended…

Jen · February 9, 2022 at 8:01 pm

There is actually something like this in the UK. I don’t know the exact wording, but have seen articles where basically homeowners not allowed to put up trampolines, fences or pools in their own backyards due to health and safety concerns that criminals could hurt themselves on it while fleeing. Not kidding.

Danny · February 10, 2022 at 4:52 pm

And there it is in plain sight. BFYTW
It’s gonna be a long year coming up.

Paulb · February 13, 2022 at 1:45 pm

I’m waiting for LA and DC to put up a brothel full of underage girls so that celebrities and politicians won’t endanger themselves when they’re in the mood for a 10-year old.

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