So Biden has just announced that he will not be running for President any longer.

With that being said, I don’t think that this is good news. Biden was beatable, and I think everyone knew it, which is why he dropped out. The real question is- Who is replacing him, and what will they do to cheat their way into the win?
This may very well end with the beginning to CW2.
Mark · July 21, 2024 at 1:31 pm
Kumala gets up, wipes her chin and thanks Pudding Joe for the endorsement.
Big Ruckus D · July 21, 2024 at 2:34 pm
I’d say the chaos factor has just been upped another notch. There is nothing at all in this announcement that should leave anyone the impression of increased stability being the end result. The game is now in uncharted territory, and a lot of power craving whores, and those seeking to buy influence with them, will be backstabbing and eye poking each other in the days to come.
Who ends up on top is yet to be determined, but as usual, we proles will end up on the bottom, eating a shit sandwich. In a sense, this changes nothing, since the system operates largely outside of our input. Still, nothing good comes from the added uncertainty.
Michael · July 21, 2024 at 2:25 pm
Just An Earth-Bound Misfit, I
One Touchstone to Keep in Mind Over the Coming Days: Fuck the Republicans, Every Last One of Them
SUNDAY, JULY 21, 2024
One Touchstone to Keep in Mind Over the Coming Days: Fuck the Republicans, Every Last One of Them
President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 race for the White House on Sunday, ending his bid for reelection following a disastrous debate with Donald Trump that raised doubts about his fitness for office just four months before the election.
The MAGA Morons are going to be bleating that Biden has to run because he’s the nominee. He’s not. The nomination is not official until the convention. Delegates are normally bound only for the first vote and then they can vote for whomsover they want. It’s not unheard of for candidates to release their delegates; how many delegates voted for Nikki Haley last week at the Nazi MAGA party rally last week?
They’re going to bleat that this is unfair to those who voted for Biden, which is even more bullshit, because Republicans don’t give a fuck about any of that.
So, however this plays out, fuck Republicans. Every one of them. They all hate this country, they want to destroy our democracy, which is the entire point of Project 2025.
Biden recognized that he’s not up for this and he stepped aside as a candidate. The other fucker, well, he’s been convicted of felonies, has lost civil cases for sexual assault and defamation and yet his cult is standing behind him.
We’re now in interesting times, folks. Strap in.
And keep your powder dry.
Looks like Comrade Misfit wants to PLAY.
NOT one of my “moderate Democrats” I’ve posted before about.
“Gentlemen, Prepare to defend yourselves”
Charlie · July 21, 2024 at 6:38 pm
Visited her blog, what a whack job that one is.
Wilson · July 22, 2024 at 10:23 am
Comrzde misfit will just ban you if you go against her ideals. Pure communist thru and thru.
Stefan v. · July 21, 2024 at 2:41 pm
It’s like the rulers just don’t care how obvious the evil and incompetence are anymore…..there is something so nasty coming that all this will be rapidly forgotten.
Jonesy · July 21, 2024 at 3:57 pm
So the Dem party, so called defenders of democracy, just gave the middle finger to to all their constituents. Their primary vote didn’t count for shit. Now they will select (not elect) another candidate (as of now Kamala is in the race and endorsed by Joe). Actually this is a huge opportunity for the communists in the party. They don’t have to deal with pesky voting, they can install and cheat to make sure it happens. Impeachments, lawsuits, indictments, and an assassination attempt didn’t stop Trump, so cheating is all they have left.
Steve S6 · July 21, 2024 at 4:45 pm
But will he be surprised to find out? I remember Feinstein saying run when her staff said not.
Toastrider · July 21, 2024 at 4:50 pm
Oh, Biden was absolutely beatable. The problem is that nobody else is going to throw themselves on this grenade, except for maybe Kamala Harris (because she’s dumb and doesn’t really have a choice).
Anonymous · July 21, 2024 at 4:56 pm
I’m 73, and have never seen such a chaotic time in my lifetime. Before the end of the year we will see things never imagined. It will be a defining moment in the country’s history.
Miguel GFZ · July 21, 2024 at 5:01 pm
Kamala or anybody else who gets selected and imposed will be a tolerable excuse to explain winning (cheating). Not even Dems would have believed Joe won again.
wojtek · July 21, 2024 at 6:22 pm
Does he know? Or are they still figuring out how to tell him?
Dirty Dingus McGee · July 21, 2024 at 6:52 pm
I guessed this was gonna happen once Trump stood back up last Saturday. “They” realized their one chance to win, missed by 1/2 inch.
No shock that smooth brain Joe endorsed Cackles, she can form coherent sentences almost as well as he can. I’ll still bet there is gonna be a fight at the Dem convention. First with Newsome trying to weasel in, and second on who will be the VP.
It’s also gonna be interesting at the end of Joes term watching eleventy dozenteen pardons get handed out to all the party, and family, faithful.
Univ of Saigon 68 · July 21, 2024 at 7:22 pm
Careful what you wish for. Now that he’s out, it’s Kamala, and her VP pick could determine the race.
All the suburban women who make up the base are watching The View every morning and they could tip it over to the Democrats.
Divemedic · July 22, 2024 at 7:01 am
It isn’t Kamala yet, and it won’t be until the convention.
Jonesy · July 22, 2024 at 1:17 pm
A lot of Dems already backing her and they raised $90M in just 1or 2 days. She’s the DEI candidate
Noway2 · July 21, 2024 at 9:47 pm
“ Who is replacing him, and what will they do to cheat their way into the win? This may very well end with the beginning to CW2.”
I hate to say it, but I think your words may very well be prophetic.
Robert · July 21, 2024 at 10:03 pm
The next logical move for the Deep State would be to remove Kamala Harris. If the factions have a consensus on the replacement team, they could unseat Harris at the convention with procedural moves. That is a best-case scenario. We will know pretty quickly how that plays out.
If the factions cannot agree on a replacement team or cannot control the Democrat convention, they may try a false flag assassination of Harris using somebody who is decked out to look like a vengeful Trump supporter. Best for us not to fall for any outraged calls for violence against Democrats. There will be glowies behind them. There will be Deep State people behind the glowies.
Let the Democrats wreck themselves with internecine conflicts. Cheer them on.
We are best off with winning the election, followed by merciless firings, reassignments, prosecution, prison sentences, and asset stripping of the perpetrators. A huge Federal bureaucracy must be decisively purged, and many organizations simply abolished.
It is a big job and Trump cannot do it all by himself. We must help him as best we can.
The Deep State will crash the economy as hard as they can. That was already inevitable, but they will make it worse. They will blame Trump for all of it. We had best be ready for that too.
The wild card is what Biden is permitted to do by his handlers while he remains in office. If there are major actions by foreign powers, there simply will not be anyone in a legitimate position of authority to make decisions on how to respond. But somebody will make those decisions.
Divemedic · July 22, 2024 at 7:03 am
I still believe that they will never let Trump reenter the White House
Stefan v. · July 22, 2024 at 8:23 am
Lost you after “winning the election”.
Similar to the climahooplareligion folks, let’s not prophecise months in advance when we don’t know what the weather will do day after tomorrow.
The microsoftcock computer conniption, the bird flumageddon (which only seems to affect foodchain chickens but not ducks, geese, pigeons or sparrows), the intergalactic debt burden, the wet newspaper pressganged&drugged brigades holding the eeeeeevil Rooskies back from achieving their simple and openly stated goals of no existential threats on their border, the uncounted imported millions of raping murdering dole-bludging losers, the ongoing mass extermination of babies in the wombs of uncontrolled sluts and whores, the depleted aquifers and fracking-crushed substrates, the decades of geoengineered spraying in the atmosphere, the genetically engineered plants and organisms, the gender bending and worship of deviancy that even the original Sodomites would have considered vile, the chimpification of education and discourse, the hatred of the succeeding generation by pandering to childishness rather than forging character in the fires of benevolent guided adversity (don’t help the butterfly out of its cocoon!!!), the destruction of monuments to heroes to make room for repulsive scum not fit to subsist on their discarded loincloths, a full spectrum total dominance of demonic destruction because if the devils can’t have anything worthwhile, nobody can.
Yeah, we got problems, and they won’t be fixed by electing another sinner. To participate in the farce lends it legitimacy, and makes one accountable. Sometime soon this will be made clear when The antiChrist shows up….
McChuck · July 22, 2024 at 3:57 am
It doesn’t matter who their candidate is. The Democrat machine is already in place to “fortify” the vote. It’s necessary to defend their Democratcy.
Divemedic · July 22, 2024 at 7:05 am
It does matter, because the amount of cheating that can be done is finite. Manufactured ballots are not an unlimited resource.
McChuck · July 22, 2024 at 11:18 am
The election is decided by the results in 5 swing states. Those states each have their elections decided by the turnout in one or two “blue hive” cities. They can cheat all they want. (Just like they did in 2020, but more so.) And now that even more electronic voting machines are in place, all that matters is the final tally on the computer screen.
If they’re smart, they’ll play the long game by letting Trump win, showing how “fair” the voting process is. I wouldn’t count on it, though. Hillary is getting old and impatient. This is her last chance.
JaimeInTexaz · July 22, 2024 at 7:19 am
There is the issue of ballot deadlines in several States. Either the laws will have be changed, or courts will have to rule, or the 25th will be invoked, or COVID wil do.
Rick · July 22, 2024 at 10:46 am
It was reported that Joepedo felt betrayed. I still think that is hilarious. He finally realized he is a puppet. However, apparently he has yet to realize he has been a puppet all along.
Why else was he selected. His morals are as slippery as slime. Same too for the CA whore. We all know her one skill. Both will do anything at anytime for any price.
But as crass and rude as this seems, don’t underestimate the depravity of the socialists.
Mike Hendrix · July 22, 2024 at 4:30 pm
The REAL questions (there are three):
1. DID Faux Jaux really withdraw?
2. WHY has he not been seen or even heard from at all since the 17th, the evening of his arrival back in Delaware after the “CoVid” diagnosis?
3. IS he even still alive at all, and how would we know if he was?
A fourth question: WHY would we give a damn whether he is or not? Bread and circuses, man, bread and circuses. Are we not entertained?
Divemedic · July 22, 2024 at 6:00 pm
If he is dead, that is a very ominous sign indeed
D · July 22, 2024 at 6:10 pm
I’m not an elections wonk, so I have no idea if the claims are true, but several states have Biden on the ballot already and people are claiming it can’t be changed anymore unless he’s declared mentally incompetent or dies.
Rick · July 22, 2024 at 6:58 pm
There was only one ending. Since when he was selected, probably in 2015-17, the only conclusion is what we see now. Biden is, and has been, a dead end. A means to an end. Now they’ve reached the end of the road. They knew this would come, although not so soon. In their lust, they reached for the easy mark, one so easily, willingly, manipulated. Biden; universally despised, uninspiring and unpopular, shady as all get out, a man-whore useful but as a placeholder.
I firmly believe that God has given them over, especially the kiddie sniffer, to a reprobate mind. And befitting the glorious workings of the Almighty, for all the world to see. Who now can deny that which has been so evident. None but those deranged themselves, i.e. useful idiots hoping for false accolade.
What happens now? The lessons are to the entire world. Put away the depravity. Of course there is fierce resistance and more so, for so great have been the riches of wickedness. It’s coming to a head. It’s war. A fiercely fought spiritual battle. The details, the who and the how no one knows. The when is now and blossoming. Expect therefore no surprises.
Do not be surprised when one takes the place of the one you thought was a sure bet for this or that place and position. Or one turns in an unexpected way. They are cornered, of their own doing, so all that we truly know is they’ll lash out wildly in what to them is all or nothing.
This isn’t the world’s end. But it is the end. No more will we tolerate the cleverness of depravity. That is, if the reasonable and rational hold and not capitulate or fall prey to the pleading anime eyes of scoundrels hell bent to bend you to their will. To that, the stupid party must too come to its demise. Eyes have been opened. There cannot be a going back.
ModernDayJeremiah · July 22, 2024 at 7:00 pm
DM, do you recall the movie “Dave” from the mid-1990s? Seems appropriate for some reason right now.
Michael · July 22, 2024 at 7:20 pm
Is Biden dead? Good question. If he’s not dead yet… When they CHOOSE to reveal it with some drama of a maybe green screened hollywierd AI event of a MAGA or other domestic terrorist event or not is the ominous situation.
Easiest way to clear the states rules about his being on some election schedules already.
But I’m concerned that intelligent folks are acting like there really is a two-party choice for our overseers. If you don’t like that slave term, then pick your own AFTER admitting that THEY OWN the Media. the Courts and it’s JUST-Us system when things get lawfare.
Burning platform did a fine job describing what I’ve noticed over the decades,
Got trusted friends, trusted family to ride out the greater depression as the overseers fight over a larger slice of the pie for themselves?
That fat retreat account can be frozen and solen in a few clicks. Didn’t cloud strike remind you of that recently?
Aesop · July 23, 2024 at 8:52 am
Let’s be clear here:
SOMEBODY announced Biden isn’t running any more.
Whether that announcement was actually from Biden, and whether he actually knows about it, is the Open Question Of the Year.
All this does is make it appear there have been three coups or coup attempts in this country in the last 4 years.
¡Viva Chiquitastan!
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