Meet the newest spokesperson for the Ukraine military. Sarah Ashton-Cirillo in a tranny CIA informant and “Progressive Activist” who believes anyone on the right should be thrown in prison.

Pictured: Delusional Phaggot

The Kyiv Post on Thursday tweeted that Sarah Ashton-Cirillo “has become one of the speakers for the Defense Forces,” and his work for Ukraine was soon praised in statements from Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense and Hanna Mailar, a Ukrainian deputy minister of defense. Remember that Ukraine’s President also wants to replace a statue of Catherine the Great with one of a gay porn star.

This shit just makes me want to see Russia win.


Aesop · August 4, 2023 at 5:33 pm

Points Of Order:
1) It is one of their army’s spokesholes, not the spokeshole.
1a) Don’t overlook this news as simple baiting of Russia.
Look, Ivan! We’re beating you with fags and trannies! How sad for you!

2) You’re to any degree shocked that a Ukrainian wants a statue of a notorious Russian Tsarina replaced with a statue of a gay pornstar? Given the events of just the last 18 months?!?

I’m frankly surprised they haven’t replaced the border markers every mile adjacent to Russia and Belarus with larger-than-life bronze castings of Zelensky’s bared asscheeks, with speakers implanted at a strategic point within, pointed outwards to broadcast fart noises at 150dB into Russia, 24/7/365, forever.

Dollars to donuts someone in Ukraine is making scandalous gay porn parodies of every Russian figure in history any day now, including Catherine, and they get airdropped into Russia for free on DVD and BD, if it hasn’t happened already.
And lest anyone thinks scatology and gay slurs don’t have a long and distinguished propaganda history, you might want to flashback to about 1943:

I’d have the Tranny spokeshole broadcasting nothing but Russia’s ridiculous claims every day of the week in the most flaming queer voice manageable, and then turn the homegrown news over to the Uke equivalent of Ward and June Cleaver.
Followed by the most seductive-voiced Kiev Rose doing tunes and Russian language “Why die, boys?” programs beamed at Russian troops until dawn.

Sometimes, you want your propganda to be as subtle as a brick to the face.

    Divemedic · August 4, 2023 at 10:53 pm

    OK. I laughed out loud at this comment. Well done.

joe · August 4, 2023 at 6:28 pm

i’ve been hoping since day 1 that russia kicked some ass…our tax money is blackmail payments…

Big Ruckus D · August 4, 2023 at 6:29 pm

I want to see a Russian win, as I view it as the best way presently available of damaging and deflating the leadershit of the FUSA as a dysfunctional and evil empire; and that is exactly what it has become. It needs to end for our sake, as Americans, since it wants to fuck us over as much as it does Russia. It needn’t be pointed out (and any avid Ruskie bashers will deny it anyway) but Russia had plenty good reason to invade Ukraine. And most of the justification for it can be ascribed directly to horseshit actions taken by the US govt and it’s NATO minions since the 1990’s. The govt of the FUSA got too big it for it’s britches, and was able to promulgate terrible international policy and commit (largely) unchecked antagonism against large swathes of the world, just as a schoolyard bully manages to do to everyone else on the playground, until someone decides to whup his ass by surprise. This has played out so many times with other world powers, and still no one learns the inherent danger of getting into such a position.

Now the consequences have come due, as too many fuckups have been committed, and large parts of the world are going on without US influence or involvement for trade and other business. Further, the FUSA no longer has the (real) capital, nor competence at large to keep up the facade of a bonafide empire. If we are extremely lucky (hint: we won’t be) our unraveling and reversion to mean will be something like that of the USSR. Perosnallly, I expect ours will be much more disorderly and unpleasant.

Whatever the case, it has long been my thinking that only an exogenous event that so totally damages the reputation and perception of the USGOV will be sufficient to end it’s legitimacy and knock it back on it’s ass enough to provide a chance to unravel it’s never ending arrogation of power and control. If Russian victory in Ukraine is a/the means to that end, I’ll happily take it. Somehow, recognition that the emperor is naked needs to be implanted in the masses. A stinging defeat of all the “rah rah, go USA” bullshit that still permeates so much public thought could do quite well in that regard.

I’d also point out that people seem to forget that a mere few years prior to it’s dissolution, the end of the USSR was utterly unthinkable even among most big thinkers of the time. And then one day, it was gone like a fart in the wind. It is foolish in the very same manner to think the US empire can last forever on it’s present terms and trajectory. Something will cut it down to size, as it’s arrogance and overreach has already assured it’s downfall. How we get there from here is the salient question.

    EN2 SS · August 5, 2023 at 7:11 am

    ‘If we are extremely lucky (hint: we won’t be) our unraveling and reversion to mean will be something like that of the USSR. Perosnallly(?), I expect ours will be much more disorderly and unpleasant.’

    I agree, we have weapons of war in the hundreds of millions. It ain’t going to be fun or pretty, but it needs to be done.

    Rick · August 5, 2023 at 5:15 pm

    I am in agreement with Big D.
    What is said here is that the U.S. has been overthrown. So why do we sit on our thumbs instead of overthrowing them who have overthrown the U.S. government?
    Current day Russia may be bad, but NATO, UN, and the U.S. are far worse.

    BTW: My great grandfather was a medical doctor and university professor in Moscow. Unfortunately for him and family, it was during the opening decades of the 20th Century.

    They fled Russia with their lives and very few keepsakes. Not long after settling in Estonia did they flee again. This time straight to Ellis Island. I am 2nd gen American. (Granddad was born in Estonia.)

Philosoraptor · August 4, 2023 at 6:58 pm

I wonder if boomer subs are parked off of both coasts and the gulf?
Naw, the world trembles in fear of the rainbow bathhouse rump rangers of doom!
Forward, si se puede.
Disabled Mexican tranny 2024.

SiG · August 5, 2023 at 7:04 am

Is it just me, or does that look like Zelenskyy in drag?

I mean, he was an actor before all this and has been seen in drag before. It’s not like that part is unprecedented.

    Papa · August 5, 2023 at 4:58 pm

    Glorious Ukraine.
    Using a tranny to spread BS, and working with the FIB to suppress speech in the USA.
    What a s**t show.

WDS · August 5, 2023 at 7:22 am

You’d think diversity hiring would take a back seat to competency during an armed conflict.

McChuck · August 6, 2023 at 7:07 am

As if we needed more proof that Russia is fighting a just war against Globohomo.

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