The left is all butthurt because Trump apparently closed a McDonald’s so he could have a photo op of himself working there.

The thing is that they are conveniently ignoring the Astroturfing being done by the Harris campaign, where she stocked a closed restaurant with adoring fans before visiting it. The thing is that Trump is simply doing the “work an ordinary job” thing that was started by Florida’s Lawton Chiles back in 1970, then copied and repeated by Bob Graham beginning 1977. The basis of the plan was that Chiles (and later Graham) would spend a day performing the job of one of their constituents to show that they understood what ordinary working people were going through.

Categories: Anti American left


JimmyPx · October 22, 2024 at 9:02 am

For the life of me I don’t get the bruhaha about working at Mcdonalds.
Who cares if she worked at Mcdonalds as a kid ?
Who cares if Trump served french fries for a few hours ?

I know that you’re just reporting on the story DM but our country is on the verge of being dragged in to WWIII via Ukraine or Israel and the media is talking about Mcdonalds !

    Divemedic · October 22, 2024 at 9:35 am

    They are trying to show that they care about the little guy and understand his plight. Many people think that rich politicians don’t know what it’s like to clip coupons and worry about finances, so this is what they do to show that they care.

    oldvet50 · October 22, 2024 at 12:11 pm

    I think the whole thing with Trump being shown working at McDonalds (which is now called just Donalds) is that Kumula lied about her work history in a feeble attempt to show she is one of the little people. She may have in fact been giving certain ‘jobs’ at a McDonalds, but she cannot produce a W2 to prove it. To call this Trump event ‘staged’ by the left is so laughable! Of course it was! Did they think he started a new career?

Steve · October 22, 2024 at 12:46 pm

It’s also a time-honored ritual, serving food in a soup kitchen or grilling food at a county fair or helping out at the town’s Thanksgiving Community Meal. For some reason, at least a portion of the electorate believe that act means, “He cares about me!”

Harris’ lie was an unforced error. She could just as easily have cited volunteer work that no one could ever verify. Just like her lies about “Fweedom” and “I was born a poor black child” and “I was on that school bus.” I just don’t expect it to make any difference. Her supporters know that every word out of her mouth is a lie. They just don’t care. Stupid is as stupid does.

Hariman · October 22, 2024 at 7:02 pm

The difference between Kamala’s appearance at Primanti Bros and Trump’s working at McDonald’s is:

1: Kamala is still lying about it being anything remotely spontaneous, because EVERYBODY in that restaurant was on her staff. (And then the owner of that Primanti Bros (or a different one, or the chain) kicked out a Trump rally/event that WAS spontaneous.)

2: Trump actually acts like a decent person, instead of a spoiled wine aunt who stole tips when she was a bartender.

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