I continue with my prediction that the left won’t let Trump take office again. With that in mind, here is what THROATUS is saying she wants to do:
Make sure that you have enough guns for you, your friends, family, and a hidden cache as a backup so they don’t get all of them. Make sure you have lots of ammo. It’s coming. I’ve been warning you for four years now- you DID heed my warnings, didn’t you?
foot in the forest · July 23, 2024 at 3:55 pm
Michael · July 24, 2024 at 6:53 am
(In my best Darth Vader voice over)
“As you wish”.
Folks while it’s FUN to discuss just how outnumbered the gov.com folks are vs the number of registered hunters and all that.
THEY KNOW THAT. And not all are complete idiots.
#1 You’re NOT Anonymous on the internet. Loudmouths get plenty of attention (not always the good kind). They have limited premium assets to deploy, what would YOUR CHOICE for 1st Targets be? Influencers? Blog Heros?
A sudden silence and where did Foot go anyway? Fishing?
Every poster on this list carries daily a cell phone. They can see your daily routine and seek out the best time to have a van or two full of large hand to hand folks “acquire you” as your putting your Walmart bags into the car.
Why do I know about that? I’ve done medical backup for such body snatch operations back when Police DID police work. Even the local SWAT Teams have EMS nearby.
Your often bragged ability to shoot the left nut off a squirrel will mean exactly what then?
Meanwhile your wife is getting a large brown delivery truck in the driveway full of recovery specialists. Did I mention the sudden cell phone and internet outage in your area?
Then your cellphones and computer are studied for high value targets to follow.
Yes, it will be messy. But as Sun Tzu says “Don’t overestimate yourself nor underestimate your foes as that leads to death on the battlefield.
What’s that last word in the 3 “S”‘s again?
IcyReaper · July 23, 2024 at 4:42 pm
Love it, Bitch wanna talk shit. You wanna come get them then just do it.
Will be funny to see the faces of LE’s around country though. When told to go bust into their neighbors house and take their guns that protect their families because the cops wont. You know the right next door folks that know who you are, where you live and everything about your family and where you might hide. The guys that can shoot deer and elk at 500 yards for meat and fun but now your gonna threaten their families, that won’t end well.
But, PLEASE remember to be Earth Friendly, always pickup up your brass and make sure you put lime in the pits also.
JK/AR · July 23, 2024 at 6:44 pm
And … with those thoughts in mind …
Where's Brandon · July 23, 2024 at 8:19 pm
Historic! A uniter!
Barry’s Asspuppet version 2.0.
Here to save the MOFO day, yeah!
They are trembling in fear out Moscow/Beijing/Riyadh/Tehran way!
Si se puede, yes we can!
TakeAHardLook · July 23, 2024 at 9:02 pm
Time to read or re-read this one:
and, when done, check out this one (from 2014 but more relevant today):
Divemedic · July 23, 2024 at 10:34 pm
I read the survival blog link. I disagree with some points.
1 the door kickers’ families will be targeted.
2 once enough cops get smoked, the military will be used
Knolli · July 24, 2024 at 4:46 am
3 the militarys door kickers bases and family will be targeted
Divemedic · July 24, 2024 at 6:08 am
No doubt, but this will be a far bloodier affair than people think.
EN2 SS · July 24, 2024 at 6:41 pm
Far bloodier than people think? Why would anyone think it wouldn’t be very bloody, things like this have never been bloodless. I Russia, China, Vietnam, all over Africa, the Middle East, South America, everywhere it has been bloody. In most, if not all of those places the blood was shed by the peasants, but they were unarmed for the most part. I think the bloody part will be a much bigger surprise to the democrats/leftists/communists than to the average gun owning American. A lot of people are soon going to forced to make a basic decision, do I live on my knees or do I stand and fight. And yes, it will be a fight to the finish, one way or another.
Divemedic · July 24, 2024 at 6:54 pm
Like the first American Civil War, there are many on both sides who feel like it will be over quickly and their side will be victorious.
The left thinks that the military with nukes and F-15s will obliterate the right in a matter of hours.
The right thinks that the military will either sit things out or will cross over to their side, and the left will surrender.
They are both wrong.
Knolli · July 25, 2024 at 3:26 am
Absolutely correct… remember the nuremberg trials in ’46? It seems to me, that not a few LEO’s and the Armed Forces themselves are going to be found most wanting when the balloon goes up. And many Citizen of the US of A AND the world are going standing around with their mouths wide open and mumbling “…you can’t do that..”
As if, cold hart reality says that when your the only one with a gun YOU have the power, till somebody else comes up with a gun too….
McChuck · July 24, 2024 at 4:46 am
There are currently about 462,000 active duty soldiers. Of those, about 15% are combat arms. Let’s round that up to 70,000.
There are over 90,000 gun stores.
The vast majority of soldiers comes from a family that lives off post. Two-thirds of married soldiers live off post, too. On-post housing is normally right next to the fence, where there even is a fence.
The commissary only has about a week’s worth of food.
Michael · July 24, 2024 at 7:07 am
Good facts McChuck. Lets reverse that a bit. Aside from a few (less than 10 maybe 20% of us) most of us are in EXACTLY the same sort of issue as the soldiers:
“The commissary only has about a week’s worth of food.”
I know far too many patriots so proud of their many firearms, zillions of bullets and almost a month of MREs for them as they go a ‘hunting foes.
AH, what’s Mamma and the kids going to eat as the grid stutters into darkness, Fridges and freezers fail, gas-diesel stations fail to provide and the grocery store is EMPTY.
Let alone the FIRES from folks trying to “Make DO” (as happens every Hurricane Season) and NO EMS RESPONSE.
Divemedic is right, it’s going to be FAR UGLIER and Messier for your FAMILY than you know.
You MIGHT want to visit how the Irish did their “Time Troubles”. As in 30 or so YEARS worth of troubles.
They didn’t go to the local pub to brag about thumping some British Soldiers like we do on our Internet Pub right here.
The Norwegian Resistance in WW2 kept badly needed German Divisions tied up in minor disruptions. One of the most successful members was a meek looking clerk WORKING for the Germans.
Both stories have ONE critical factor they kept there Mouths SHUT.
Looking around the pub….
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