Communism and communists get power from the jealousy of others. They convince poor people that the reason that they are poor is because others are rich. It’s a form of scapegoating that enables the would-be dictator to gain power by exploiting the jealousy of the poor by telling them that it isn’t their fault that they are poor- it’s that the rich guy has gamed the system and is somehow cheating. This results in stuff like this:
The reality is that investment entails risk- and this is true whether the investment is your labor, your money, or anything else of value. The riskier the investment, the higher that the reward must be, or else the juice simply isn’t worth the squeeze. If you remove the reward by telling a person that he will stop getting paid at a certain point, then that person will stop investing at that point.
If you set that limit at $999 million, then the person will stop investing beyond that point. After all, why risk losing your investment for no prospect of a reward? No more Tesla, Microsoft, or Apple. The person will shelter their wealth and simply retire.
The same goes for limiting income. Tell someone that they can only earn $200k a year, and your doctor simply stops seeing patients some time in October and takes the rest of the year off. Would you work for free?
The facts are simple-
- there is not one single human endeavor that ensures that everyone has the same outcome. More talented people are more successful that less talented people
- The more talent, the more the reward
- people won’t work if they aren’t getting paid.
Much is made of the fact that “Elon didn’t found Tesla, he bought it.” That may be true, but Tesla wasn’t as successful until AFTER he bought it. It was Elon’s talent and skill that made the company what it is. That’s the reason why he is the richest man in the world. It’s no different than Michael Jordan. He played basketball like no one ever has- because of that, he was paid obscene amounts of money to play that game.
This jealousy of his wealth is what leads to communists using that wealth as a wedge issue to gain power, where the communists themselves then gain power and become wealthier than everyone else.
Which has the result of people becoming angry and killing CEOs. Was he doing things that many of us despise? I would argue that using a computer system to deny legitimate insurance claims wholesale, which resulted in needless death and illness is indeed evil. However, that isn’t an indictment of the entire economic system, and certainly doesn’t mean that citizens should begin executing CEOs. That ends in a place that is far, far worse than where we are now. The real fault here lies in government oversight that permits companies to get away with this.
Insurance companies argue that they can’t be held legally responsible for a person’s illness or death because they aren’t the ones who make medical decisions. After all, it’s the doctor who decides on your course of treatment, they argue. The courts and our laws have agreed. Of course, this completely ignores that a medical procedure that can’t be paid for is as good as prohibited. After all, if your doctor wants to order an MRI, but the insurance company won’t pay for the expensive test, it isn’t going to happen.
Now I am not arguing that the government needs to intervene. I am against the retarded intervention of power hungry bureaucrats into affairs of business. When legislatures have the power to dictate what is bought and sold, the first thing that is bought and sold will be the legislature itself.
No, the way to settle this is through the legal system with the use of lawsuits. That doesn’t mean that lawsuits where juries award someone a billion dollars because they called you a crisis actor is a perfect system, and there should be some limits on that sort of thing, but that is a different discussion. However, an insurance company that refuses to pay for someone’s surgery, despite the fact that they were supposed to insure that very person, is clearly involved in medical decisions and shouldn’t be permitted to claim that they aren’t.
It would be easy to blame healthcare and claim that we should have government run healthcare. This doesn’t solve the problem, it simply transfers the power from a CEO to a random government apparatchik that decides who gets medical care based upon his own whims: “Oh, only left handed transwoman lesbians with purple hair get MRIs this month.”
It’s a complicated situation, as most adult problems are. Looking for a simple solution to a complex problem is to believe in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus. It’s a childish dream that just can’t work when we talk about hundreds of millions of people interacting and trying to gain advantage over one another.