
I am removing this entire post because it was based upon incorrect information. I should learn to vet my sources more carefully.

My only defense is that I worked until 2 am then got home to hear the news about the Trump assassination attempt, so I stayed up until 4 watching videos. I was awakened at 8 am by my wife because I had asked her to get me up early so I could get the house ready for my pending solar install.

Mea culpa.

Rigging the Election, Sowing Confusion

Long time readers know that I have been saying for more than three years that the left would kill Donald Trump before letting him retake the Oval office. Even Tucker Carlson said the same last August and was lambasted for it, I believed the term used was “bonkers.”

At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, what happened yesterday was genius. The pictures of the shooter, wearing a t-shirt from a progun Youtube channel, then news that he was a Republican are simply genius. Had a purple-haired tranny been the shooter, the civil war would have begun almost immediately.

Instead, what we now see is a fig leaf that will keep many on the fence and allow both sides of the aisle to pander for gun control, thus creating enough of a smoke screen to permit an organized PR campaign calling people who disagree “conspiracy theorists.” He is supposedly a registered Republican, yet was donating money to leftist causes?

A voter-registration record showed that Mr. Crooks was registered as a Republican, though federal campaign-finance records show he donated $15 to the Progressive Turnout Project, a liberal voter turnout group, through the Democratic donation platform ActBlue in January 2021.

I don’t believe it.

I have worked with the Secret Service (not as an employee- they enlist local government for assistance) during three different Presidencies, and they are pretty good at what they do. They don’t let anyone get that close to their protectees. So how, I am asking, did a man armed with a rifle get within 150 yards of a secret service principal and no one noticed? Then there is this story with video of how they were warned about the armed man, and did nothing.

I don’t believe that story.

This was the swamp, trying to take Trump out. They are scared, they are willing to kill him, and by extension, they are willing to kill you. We have reached the point where people are voting from the rooftops, but the only people voting appear to me to be intelligence agency operatives.

Surveillance State

Sure, plate readers and cameras solved THIS crime. Still, how many millions of cars drove by and were catalogued to catch this one criminal, and what is all of that trace data being used for?

Using security camera footage from the apartment and nearby businesses, the detective determined Sterns’s Lincoln left the Venetian Bay Village apartments on Feb. 26 at 7:40 a.m. and then returned around 10:14 a.m.

Sterns’ vehicle left the apartment complex again at 11:03 a.m. and returned 53 minutes later, records show.

The Lincoln left the apartment a third time around 12:44 p.m. and travelled east along U.S. 192 towards St. Cloud where it was photographed by traffic cameras…

At 1:16 p.m., a security camera at a charter school captured video of a car with a similar color, style and size driving southbound on Old Hickory Tree Road.

The same vehicle was recorded heading northbound on Old Hickory Tree Road around 2:11 p.m., records show, before returning to the apartment at 2:43 p.m.

Tracked by at least half a dozen cameras and several plate readers. How much data do they have on YOU?

Poor Tactics

Your property is stolen, including a credit card. Your bank calls to tell you that the stolen credit card was just used at a fast food restaurant right down the street. You and a couple of friends head down the street to confront the thieves.

I would argue that, should this happen, you should go down there expecting an armed confrontation. These people didn’t, and the accused thieves opened fire on the would-be detectives.

Go down there to confront them, while your friends who are heavily armed standby with heavy weapons. If the thieves shoot, you overwhelm them with a large volume of return fire (situation permitting, of course).

Before you argue about whether or not you will be prosecuted, remember that if you are really worried about that, you wouldn’t choose to head up there to confront the thieves in the first place. if you DO choose to confront them, don’t hold back.

Expect to see more evidence that people are sick of the cops simply taking a report and then doing nothing. We might as well do away with most police and simply replace them with an online reporting form.

I Noticed

I noticed that WKMG always mentions the race of accused criminals when the criminal is white.

They never do so when the criminal is black, even when that black criminal is an armed robber, or when he is a child molester who murdered a 13 year old girl while he was raping her. Or when a pair of Canadians and their mudshark girlfriend are shooting at a crime victim, but more on that in another post.

Country Hospital

No lie. Just had a patient who tripped over a chicken, broke her arm, and then had to tell her sons that the alligator hunting trip next month was canceled because she can’t haul a gator into the boat one handed.

The nurse next to me then says “Why can’t you just hold the light and let the boys land the gator?”