More on HAM noise and MoCA

I think that I have located all of the sources of RFI in my house. Some are easy to solve, others are not. Here they are:
1 There is a touch lamp in one of the bedrooms that is generating broadband noise. It is easily solved by getting rid of the lamp.
2 There is a television in the living room that is causing noise that extends from 3.4 mHz all the way up to 9.8 mHz.
3 The most vexing is the fact that I have a service called “whole house DVR” that allows us to watch recorded shows in any room of the house. It does this by using a system called “multimedia over coax,” abbreviated as MoCA. Since there are three of these cable boxes in the house, any time two of the three boxes are powered up, they begin to communicate over the house’s cable lines. This is why it was so hard to track down. I am going to have to call the tech support for the cable company and see if they can help me out with calming down this noise.

Stranger danger fail

So a man meets a woman and her three kids as they are shopping at Wal Mart at 11 pm on Friday night. After befriending them, he offers to take one of the children (an 8 year old girl) for a snack and leaves the store with her. The police issue an Amber alert. The man is found and arrested on Saturday morning at 9 am. The girl is not with him. Just over an hour later, the girl’s body is discovered.

The man has an extensive criminal record:
1992 Convicted of attempted kidnapping and selling obscene materials. This placed him in the sexual offender database.
2003 arrested for burglary and dealing in stolen property
2006 Parole violation
2009 Child abuse, making obscene phone calls to a 10 year old girl, and making verbal threats. According to the arrest report he claimed he was a social worker with
the Florida Department of Children and Families and told the family they
were under investigation by the state. He plead guilty to misdemeanor charges of attempted child abuse and
attempted impersonation of a public employee.
 He was just released
May 31, and 21 days later, he murdered a little girl. There is plenty of blame to go around.

The douchebag:
Evil exists in the world. There are evil people in the world, and we need to constantly be aware of them. it doesn’t matter if they are armed with a gun, a knife, or with nothing but charm and guile, they are still deadly. Never forget that humans are the most dangerous animal on the planet.

The mother:
We teach our children that they should avoid strangers. The problem is that the majority of abductions in the US are committed by people that are known to the child. As parents, each of us have a responsibility to know and vet the people who have access to our children. This woman let a man that she had only known for a few minutes walk away with her child. She will relive that moment for the rest of her life. If she is married, the odds say that this marriage is over. The feelings of resentment from the husband will likely destroy that relationship. A momentary bad decision has ended a child’s life and destroyed a family.

All of us:
By continuing to push for the war on drugs, we have thrown more of our population in jail than any other civilization in history. We keep having to let the dangerous people like this guy out of prison to make room for drug convictions, only to see them hurt people. This guy was released at least twice, and broke the law almost immediately upon release. 

HAM issues

I am having a problem with my HAM bands. There is quite a bit of RFI coming from my house. To begin with, there is a lot of noise on all bands below 30 meters. I managed to isolate that, it is coming from the LCD television in the living room. When the TV is turned off, the noise is gone. This means that I can only work the 40 and 80 meter bands when no one in the house is watching TV in the living room. I can live with that.
In the 20m band, it is showing up as an S8 on the signal meter most of the time, and this hash covers up all but the strongest stations. Here is the pattern:
–  turning off the circuit breakers to everything but the shack, it disappears and I get an S0-1.
– turning off one breaker at a time doesn’t get rid of it.
– Turning on all of the breakers doesn’t always make it return.
– When it DOES return, it starts at S3, and builds to an S8 over about a 30 second period
– The limits of the hash are from 10.6 MHz through 15.4 MHz.

This is driving me crazy. I think it is more than one piece of equipment.

I blame the lawyers

I ignore signs like the one below, found at the Florida Mall in Orlando:

Or this one, found at Florida Hospital Celebration:

 Or this one, found at Heart of Florida hospital:

Even though these signs do not carry the force of law, and I can legally ignore them, many people tell me that I should not, because I should honor the wishes of the property owner. I wonder if these signs really DO reflect the wishes of the owner, or if they reflect a legal climate that has been forced upon the owner.

This article explains that at least one insurer thinks that insuring a property owner who allows legal concealed carry is too great of a risk. I don’t blame the insurance company. I blame our legal system. Here is why:

If a murderer kills people on a property, the owner of that property is not liable for damages.

If a person carrying a concealed weapon shoots a person on that property, the property owner is liable, unless they prohibit concealed weapons on their property.

This means that a property owner that prohibits concealed weapons is in a win0win scenario: If anyone shoots anyone on their property, they have no liability. A property owner that allows concealed weapons is likewise liable for any shooting that occurs on their property.

This means that the property owner is not freely choosing to prohibit weapons, they are instead choosing to limit liability. Remove that liability, and you remove the incentive for businesses to ban weapons.

Like a bad novel

The government has a record of all communications. They know who leaks information. The government has stated that they can kill anyone that they deem to be a threat to national security, and have already done so. This has slowed leaks to reporters down to nearly zero. Informants and reporters are disappearing or dying under accidental circumstances.

The man who saw Breitbart collapse is missing. A technician in the Los Angeles County coroners office, where Breitbart’s body was taken, died of arsenic poisoning.

The list of people damaging to the government that are waking up dead is getting longer.
Andrew Breitbart dies March 2012. A technician in the coroner’s office that handled the body dies of arsenic poisoning on the day the autopsy results are released.

December 2012:
Job Price, the Navy SEAL that killed Osama Bin Laden dies of apparent suicide.

January 2013:
John Noveske of Noveske Rifle Works died in a car crash.
Aaron Swartz, a computer activist that was known for placing government documents in the public domain, was found hanging in his apartment.
Keith Ratliff committing suicide by duct taping himself to a chair and shooting himself in the back of the head.

February 2013:
Chris Kyle murdered at a gun range in Texas.

May 2013
Andy P. Hart, a public defender for Guantanamo detainees, committed suicide May 2, 2013.
Two members of the FBI’s HRT, involved in the capture of the arrest of the Boston bomber, die in a training accident.
The FBI shoots and kills a person of interest in the Boston bombing in Orlando. (This happened less than a mile from the apartment where I was living at the time.)

June 2013
Michael Hastings dies in a car accident.

There is also Tracy Lawrence, the woman who exposed the foreclosure fraud mess, found dead in 2011.

There were times when I would have passed this off as coincidence and waved the speculation off as a conspiracy theory, but after the Fast and Furious scandal, the NSA scandal, and the announcement that the US can and does execute American citizens without trial is making me wonder. These deaths may all be coincidence. Who can tell? All I know is that if a person were writing a novel, and this were the plot, the editors wold tell them that it was too unrealistic.

“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is Enemy Action.”
Auric Goldfinger

Cop shoots therapy dog

It seems like it is police SOP to shoot every dog you see. A police officer serving a warrant for a traffic offense got the wrong house. He shot a three year old German Shepherd that was a therapy dog.

Of course, police say the officer felt threatened when he opened fire, and say that dog was running towards the officer. The homeowner says the dog was shot through the neck as his 6-year-old grandson played nearby, and he opened the door when he heard the shots to find his crying child covered in blood. The boy wasn’t physically hurt, the blood belonged to the dog.

The big, brave officer remains on active duty, of course.

This link requires pay to read the full article, but there is a free video.

It seems to me that if the cop had the wrong house, he should face some sort of negligence charge. There are those that say the cop’s side of the story hasn’t been heard. The problem is that it never will be. The cop will, as they always do, be excused and nothing will happen. In my mind, a cop serving a warrant on the wrong house should be held personally accountable for anything that happens as a result of him being at the wrong house.


A single mother with four children who earns $2,500 a year in a part time job (that works out to 6 hours a week at minimum wage) gets another $40,000 in government benefits.

 This is why we are seeing generations of children being born that look up and see their 15 year old mother, their 32 year old grandmother, and their 50 year old great grandmother. If they have more kids, they make more money. If they get a job, they get less money in the aggregate by losing more in benefits than they gain in pay.

Left to right, Rhonda Carter (mother),
Mildred Ross (grandmother), Catrice Mitchell

 The above picture was from a study done by the California Department of Agriculture, looking at the multigenerational nutritional habits of black females. (pdf warning) Each generation of daughters was increasingly dependent on WIC and food stamps. (The study also found that the food programs had no impact on dietary quality.)

Almost half of all first children born in the US being born to unwed mothers:

The average age of marriage is increasing to 26.5 years old for women … the median age of first birth for a woman is now 25.7
— meaning that about 48 percent of first births [are] happening outside of

What is happening is that we are penalizing people for working and being productive, and subsidizing them for creating more people who will be dependent on government handouts.

As of November 2012, 47.7 million Americans were receiving on average $134.29 per month in food stamps. There are 11 million on Social Security Disability, and 4 million on welfare. Other programs like WIC, the school lunch program, and the dozens of others make it nearly impossible to figure out how many people are on the government dole. One thing is certain, though: that number will continue to grow until the system collapses under the weight of the nonproductive class.


When I was in the Navy, there was a scandal that happened at the Tailhook convention. There was a lot of drunken debauchery, including a contest where females allowed men to shave their bikini lines, and allowed men to judge the efforts by running their tongues across the area.
In 1992, one of the participants in the shaving contest, a young Navy lieutenant named Paula Coughlin, said she had been sexually assaulted at the 35th Annual Tailhook Symposium in Las Vegas. It turns out that she lied for much of her testimony. She picked officers out of a photo lineup, claiming that they sexually assaulted her, but they were able to prove that they were not even AT the convention. The Navy ran with the accusations, and ruined the careers of 300 officers. Coughlin did all right for herself, cleaning up $5.4 million from the Tailhook Assn. and Hilton Hotels Corporation.
As a result of this scandal, the entire Navy was required to undergo a standown that included sexual sensitivity and harassment training. The thing is, officers were not required to attend, at least not in my command. For those of you who are not military, let me tell you why that is significant: ALL Navy pilots are officers, meaning that the people who were alleged to have done these acts were the very people who were not required to attend the training.
The Navy has always been more about protecting its image than in true justice. That is why I am not surprised by this announcement.

“Experienced” medics

I got a call from a former student of mine who now works at a hospital. She is a critical care medic, and is actually one of the most knowledgeable medics that I know. Her problem? She frequently gets told that her opinion doesn’t count and she doesn’t know what she is talking about because she has only been a medic for two years. We will refer to her as CC medic. Case in point:

First problem

A female patient enters the ED, where this medic is working. She is a 54 year old woman of African descent, and has a pretty severe case of angioedema:

She has a history of hypertension, and is taking Lisinopril HCTZ. There is no other history, and patient denies having any allergies. The ED staff flips their shit, and begins prepping for intubation. The doctor is ordering epinephrine and Benedryl.
CC medic says that this is likely a bradykinin initiated angiedema, brought on by the ACE inhibitor. She tells them that being a bradykinin initiated edema, it will not respond to epinephrine or to histamine blockers. One of the other medics working there, who we will call Old Medic, has more than a decade of experience, tells her to be quiet. He tells her that she is too young to know what she is talking about, and then tells her that “this is obviously anaphylaxis” and to just be quiet and learn. So my medic friend gets mad, says whatever, and leaves the room.
The doctor, seeing how agitated she was, took the time to think about what she said, looked it up, and agreed that she was correct.

Second problem

That same night, a patient had been sedated, chemically paralyzed, and intubated. CC medic notices that the sedation has worn off, and the patient is now awake and has tears in her eyes. She remembers that I taught her that the worst thing to see in an intubated, paralyzed, supposedly sedated patient is tears. (think about how cruel it is to have a tube down your throat and be unable to move, tell anyone, shout for help, or even blink, but be completely awake)
She advocates for the patient by asking for more sedation, and the RN says that she is too busy helping 4 other nurses give tPA to take care of her patient. Old Medic comes over and gives her a speech about how it isn’t within her scope of practice or job description to worry about patients like this, and that she should just mind her own business. The patient did finally get sedated again, but it was 5 minutes later. 5 minutes of being paralyzed and aware of everything. How terrifying and uncaring!

I didn’t realize that caring about your patients and advocating for their well being is wrong and not part of a paramedic’s job description.

Some people have 5 years of experience, and others have a year of experience repeated 5 times. Just because you have been on the job for years doesn’t mean that you have nothing to learn, and doesn’t mean that a newer medic doesn’t know something that you do not, and just because you have never heard of something, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.

Just sayin’.

Fifth Amendment

The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution states:

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous
crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in
cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in
actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be
subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or
limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness
against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without
due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use,
without just compensation.

More specifically, the self incrimination clause, the part that reads “nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness
against himself,” is the part that I want to talk about today. This particular clause has been variously interpreted by the court. On the one hand, we have decisions like Haynes v. US, where the Supreme Court held that a criminal cannot be forced to register his guns, because the act of registering an item that he cannot legally own is tantamount to an admission of guilt, and violates the self incrimination clause.
In the other extreme, that same Supreme Court held in 1927, in US v Sullivan that a person must fill out a tax form, even if in so doing he admits to illegal activity. In contradiction to this, the Supreme court also held in Garner v United States (1976) that a person who answers the tax form does so voluntarily, and therefore was not compelled to be a witness against himself when the information is used against him.

That is why it comes as no surprise to me that the Supreme Court just held that a person who refuses to answer when asked if he broke the law can have the fact that he refused to answer used against him as evidence that he broke the law. According to the Supreme Court, your constitutional rights do not count until the police read you your Miranda warning. Whether or not, and when, you have constitutional rights depends entirely on whether or not and when the police SAY you have those rights, which makes them not rights at all.

In other words, if a cop asks you a question, there are only three possible answers:
1 Admit guilt, in which case you will be thrown in jail.
2 Claim innocence: which of course can be used against you as “obstruction”
3 Refuse to answer: which will be used as an admission of guilt.

The police state gets more restrictive every day.