Still defending him?

To those of you who defended Baldwin, here is a quote directly from the actor:

“I do know an ongoing effort to limit the use of firearms on a set is something I’m extremely interested in.”

Alec Baldwin

He killed someone through his own negligence, and now he is using that incident to work towards banning all firearms in Hollywood movies.

Do you think that antigun lefties would kill someone on purpose, if they thought that more gun control would result from the killing?

Prop guns

There is a lot of discussion of Alec Baldwin’s accidental killing of a person on his movie set. All of the facts indicate that Alec Baldwin was handling some kind of prop firearm, fired that weapon, and two people were injured, one fatally. Those facts don’t seem to be in dispute. There are a few things being debated:

  • Was this a REAL firearm, or a prop?
  • What was the projectile that struck the victims?
  • Who is responsible?

Let’s start with the first question: Was this a real firearm, or a prop? Prop firearms generally fall into 3 categories:

  • Blank firing guns are real firearms in every sense of the word, as defined by the government, and are regulated and handled accordingly. As the name implies, they fire blanks – bullet shell casing with no projectile. 
  • Replica guns are props made with metal, resin, plastic, and/or rubber. Depending on the needs of the production and the scene, they can be made to look identical to real guns. They do not fire, have no firing pin, and are not subject to the same strict regulation and safety requirements as blank guns. 
  • Non-guns are similar to replica guns but have the added feature of an electronically-triggered muzzle flash to simulate a weapon firing.

In this case, it is almost certain that the pistol in question was a blank firing gun. A replica gun would not fire anything, and would not look as if it were firing, no muzzle flash. A non-gun would likely not be capable of firing any sort of projectile.

So that brings us to question #2: What was the projectile that struck the victims?

If it was a real firearm, there are two possibilities: The cartridge was either a “blank” or a “live round.” A blank is the same as a live round, with two exceptions: The bullet is missing, and has been replaced with a cardboard or wax plug, so as to prevent the gunpowder from falling out.

While it is possible for a blank to injure or kill, this only happens at ten feet or less. Once past that range, the cardboard or wax cap has lost most of its speed, and the gases have dissipated to the point that they are no longer dangerous. (As long as we are talking about small arms. A 120mm cannon has a larger muzzle blast that is beyond this discussion)

There was the case of Brandon Lee, who was killed when a bullet was lodged in a pistol barrel from an earlier shooting session where the round was a ‘squib,’ and the gun was subsequently used as a movie prop. The gases from the blank forced the bullet out of the barrel, striking and killing Lee.

Absent a “Lee” style incident, it is likely that the projectile(s) that struck the victims was an actual bullet from a live round.

This brings us to the third question:

There are those who say that it was the responsibility of the prop department to properly check the gun to make sure it was safe for use as a prop, and that it isn’t Baldwin’s fault for the mistakes of the prop department.

I don’t buy this argument. Let me use my experience as a paramedic as an example. Let’s say that we are working on a patient, and I want to give a medication to a patient by injection. One of my coworkers will pull out the vial, use a syringe to draw the medication out of that vial, and hand me the syringe. Before I inject that medication, the person who drew it up for me shows me the vial, the syringe, and says “This is ten milligrams of morphine at 1 milligram per milliliter.” It is then my responsibility to look at the vial and the syringe to verify that was was done is correct. If I don’t, it is my fault if the wrong drug or dose was given.

In the same vein (no pun here), the prop department is there to examine the prop firearm and inspect it for safety. I won’t argue against that. However, the person who pulled the trigger has the ultimate and final responsibility to inspect that firearm to ensure that the barrel is unobstructed, the ammunition in it is only blanks, and that the firearm is pointed at a safe backdrop and isn’t pointed at another human before the trigger is pulled.

If the person using that ‘prop’ hasn’t done that, or doesn’t know HOW to do that, then they are negligent in the required knowledge to use that firearm (prop or not) and SHOULD be held liable, both civilly and criminally. After the incidents that have happened involving firearms on movie sets, it isn’t like Hollywood can say they aren’t aware of the risks.

Baldwin makes MILLIONS to do a movie. If he is going to make that kind of money, he needs to seek out the knowledge and training to do so safely. If he fails to do so, then what happened was 100% his fault.


So it turns out that a live round was used. Baldwin couldn’t have bothered to do a simple inspection of the firearm to ensure that a live round with a bullet on the front wasn’t in the gun.

I think that Baldwin should be prosecuted, but we all know that celebrities are above the law.

I also think that prop guns should be of a caliber that actual, commercial ammunition isn’t compatible with the firearm, and any studio using a commercial firearm that hasn’t been thusly modified should be civilly and criminally liable when an accident happens. Think of a line of guns that fire a .42 caliber short. Since real ammo doesn’t exist in that caliber, there is no chance of a mistake.


Gun Control Activist Kills with Negligent Discharge

Gun control activist Alec Baldwin has a negligent discharge on the set of the movie “Rust” and kills the director of photography. My question is: Why does a movie prop gun need to be capable of firing a projectile? Can’t they be made intrinsically safe? And if they cannot be made safe for whatever reason, then why are they not being forced to follow the four rules?

  1. Always treat every gun as if it were loaded. (even prop guns, if they can fire projectiles)
  2. Always point the muzzle in a safe direction. (not even at film crewmembers)
  3. Always keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
  4. Always be sure of your target and beyond.

If OSHA can be used to require that employees get a COVID vaccine under the guise of workplace safety, then why can’t the same agency ensure that no one is shot and killed on a movie set by mandating the four rules?

I remember Baldwin making fun of Vice President Dick Cheney’s accidental shooting of a hunting companion.
He also more recently commented on Twitter about a police officer-involved shooting where he tweeted, “I wonder how it must feel to wrongfully kill someone…”.

Baldwin tweeted on Sept. 22, 2017, about Huntington Beach police officer Eric Esparza being caught on video shooting dead Dillan Tabares, 27, who’d punched him and reached for his gun.

Well now he knows. Karma is a cast iron bitch.

It is homicide when someone is killed, and Alec Baldwin pulled the trigger. Therefore, even if Baldwin the shooting was accidental, charge him with negligent homicide and leave it to the jury to absolve him. Isn’t that how progressive justice works?

I don’t feel sorry for him at all. Maybe if he knew more about guns, this person wouldn’t be dead.

One thing is for sure. Alec Baldwin, the gun control activist, has killed more people with his guns than I have.


Salon magazine published an article, claiming that gun manufacturers are somehow evil and targeting young boys as future customers. How do they do this, according to Salon? By sponsoring youth shooting clubs and shooters, by creating a “link” to “false machismo” by associating their products with military and police through such tactics as calling their product lines “Military and Police,” or by offering what customers want by selling guns in colors other than black, like “Pink Platinum, Purple Platinum, and Harvest Moon Orange.”  

They do this even as they themselves groom kids to be victims of their sick, perverted pedophile tendencies by publishing article about encouraging transgender children or pushing for laws to allow trannies to use bathrooms alongside their intended victims in elementary schools.

As for me? I’d rather teach kids to shoot, so they can defend themselves from these fucking sick child rapists. I want my grandchildren to be able to shoot these sick fuckers in the face.


As I read the below quote from this article:

consider New York, where the legislature favors restrictions on the Second Amendment. Could it outlaw firearms by deputizing any New Yorker to file million dollar lawsuits against gun owners in the state?

Let me explain why: Once this happens, the people who were sued to the point where their lives are being destroyed can just shoot you in the face. The courts aren’t the final arbiters of what is to be allowed. Try this and you will find out what happens when the consent of the governed is revoked.

Savannah Shooting

A so-called mass shooting in Savannah. Two dead and six injured. While this seems to support the “mass shooting” claims of the left, this is not what most people think of when they think about mass shooters. Like the majority of shootings in the USA, this is one group of black males shooting it out with another group of black males over whatever gang and drug related issues that they consider important.

Chief Minter said preliminary information leads police to believe this shooting stemmed from a conflict between two groups. Savannah Police’s gang unit was on the scene Saturday. Chief Minter said it could be connected to a shots-fired incident on Tuesday in the same area. Chief Minter said no one in the area could provide information to police about Tuesday’s incident.

It was a driveby where gangs shot at each other. 60 shell casings were found, 8 people were shot (including a toddler) and no one saw a thing. Tell me again how cops are the problem in black neighborhoods.

The police chief just spins the problem, and that is the main reason why there IS a problem, and why that problem will not ever be fixed. Eight months ago, the police chief said they need “guns off the street” but aren’t saying a thing about controlling criminal gangs.

Should I tell my neighbors I own guns?

I saw the headline on Slate, and I thought, oh crap. What will this be?

It is a question written by a pair gun owning, liberal Fudds who believe that guns are only for them and not anyone else, it is over the top ridiculous cuckold crap.

They are locked in the attic (which is only accessible from a pull down ladder that even my 6-foot tall spouse can’t reach without a step stool). What do we do here?

This is NOT responsible gun ownership. Your entire idea of securing your guns away from your children is to hide them in a spot where you think your kids can’t find them. As your kids get older, they will find them just like they would find Dad’s porn stash, except that this cuck likely doesn’t look at porn. Here is an idea- as a card carrying anti-gun hunting liberal, why don’t you have a locking gun safe? Isn’t that what you assholes demand of the rest of us?

The advice he gets from Slate is just as bad:

Explain why you have the guns, appease my fears (that you’re pro-strong gun laws), tell me where you keep the guns, and explain how difficult it would be to access them.

Why not do the same with your bank accounts?

How about this:

Me to neighbor: “I own guns. They are locked in a safe unless I am using them to kill small woodland creatures or frighten off some minorities.”