
One of the things that kills me is that whenever anything hits the news, everyone on the Internet becomes an instant expert. It doesn’t matter if the subject is the use of force, medicine, fire suppression, or engineering. Whatever the big news article, the Internet has an easy solution, and since no one has implemented your solution, it must mean that there is a conspiracy of rich guys who are not doing it because reasons.

The fires in LA are no exception. The latest I have been seeing is:

  • how all of LA should be surrounded by a fire suppression sprinkler system that douses the buildings and surrounding countryside to ward off wildfires.
  • Buildings should all be built of the same materials as kilns or perhaps of bricks, so that houses won’t burn.
  • Neighborhoods should build their own reservoirs and hire their own fire departments to protect that specific neighborhood
  • Establish volunteer fire departments where people who live in a neighborhood could defend it

I can think of half a dozen reasons why each of those ideas would fail spectacularly. I am sure that my readers can as well. The easiest and most effective answers are the ones that won’t be used. Again, I use Florida’s wildland forestry system as an example. I spent more than 25 years as a firefighter, have a degree in fire science, and a hold a Red card as a certified Federal wildland firefighter, but I clearly don’t know as much as a Liberal Arts major who works at Starbucks and spends his time solving all of the world’s problems on social media.

Editorial Oversight

Blogs aren’t really news, because they don’t have editors to make sure that they are factually correct. The MSM is so much more factual, because they constantly fact check themselves, and no, the picture isn’t the problem.

The problem is that every single one of the five rifles is currently in use and is roughly a 5.56mm. No mention of the Mauser, or even the Mosin Nagant. More than 100 million copies of those weapons were made, and they have been used in virtually every armed conflict for about 100 years, including two world wars.

More Evidence of Astroturf

From Joe over in North Central Idaho, we find out that “veterans” claiming to be antigun are actually paid spokespeople. I posted about the Harris campaign paying crowds of people to fill a restaurant and fawn all over her. She is paying people to fill social media with posts about how great she is.

Her entire campaign is being created by burning through large amounts of cash. She is raising gobs of money. She has four corporate donors who have each given her campaign a million dollars or more:

  • Google
  • University of California
  • Microsoft
  • Amazon

The US government has donated over $2 million to her campaign. (DOD, Dept of Veteran’s Affairs, HHS, etc.) As of August 21, the Harris campaign has spent $442 million. In four weeks, she spent nearly half a billion dollars. One thing to note is 58% of the money has come from big money donors. What is the money being used for? The largest media campaign I can ever remember seeing- to include paying people to post on social media, as well as big names donating their time (Oprah, Taylor Swift, etc.) and the big networks (MSNBC, Facebook, etc.) getting her message out there.

In all, the Biden campaign spent $3.1 billion on the 2020 election, four times what Trump spent. Kamala will be close to that, but will have spent that cash in less than 4 months. As for Trump, he is already being outspent by at least a 4 to 1 margin.

I was giving blood to a patient last night while she and her husband were watching the Oprah/Harris infomercial on MSNBC. It was set up to look like a town hall, but it was as scripted as any Kabuki theater. I have to admit that, as propaganda, it was well done. They hit all of the talking points and spent an hour doing nothing but making Trump look bad while making it seem as though Harris was the only way to prevent him from killing everyone that isn’t white.

Staying in that room and keeping our mouths shut was a skill that we are all going to have to learn at some point. In the area within one mile of my house, there are three Harris/Walz signs and two Trump signs. The rest of the houses with political signs out front are for other races, such as town commissioner or State Senator, and there aren’t many of those.

Still, keep track of who is supporting whom. Knowing who you can trust to be an informant is a handy bit of information to have. Informants are soon to be everywhere. It is becoming more and more obvious that my predictions are going to come true. Trump will not ever again see the inside of the White House. I’m going to vote because it doesn’t cost anything, but I don’t think it will matter.

We are headed for the big collapse.


The FBI story that I reported on last night will turn out to be one of the most important stories of the year, but not for the reason that everyone immediately thinks. The FBI, without evidence, has accused a couple of Russian nationals of paying conservative bloggers and influencers to support Trump, as if they need money to do so. They make the accusation without any real evidence, and the people being accused are “at large,” meaning that they aren’t going to be making any statements.

This, they claim, means that Russia is attempting to influence our elections in favor of Trump, thus making Trump a Russian agent. As if we haven’t heard this story before. This will undoubtedly push a few thousand swing votes in the direction of HOTUS. I don’t think this will turn the election, because as I have stated before, Trump never had a chance of seeing the Oval Office again.

More importantly, it gives HOTUS a reason to implement her plans of censoring the Internet.

Those evil Russian hatemongers and their leader must be kept from spreading their misinformation and propaganda on the Internet. Kamala will protect us all from the evil Russian menace.


Trump was invited to Arlington to attend the memorial for the troops that died during the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal by the dead soldiers’ families. Biden and Harris were invited as well, but chose not to attend.

The left is in full pearl clutching mode, calling Trump a criminal because he had a photographer there, claiming that it is a crime for political activity to take place at Arlington. Funny, they weren’t too concerned about that last Veteran’s day, when Biden was campaigning there.

Then the left goes on an on about the respect they have for the people buried there. I am old enough to remember when the left thought it was funny to do this:

This illustrates how politics is done today. For $5000, you too can hire an internet reputation company to clean up your online reputation. I would bet that they can even gin up enough astroturf for you to make a run at the Whitehouse.


The huge groundswell of public love for HOTUS? It’s fake. Check it out- people who were in a restaurant in Moon Township, PA were kicked out at 4 pm. A crowd was then bussed in to refill the place

About two hours after the new “patrons” were in place, Kamala and Walz showed up to be greeted by the crowd, with the crowd fawning all over them.

One little beta male thanked Kamala for “bringing it back” (at the 8 minute mark). This is how they are going to press the “Aw, shucks, we are regular folks like all of you. Despite the fact that we have been in charge for the past 4 years, we are going to fix everything that the previous administration did. Everyone loves us” narrative.

It’s all theater. The supposed crowds are all paid actors. The social media is all paid shills. Keep in mind that the place was closed during a crowded event, with normal patrons being kicked out. That means the entire staff was screwed out of their tips. Far from caring about the little guy, HOTUS screwed all of them over.

The press was there, they filmed it, they reported it as if it were a real event. They are complicit. What you are seeing is theater. What you are seeing is that the press is actively conspiring to destroy this nation.

After leaving the restaurant, Harris stopped at a nearby gas station for some Doritos. The gas station is being sued by the Biden administration for using background checks in their hiring process, which the administration says is discriminatory. I wonder if these places will see their lawsuits dismissed for allowing her to use the place, or if this is just legal arm twisting?

Fake administration. Fake support. Fake events. Fake votes. Real communism. Real tyranny.

Real, or Memorex?

Ever since her selection to be the Democrat candidate for President, the Harris campaign has appeared to be an unstoppable juggernaut of popular support. Here is one picture, purportedly showing a huge outpouring of support for her, as she arrives on Air Force 2;

Until you zoom in and take a look at the crowd:

Oopsie, that’s an AI altered picture. Zooming in to the engine, there is no crowd appearing in the reflection. Unless the entire crowd is made up of vampires, which is impossible, because vampires can’t survive in direct sunlight.

The left is saying that anyone who notices this is engaged in a misinformation campaign. Don’t believe your lying eyes- Harris is the most popular candidate ever. They cite Snopes as the authoritative source that this picture is totally not fake, and there were actually over 15,000 people there. After all, if the MSM says it, and Snopes fact checked it, that means it totally happened.

There is no isvestia in Pravda, and there is no pravda in Isvestia.

How To Lie

According to Robert Heinlein, there are three ways to tell a lie:

  • Complete fabrication. This is the means of lying used most by children. The reason is that this is the easiest way to be caught as the liar loses track of what lies they have already told.
  • Tell partial truth, partial falsehood. This is the way that most people lie. You tell the truth, but modify that truth with enough facts to tell the tale you wish to tell.
  • Tell the absolute truth, but tell it in such a way as to misdirect the listener.

With that being said, read these headlines from the leftist media:

This is why I don’t watch traditional media. If I catch you lying to me once, I can never again trust anything that you tell me. Note that they are telling the truth, but are doing so in such a way as to misdirect the receiver of the message. The omission of the key facts completely transform the message, making the received message a different one that the reality that the message was based upon.

You don’t hate our media enough.

In the meantime, I continue making sure that my family is ready for what is coming.