Get Out of Boston

At about 1730 on Saturday evening, a knife wielding man was chasing people while being armed with a knife. The people being chased ran into a Chick Fil A. It so happens than an off duty Boston cop was eating dinner inside at the time. He identified himself and told the assailant to drop the knife. Instead of doing so, he charged the cop and stabbed him. (Tueller drill?) The cop shot his attacker, who was pronounced dead at a local hospital.

All told, it appears to be a good and righteous shoot by one of the few people in Boston who can legally carry a firearm. That would normally be the end of the story, and may or may not earn a blog post here. Except the mayor and police commissioner got involved.

They offered condolences. To the dead attacker and his family.

This is the same mayor that  in late 2023 after hosting a ‘no whites’ Christmas party for ‘electeds of color’ and has vowed to resist Trump and ICE when they attempt to deport illegals. Note that no one is publicly identifying the attacker. I wonder why.

Sue Them All

Stanley Zhong is a recent high school graduate who was hired by Google as a PhD level software engineer. He is suing the University of California and the US Department of Education. Why?

Because Stanley has a 4.4 GPA on a 4 point scale, and scored a 1590 out of 1600 on his SATs, yet was not accepted into any state school. He is suing because other students, not as well qualified as he, were accepted. He says that it is discrimination against Asians.

I agree.

Cal Poly, one of the schools who rejected him, has this to say about their “diversity” admissions:

The freshman class at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly) is diverse, with a high percentage of women, students from underrepresented communities, and first-generation college students.

Cal Poly defines an underrepresented minority student as someone who is Hispanic, African American, Native American, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, or multi-racial with at least one of those four ethnicities. Note that Asians and whites don’t count.

Take them to the cleaners, Stanley.


A comedian at the NY Trump rally called Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage. The left is going nuts, calling the comment, and by extension the entire rally, “racist.”

  • Puerto Rican isn’t a race.
  • Puerto Rico IS an island of garbage. I have been there- and it is indistinguishable from a third world shithole. That has nothing to do with the race or ethnicity of the people there. They could be as white as Norwegians, and I would still say that the place looking like that would still look like a shithole floating island of garbage.

From my post of 2022:

Puerto Rico is a socialist disaster of a state, and if we are being honest, the entire island more closely represents a third world shithole than it does the US. I’m talking politically and visually. The tax rates are high, with a corporate rate of 37.5%, a personal income tax at 33%, and 11.5% sales taxes. On top of all of that, residents also pay US Social Security taxes, but not Federal Income taxes. In exchange, the US pays about $40 billion a year to Puerto Rico. In all, the government of Puerto Rico takes in about $12 billion in taxes, plus the $40 billion in US Federal money for a population of about 3.6 million, or about $14,400 per capita.

I would like to see the place get cut loose to become its own country. I just don’t see the benefit that the island gives the US.

Trivia fact: 1 in every 4 people who reside in Florida are originally from New York, Puerto Rico, or are illegals from Central and South America. As Wilkow says: “You can’t bring there to here without here becoming there.”

I am frustrated listening to, and arguing with, morons.

Racist Left

The left thinks that blacks are too stupid to get on the Internet, and also think that blacks in Florida are all convicted felons and can’t vote.

But it’s the right that is racist.

Not Transactional

A couple won $3300 at the Indian casino in the Tampa area. I’ve gambled there a few times myself. They were followed home by a couple of the local Amish population. The robbers shot both of them before robbing them. The left always tells you that these robbers are just looking for money to feed their kids, and all you have to do is give them what they want. This case proves this to be untrue.

Watch the video here in this story, and a couple of things jump out at you:

  • Why is there a screaming chick on every shooting video? What does shrieking do to help anyone?
  • Note that the bad guys just started shooting, without making demands first. How can you give them what they want, if they start shooting before saying a word?

Let’s check out the people who did the shooting:

Tristan Wright

Marcus Jenkins. He has a history of being a criminal loser in Hillsboro- multiple evictions, crimes, and even charges of aggravated battery, which was pled down to misdemeanor simple assault.

A third suspect, who was the getaway driver, is still being sought. The couple who were robbed?

Waving cash around and being ostentatious with gold chains and a large, expensive gold watch is just asking to get robbed. I know that society shouldn’t be that way, but the reality is that you can’t show off wealth, or criminals will be tempted.

So how can you avoid this happening to you?

  • White chick and black boyfriend robbed by black males. If you hang out with the most violent demographic in the nation, you will get caught up in violence. Don’t hang out with black people. They are the most violent, criminal demographic in the nation, making up 13% of the US population, but committing 56% of the homicides. If you hang out with them, you will likely get caught up in their culture of violence and crime.
  • Be armed when you go places. (Even though casinos are off limits in Florida for carry- have it in your car, or find another way)
  • Keep your eyes peeled for people who are following you. The investigators informed the couple that the suspects had been shadowing them for two hours, tracking them back to their home, yet the couple didn’t see the men following them.

Better Than You

California Senate committee advances a bill that would provide no money down/zero percent interest home purchase loans to illegal immigrants. The amount of the loan is for up to 20% of the home’s value, and is intended to permit the illegal to come up with the down payment for a traditional mortgage. The loan is to be repaid when the home is refinanced, sold, or transferred. If a family decides to hold on to a home, there are no provisions for repayment, potentially allowing the loan to not be paid back. Ever.

No add to this Harris’ proposal to hand out another $25k, and you see what’s going to happen in California. Illegals will be the only ones who can afford homes in California.

I Noticed

I noticed that WKMG always mentions the race of accused criminals when the criminal is white.

They never do so when the criminal is black, even when that black criminal is an armed robber, or when he is a child molester who murdered a 13 year old girl while he was raping her. Or when a pair of Canadians and their mudshark girlfriend are shooting at a crime victim, but more on that in another post.

I Can’t Ignore This One

A large fight involving over 100 guests of the Canadian persuasion broke out in an Orlando Waterpark owned by Sea World.

The incident resulted in police locking down and evacuating the park.