
If i were to hypothetically park a Tesla in my driveway, would that be considered hunting over a baited field? This website is publishing the names and addresses of some Tesla owners, along with this advice:

If you’re on the hunt for a Tesla to unleash your artistic flair with a spray can, just step outside—no map needed! At DOGEQUEST, we believe in empowering creative expressions of protest that you can execute from the comfort of your own home.

DOGEQUEST neither endorses nor condemns any actions.

Before you embark on any adventure, we highly recommend checking out the No Trace Project.

That link to the no trace project includes instructions for hiding your identity as you commit acts of violence. The quote from their site is prima facie evidence of criminal intent.

No trace, no case. A collection of tools to help anarchists and other rebels understand the capabilities of their enemies, undermine surveillance efforts, and ultimately act without getting caught.

So here is my reminder and warning for those who would try this shit:

Florida 776.08: “Forcible felony” means treason; murder; manslaughter; sexual battery; carjacking; home-invasion robbery; robbery; burglary; arson; kidnapping; aggravated assault; aggravated battery; aggravated stalking; aircraft piracy; unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a destructive device or bomb; and any other felony which involves the use or threat of physical force or violence against any individual.

Why is this important? Well, if the damage you cause is $1,000 or more to repair, it is felony criminal mischief. If you start a fire, arson is a forcible felony. In Florida, it is lawful for someone to use deadly force if they reasonably believe that force is necessary to prevent the imminent commission of that felony.

(2) A person is justified in using or threatening to use deadly force only if he or she reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony. A person who uses or threatens to use deadly force in accordance with this subsection does not have a duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground if the person using or threatening to use the deadly force is not engaged in a criminal activity and is in a place where he or she has a right to be.

I know the range from my house to every driveway on my street. Think about that for a minute. You are engaged in terrorism, and I will not let that shit go down on my street. If you mean to have a war, let it start here and now.

Don’t Let Your Guard Down

I spent years telling everyone who would listen, and some who wouldn’t, that the US was being subjected to an attempted coup. I pointed out that Antifa and BLM were carrying out attacks and ambushes like they were receiving professional training, equipment, and funding. This Central Florida cell is a prime example. The entire thing was following the CIA insurgency manual. Many people thought I was nuts. They told me that my tinfoil hat was too tight. One prominent blogger publicly laughed at me.

Now seeing all of the things that DOGE is turning up, it turns out that I was right. Our own government was trying to toss out legitimate elected officials and take over. They were using our own tax dollars to do it.

Don’t think that it’s over. Trump has given us a brief respite, but they will start up again. Soon. Perhaps as soon as the run up to next year’s elections.

Antifa Security Soldier

A tranny named Philip Vincent Haskins-Delici who has declared that he is one of the fake genders and calls himself Isabel Rosa Araujo and believes himself to be an “Antifa Supersoldier” who is a part of the Rose Hill Antifa security and selects political targets to be the subject of physical attacks was charged with attacking a woman last year. Here is the asshole in his COSPLAY gear:

Note the “Antifa Supersoldier” patch

He sees himself as some sort of warrior, and frequently posts pictures of himself holding weapons, mostly knives.

Sure, he looks like a ridiculous little pussy, but remember that he is violent, and he is getting away with attacking people. That is as dangerous as he needs to be. In this case, his victim was a woman who burned a Koran. He walked up to her, told her that she had until the count of 5 to leave and began counting. When he reached 3, he sprayed her in the face with a chemical irritant and was subsequently arrested and charged with fourth-degree assault, harassment, and unlawful use of mace.

The charges were dismissed on Tuesday by Multnomah County Judge Adrian Lee Brown decided to dismiss the case without prejudice despite the prosecutor’s objections. He might be a pussy, but with the power of the Oregon judiciary behind him, he is as dangerous as he needs to be.

He often brags on social media that he is armed with an “arsenal” of weapons. His arsenal of weapons?

Imagine thinking that $1500 in pepper spray, throwing stars, and knives is a serious arms race. Again, this seems stupid, but remember that he is getting away with this because he has the might of the local law behind him. If one were to use force to defend oneself from him, you would go to jail. That’s why you don’t hear a lot about Antifa in places where self defense laws haven’t been corrupted.

He has made death threats directed at former Portland Public Safety Commissioner Rene Gonzalez and against reporter Andy Ngo. He once bragged that he “detains” people for questioning in connection with “crimes against Antifa and the people.” One of his threats:

I vow in the second half of the 2020s to defeat Andy Ngo, give him his ‘October 7th’ and destroy the last manifestation of Internet cyber stalker in existence for Me.”

This is nothing but domestic terrorism:

Other members of this asshole’s circle include violent Antifa member and convicted criminal Melissa Lewis (@M_Claudio_West), and Portland communist Piper Smith (@yourfriendpiper) tries to incite arson attacks on political targets that oppose Antifa.

As I posted earlier, Florida has active cells of Antifa that we all need to be on the lookout for.

Keep making lists and keep gathering intelligence. Trump may be in office, but that doesn’t mean that the communists have stopped fighting.

Antifa Active Again

A USF student participated in the pro-Gaza/anti-Israel protests back in April. The group of protesters was armed with umbrellas and shields made of wood. They violently took over campus and were making demands of the university. They stood there together in a circle with arms locked as tear gas was deployed and refused to stop disrupting campus.

“We had demands for USF to disclose their investment portfolios and divest in companies that were supporting the genocide in Palestine,” Hinckley said.

She even made a statement just after the protest telling everyone what she had done.

The college held a hearing, alleging that she and other students violated school rules and the law when they used violence to disrupt campus activities. As a result of that hearing, she was expelled just three days before completing her degree in women’s studies.

“I had a formal hearing where they called witnesses from USF side, and I was able to have my witnesses there as well, and they found me allegedly responsible for six charges, including possession of weapons and firearms, which I did not have,” she said.

“I was only one assignment away from having my full diploma,” Hinckley said.

Three days before graduation, Hinckley was expelled from USF.

Now she and the other students, are claiming that the college violated their rights to free speech. Free speech doesn’t include carrying weapons while disrupting campus and refusing to leave when told to do so. It’s no different than what the J6 protesters were accused of that sees them languishing in prison (although in the case of J6, there is evidence that the police invited them into the building).

Before anyone feels sorry for her, she is a known and unrepentant communist insurrectionist.

The organization that Hinkley is President of, Students for a Democratic Society, was suspended from campus because the group was responsible for two counts of disruptive conduct and a failure to comply for protests that happened a week prior when they marched to the Dean for Students’ office, chanting to demand a meeting, blocking a staircase and chanting in the Dean’s office.

In fact, it appears as though she spent more time protesting than she did actually attending classes. The college, it seems, had had enough and decided to get rid of her. Clearly university students with these bullshit majors do not have enough to keep them busy. They have a lot of time to protest a lot of things. When I was in college, I was working a job (sometimes two of them) and going to school full time. I had no time to protest.

It seems that she hasn’t learned her lesson, because the continues to protest against the college. That won’t stop Biden from paying off her student loans.

The other student who lead the protests with Hinkley is a Columbian who is here on a student visa. Because he was suspended, he faces the revocation of his visa and possible deportation. I just don’t give a shit. You were given a STUDENT visa so you could go to college, not so you could participate in violent protests. Get the fuck out and go back to Columbia.

For more on the activities of known communists in the Tampa area, please see my earlier posts on the active Antifa cells in the area.


Florida Highway Patrol arrested 3 people for blocking exit 67 from Interstate 4 on Saturday afternoon. They (and one other) parked across all three lanes of the exit at about 5 pm, holding up “Free Palestine” signs and covering their faces with keffiyehs. The exit that they blocked is heavily trafficked, as it is the main entrance to the Disney complex just to the southwest of Orlando.

One of those arrested was 26 year old Isabella Giannosa. Since the address listed in the booking report is in Oveido, she is likely a student at the University of Central Florida. She looks like you would expect, kind of like Radar O’Reilly’s illegitimate child.

The second one arrested was 24 year old Jenni Nguyen lives in Winter Garden. She is the “Reproductive Justice Coordinator” for Florida Access Network, who calls themselves the only “queer and bipoc abortion provider” in Florida.

Here she is at an Orange County commission meeting back in November.

The third arrestee was My Donga Truong, also 24 years old and living in Oviedo.

Reports are that at some point, a motorist confronted them and threatened to thrash them within an inch of their lives, so they moved over a bit and let that guy through.

The left keeps insisting that this is peaceful protesting. Bullshit. There are only two ways to secure someone’s cooperation: voluntary agreement, or coercion. By physically blocking the road, you are using coercion. That is not peaceful, that is force. However, you don’t have to respond to these retards by using a violent response. The idiots are blocking the pavement, but they have left plenty of nice, fresh grass to simply drive around their stupid roadblock.

If they then try to jump in front of my car to hold me prisoner, then there will be a more forceful response from me. It won’t even involve a firearm. Just a gas pedal.

Intel Report

This is an intel report on seven of the ten agitators who were arrested at USF this week. It makes for interesting reading. All information found from public sources and publicly available government records.

  • Adnan Yousef Elyaman. DOB 12/3/2003. There is a pediatrician of the same name in Ocala, Florida, just with the first and middle names reversed. His father? From the middle east. Charged with misdemeanors
  • Jake ‘Yaakov’ Geffon. DOB 9/24/2000. He is a writer for the magazine “Creative Loafing” which is the Communist rag for the Tampa area that’s been pressing for rent control. He also claims to be a member of the Progressive Jewish Coalition of Central Florida and also appears to be a member of the Progressive People’s Action, Inc. Felony Battery on a LEO
  • Daniel Powell. DOB 8/24/1991. There is a person who is a director at Progressive People’s Action, Inc- a 30 year old woman named Kelsey Powell. I am not sure if they are related, but it is a coincidence at the very least. Misdemeanor Charges.
  • Anas Khalid Juma DOB 10/7/2002- Part of Muslim Students Association at USF. looks like December would have been graduation date. Misdemeanor charges
  • Sara Fayiz. DOB 11/5/1998. Her parents are from Afghanistan, with her father being the President of Global Humanitarian Resources Inc and owns a martial arts studio. Her mother is the owner of the Fayiz Foundation, a social justice organization dedicated to financially helping people from Afghanistan. Misdemeanor charges.
  • Cameron Pressey. DOB 4/20/1997. He was arrested for trespassing, but came back the very next day. Wouldn’t this be a violation of his bond? Unsurprisingly, a registered democrat. He works as a biologist for Florida’s FWC.
  • Leonardo Tilelli. DOB 10/27/2000. His Instagram page has links to the Palestinian Youth Movement, Students for Socialism, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, and other communist/socialist organizations. It appears as though he was active with Antifa as well. Charged with Felony Resisting with Violence.

That’s all I have for now. I am out of time to research the rest. Perhaps another day. Remember- it’s an election year, and the communists continue with their juvenile, yet dangerous violence. Keep your head on a swivel, stay armed, and stay informed.

But you banned me from social media for spreading ‘disinformation’

Data Point

Ten people were arrested in Tampa on Tuesday when cops shut down the riots at the USF campus that I posted about. Atah Othman (bottom, second from right) was carrying a firearm tucked in his waistband, even though it is illegal to do so.

Though the Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society was suspended by USF last week for causing a disruption on campus, the group was allowed to hold a protest Tuesday near the Martin Luther King Jr. Plaza on campus, Fox 13 reported. They were given a 5 p.m. deadline to end their rally and leave the property.

100 protesters showed up to campus, many of them not associated with USF, bringing with them various items including wood shields, umbrellas and tents.

Just before 5 p.m., law enforcement warned protesters they had 15 minutes to leave before tear gas and rubber bullets would be used to disperse them. Tear gas was used on them around 5:15 p.m. and the area was cleared by about 6 p.m. Supporters call the use of tear gas on protesters “a violation of human rights.”

“We at Florida Palestine Network strongly condemn USF police department’s violent use of chemical munition and brutality to disperse student encampment protesters in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. The use of force against peaceful protestors is a violation of human rights and undermines the principles of free speech and assembly, Since the inception of the encampment, USF administration had initiated aggression and violence against students. They have escalated and compounded this aggression through reinforcement of local police forces to silence students and violently refuse divestment demands. We want to be clear that commitment to the Palestine liberation movement will only grow as the state continues its violent crackdown.”

the Florida Palestine Network on Instagram

I have some interesting intelligence to share. That will be coming in another post soon. I am filing this post under the category ‘Antifa’ because, well, let’s face it, they are all related, aren’t they?

Antifa Organization

The reason for all of the medical posts is that I have been under the weather for a few days, and I had those on deck in the event I couldn’t post anything. I have some kind of respiratory infection that has knocked me for a loop. I was working last night and had to leave work early because I just couldn’t do it. I’ve been sleeping for the past 14 hours, and now I am going to try to go to work again tonight, fortified with more drugs than Motley Crue.

For the moment, take a look at this post from Matt Bracken which is a photo breakdown of this video. You can also read Peter’s comments on these events here. Now ask yourself (and be honest- there is no point of lying to yourself out of bravado)

Do you and your prepper friends have this kind of command and control? Drones for recon, fast reaction ATVs, radio coordination? These guys are effective because they are willing to do whatever it takes to win, and they are obviously getting training and equipment from somewhere. Look at the ambush tactics here. Even two years ago, they were well trained, funded, and equipped. They have a nationwide organization that is operating like a CIA led operation. Think about the implications.

Tons of people responding on both threads, complete with chest thumping about how “If that had been my car…” derp, derp. Watch the video. There is a woman in the crowd yelling “shoot him.” You can say that we have guns all you want, but most people are not willing to take the actions that will be required of them. Most don’t even understand just how savage they will have to be in such a conflict. Don’t underestimate these people. They’re not fucking around and they’re zealots. It’s time to stop with the chest thumping and bravado. They are preparing, while we are sitting around talking about how the war will be short.

Election season is underway. There will be more and more violence leading up to that. Know where the cells in your area are.

Get ready for what is coming.