A tranny named Philip Vincent Haskins-Delici who has declared that he is one of the fake genders and calls himself Isabel Rosa Araujo and believes himself to be an “Antifa Supersoldier” who is a part of the Rose Hill Antifa security and selects political targets to be the subject of physical attacks was charged with attacking a woman last year. Here is the asshole in his COSPLAY gear:

He sees himself as some sort of warrior, and frequently posts pictures of himself holding weapons, mostly knives.

Sure, he looks like a ridiculous little pussy, but remember that he is violent, and he is getting away with attacking people. That is as dangerous as he needs to be. In this case, his victim was a woman who burned a Koran. He walked up to her, told her that she had until the count of 5 to leave and began counting. When he reached 3, he sprayed her in the face with a chemical irritant and was subsequently arrested and charged with fourth-degree assault, harassment, and unlawful use of mace.
The charges were dismissed on Tuesday by Multnomah County Judge Adrian Lee Brown decided to dismiss the case without prejudice despite the prosecutor’s objections. He might be a pussy, but with the power of the Oregon judiciary behind him, he is as dangerous as he needs to be.
He often brags on social media that he is armed with an “arsenal” of weapons. His arsenal of weapons?

Imagine thinking that $1500 in pepper spray, throwing stars, and knives is a serious arms race. Again, this seems stupid, but remember that he is getting away with this because he has the might of the local law behind him. If one were to use force to defend oneself from him, you would go to jail. That’s why you don’t hear a lot about Antifa in places where self defense laws haven’t been corrupted.
He has made death threats directed at former Portland Public Safety Commissioner Rene Gonzalez and against reporter Andy Ngo. He once bragged that he “detains” people for questioning in connection with “crimes against Antifa and the people.” One of his threats:
I vow in the second half of the 2020s to defeat Andy Ngo, give him his ‘October 7th’ and destroy the last manifestation of Internet cyber stalker in existence for Me.”
This is nothing but domestic terrorism:

Other members of this asshole’s circle include violent Antifa member and convicted criminal Melissa Lewis (@M_Claudio_West), and Portland communist Piper Smith (@yourfriendpiper) tries to incite arson attacks on political targets that oppose Antifa.
As I posted earlier, Florida has active cells of Antifa that we all need to be on the lookout for.
Keep making lists and keep gathering intelligence. Trump may be in office, but that doesn’t mean that the communists have stopped fighting.
Aesop · January 23, 2025 at 6:58 am
“My, what big eyes you have, Philip. Be a shame if someone put a .22LR into one of them from a distance, and used a suppressor, wouldn’t it?”
People who can’t define “minute of angle” shouldn’t FAFO with people who can.
Just a hunch from hundreds of miles away, but I suspect Phil’s days as an Antifa Security Soldier (what an appropriate acronym that becomes!) are numbered. Ask Moldylocks. And I don’t think a Multnomah judge is going to step up and take a bullet for Phil.
“These people never give up.”
Divemedic · January 23, 2025 at 8:12 am
Let’s be honest- no one is going to do shit. I’ll believe otherwise when Antifa members start turning up dead
dc · January 23, 2025 at 10:07 am
This is too easy; I think that many of these folks are affiliated Fed Operatives, whether knowing or not. Think of it as illegal baiting.
Divemedic · January 23, 2025 at 10:37 am
That’s called normalcy bias. If the Feds were that embedded, the 2020 riots and CHOP/CHAZ wouldn’t have happened.
Old geezer · January 23, 2025 at 10:26 pm
not sure if you remember this one. the guy got away with murder.
Divemedic · January 24, 2025 at 7:37 am
I did several posts about that one, back when it happened
Old geezer · January 24, 2025 at 11:30 am
the dismissed murder charge could not have been a more clear message
stopsign · January 23, 2025 at 10:20 pm
I’d prefer them to just stop turning up… if you get my drift.
Xzebek · January 23, 2025 at 11:14 pm
Think about this comment and think again
Dead bodies showing up bring responses. It’s much better that they become missing.
Rick · January 24, 2025 at 1:53 pm
Coyotes are cunning and clever. And they have teeth. But string up one dead ‘yote and they all know that is forbidden ground. Ask any rancher.
A dead tifa on a lamp post sends the same message.
Aesop · January 24, 2025 at 2:06 pm
Everything is always on the menu.
Neither alternative precludes the other.
And outside of the People’s Republic of Portland,
most of Oregon is redder than Oklahoma, when last I looked.
That will not end well for Pantifa.
The quickest way to make them realize the state’s minions aren’t omnipotent at protecting them, is when they find out they have skin in the game, even in blue hives.
That’s when the rest of them start self-deploying back to their basements.
Every. Single. Time.
And if DM could dox this moron in about 3 seconds, how much farther ahead of the curve do you figure some fine folks in the Beaver State might be…?
“If you can be seen, you can be shot.
If you can be shot, you can be killed.” – every Army infantry training class since about 1750
Divemedic · January 24, 2025 at 2:21 pm
The only reason he is still alive is that no one has yet been sufficiently motivated
Aesop · January 25, 2025 at 1:57 pm
He also keeps chamging residences, because the locals keep doxxing him.
Which bespeaks a certain impetus on their part to close accounts, at some point.
Xzebek · January 24, 2025 at 10:23 pm
That is very true
Aesop · January 24, 2025 at 5:03 am
When they do, you’ll never hear about it.
It doesn’t serve the narrative.
mike · January 23, 2025 at 7:15 am
antifawatch has a national database broken down by state. You can compile and submit your own reports on named individuals if you link arrest and or court records or published news reports on these people you can footnote. You can submit or update reports on anyone engaged in left wing militant behavior and not just @ntifa.
Das Bunker · January 23, 2025 at 11:33 am
The glorious peoples republic of Oregon (CPUSA), try that in a Red State.
I can’t wait for please face wall now comrades on the left coast.
Chutes Magoo · January 23, 2025 at 12:02 pm
This fat sack hasn’t fucked with the right person yet! I’m sure once it does it disappears like an fart in a brisk wind.
SoCoRuss · January 23, 2025 at 12:49 pm
Yes, a lot of these ninja warrior clowns make you burst out laughing. BUT, no matter how crazy someone is, they CAN and Will hurt you or family. So while you laugh. Take these fuckers seriously.
BTW, Antifa does have very serious and trained personnel also, these clowns put out in front can be a very effective cover and draw fire to divert you from the guys coming in from your flanks.
Tanfj · January 24, 2025 at 1:04 pm
I wonder how far you would get claiming legitimate self defense and kidnapping or illegal detainment.
“Here is video evidence of said corpse threatening my life and illegally detaining me while commiting aggravated assault.” “No, I did not wait until he stabbed me. When he assaulted me, then threatened my life I took him at his word. Can I be reimbursed for ammo expenses? That stuff isn’t cheap, your Honor.”
Slow Joe Crow · January 23, 2025 at 1:12 pm
It is significant that Zhe has not poked zhir nose outside the protected area of Portland. South of Eugene and East of the Cascades is a very different place that does not tolerate violent Leftists.
Exile1981 · January 23, 2025 at 3:05 pm
Thats a whole lot of crazy in one bag of shit. It likely believes it’s untouchable because the security apparatus has rewarded it for its actions. I notice none of the arsenal involves items that need background checks….
It will end up dead at some point, either its handlers will decide its no longer a useful idiot or it will be taken by someone defending themselves.
lynn · January 24, 2025 at 4:14 pm
We need to send this guy to Yemen or somewhere equivalent.
Scot Irish · January 24, 2025 at 11:26 pm
Hard to take serious. Seems staged.
Why would it be such a pussy?
The Southern Nationalist · January 26, 2025 at 7:40 am
I’d love to see this clown in a real fight, one good punch to the gut and he’d be throwing up his/her/it’s soy latte crap.
Steady Steve · January 26, 2025 at 4:11 pm
It’s judges like that one who need to be doxxed and perhaps reminded that they can be touched. If only one of them is dealt with properly, and the DA refuses to prosecute as a gesture of FAFO, their support for the leftist crazies will suddenly disappear.
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